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  1. Thanks for the advice guys! I have been in contact with the DVLA by phone. Yes the DVLA are claiming I never sent off my test pass papers & under the above rule need to re-take my test. I did send this off (within 2 days let alone 2 years I was so exited I passed) & I did receve a paper licence. I have read on hear that approx 10 years ago the DVLA did loose a lot of records some how? I just cannot beleve the situation I am in over there mistake. Let alone the further expence (going into there pocket) I now need to take my theory, practical etc again. Luckily I dont depend on driving for my job, or was not pulled over by the Police. I think a letter to a national newspaper in needed along with a trip to see my Solicitor. Thanks again everyone! I will keep you posted hear (if you dont see me in the Dailly Mirror first lol)
  2. Yes paper licence lost. I have contacted the DVLA for a replacement & they have said I never sent off my application for a licence. As this needed to be done within 2 years of passing my test I now need to re-sit the whole thing again??? I have explained I did apply & did actualy receive a paper licence that I have realised I have lost. But they say they have no recoed of this & my pass is void????
  3. I passed my test (04/01/1999) I applied for my (paper) licence. I bought a brand new car right away but have since sold it on & not owned a car since (That was about 2001/2002) I now want a new car & was thinking of applying for a photo licence but have realised I have lost my paper one! MY BIG PROBLEM! I have contacted the DVLA to report my licence as lost. The DVLA have a record of me passing my driving theory & practical exam but...... Have NO record of my application for a Driving Licence????? They advised this needed to be done within 2 years of me passing my test & as it has not been done I need to re-take my test, theroy etc etc again! They are denying me ever holding a paper licence (I would love to find it now) Do I seek advice from my Solicitor over this or is there ANYTHING I can do?????? Thanks for the help & advice!
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