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  3. I have never posted before but am now unable to resist The Consumer Action Group has done amazing things. It has placed power back in the hands of ordinary people and forced big companies like Norwich Union the largest insurance company in the United Kingdom to listen to the voice of ordinary people, no mean feat. The placing of an customer service advisor on this site is a calculated PR exercise designed to convince the ordinary people that Norwich Union is committed to customer satisfaction. Norwich Union provides most of the business for the legal expenses insurance companies and for that they have high expectations. If the legal expenses insurers accepts a claim from a policy holder of another insurance company and the third party is insured with Norwich Union they advise the legal expenses insurer that they will withdraw their business if the handler proceeds against the Norwich Union policy holder. If the handler continues, asserting their loyalty to their client, Norwich Union will use the business relationship to make unsubstantiated allegations to managers about the conduct of the handler. The legal expenses insurer cannot risk the loss of the Norwich Union business and will then seek to convince the client that their claim will not succeed or else they will pay the claim themselves to prevent any complaint to the FOS. The reason for Norwich Union doing business with companies of dubious business practices? Tandom must now make his/her own assumptions on the reasons behind the relationship.
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