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Posts posted by flumps1976

  1. You can be directed to open and use a Universal Job Match account if your adviser thinks it is a suitable option for you to have the account. It is not mandatory to give DWP access to view the account.

    It is mandatory to create a UJM account from 04/03/2013 but you can refuse to set up from home due to the cookies, but if there is internet access elsewhere that you can utilise you will be advised to use UJM from that facility.

  2. STBA's are only considered if the claim has been processed at the beginning of the claim and a claimant is in need of money urgently or if there is a relevant change in circumstances that would result in an increase payment of the normal weekly payment.

    If neither if these is appropriate a claimant will be directed to the local authority to request help through their crisis assistance.


    If the claim was closed/suspended die to non receipt of the ESA50 then you can usually request that the claim is put back into payment and give reasons why the form was not returned in time (OP case non receipt of the form), and the claim will then be passed on receipt of the request to a /DM to consider the reasons, if good cause is accepted then the claim will be put back in payment but if not accepted then the claimant will not receive further payment until they have attended a medical.


    The number of appeals has rocketed and the Benefit Centres ESA departments are struggling to cope with the work loads.

  3. A new claim to benefit be it IS, JSA or ESA takes an average of 10 working days following receipt of all information when it is received at the Benefit Centre, (rapid reclaims are usually input from the claim application and payment released if due when the claimant attends the office for JSA), so you attended on 2oth May the claim would have been sent via internal courier to the Benefit Centre either the 20th or 21st depending on what time the courier is collected and if the FA who pushes the claims was able to do so before the post leaving.

    based on you assuming the claim was sent on 20th you could realistically expect to hear on or around the 4th June.

  4. Still waiting for the next office meeting to go through the post work program support, I don't know any details as yet so can't answer anything specifically sorry.


    Once I've attended the meeting and understood I will do my best to advise on what I can although no doubt some of it will be information that I will not be able to disclose until go live so to speak, so nothing personal but until I know I won't get involved in any speculation.

  5. If you are able to attend a local JCP office you could ask that you are booked a customer service appointment for a copy of the A2 review form to be scanned over to the relevant BC to allow them to be able to lift the suspension.

    However the A2 review forms are not held at the JCP office so you may also need to ask that the form is scanned over to them beforehand to be printed off for you to complete firstly.

  6. Jasta11 when I log in to view a claimant account during signing the record only shows the application history and activity history as dates no times are logged.


    The entire digital system was unavailable for a few days last week and I believe some ares are still playing up.

    Doesn't make me feel confident for the future where everything will be online.

  7. Jasta11, yep we get that quite a but where a claimant attends the referral interview at JCP but starts work before they attend the induction at work program and then I get calls from the providers asking for work information so they can try to claim their referral fee and performance bonus as it's quicker than waiting for the WP07b form to report the change in circumstances.

    All they get from me is "the WP07b is in the post".

    If the induction is not completed as the claimant has already started work they still try to contact and once again call to check the details they hold are correct.

  8. No Mr P unfortunately once you have been mandated to the work program you are mandated for the full 2 years and they are contracted to keep in regular contact with the claimant even if no longer in receipt of benefits.

    It doesn't actually matter what the claimant wants sorry. However the regular contact could be anything from weekly to 3 or 6 monthly, they will attempt to agree that with the claimant when they leave the benefits system.

    Contact is no optional however you do have a choice of opening post, emails or answering text messages phone calls etc so if you choose not to respond then that is you choice but they will keep attempting contact.

  9. Once you have been referred to Work Program they are supposed to keep in contact with you for the duration of the 2 year appointment regardless of if you are still claiming benefits or have signed off to start work, or any other change in circumstances.

    Withdrawing consent dies not stop them contacting you only stops them from contacting any possible employer, but they will still put in for their performance bonus even if they can't confirm you have started work.


    If you wanted to be very sneaky you could always reply to their letter stating that you are no longer claiming benefits and are not working (they can't claim the bonus then) and you can state that it will not be worth contacting you in writing again as you are considering moving address and are no longer obliged to inform them of your whereabouts.

  10. If it is an actively seeking referral then it will be a referral for a disallowance of 1 or 2 weeks with a sanction to follow that so that you effectively lose your JSA for a total of 4 weeks.

    If you are disallowed payment of JSA then yes unfortunately your housing benefit could be effected.

  11. You had DART action taken to take your reasons why you missed the appointment, a decision was made that a sanction is appropriate, you have received the notification letter from the benefit centre and have the subsequently requested a reconsideration which has not been revised/changed.

    You my be able to claim for hardship allowance on form JSA/ESA10JP which you get ask for at the JCP and you may wish to request an appeal of the decision and you can also get this form GL24DWP from your JCP too.


    The DART referral are sent electronically now and decisions are made much faster on average within 48 hours of the referral being sent

  12. In England I know that the fit note cannot just be scanned across or sent via the HOTT tool within the JCP an appointment for this can only be booked if the original fit note has been lost in the post and a duplicate has been issued and only then if the payment is outstanding and not before.


    I have known the contact centre book the appointments in without checking first and then the Benefit Centre state that the fit note should be posted as normal :o

  13. What was the original referral for?

    If it was for a referral for Actively Seeking or an availability doubt then it will be a 2 week disallowance followed by an automatic 2 week sanction.

    Sometimes the notification letters are inhibited so the notification is not posted out but in this case the responsibility for making enquiries now falls to the customer to determine if payment has been disallowed, then a customer is required to complete form JSA4rr (rapid reclaim) or JSA1 if there has been a change in circumstances during the period of disallowance, however for a period of disallowance that now covers the 13th May for JSA1ILS replaces the JSA4rr.

  14. Have you completed form ESA3 to see if you have an entitlement to receive income related ESA as a family?

    If you call the Benefit Centre they can send form ESA3 in the post for you to complete and it will be a continuous claim then.

  15. Each JCP is able to set their own signing times it's down to lots of varying factors.

    It can be based on staffing allocation, varying duties that members of staff that are required to do daily, it could be new claims taken in the morning and then signing in the afternoons for example.

    Also some JCP offices can have a strict 5 minute appointment system for signing or time bands where you could be asked to attend in a 10 minute to 1 hour time bracket.

    Sometimes when the client load increases it can be necessary to change things around to ensure that staffing levels are correct to accommodate the number of people expected in to sign to try to reduce queues and in turn frustrations of people who have had to wait about for a while.

    It could also be a way of trying to reduce people being able to work cash in hand during office hours.

    The only thing set by guidance is the signing day set by the last 3 numbers of the National Insurance number. Adviser appointments can be booked for any day or time.

  16. It is the previous two tax years so a claim made today would be 2010/11 and 2011/12.

    You need to have paid class 1 national insurance for at least 26 weeks through paid employment for at least 26 weeks in each of the tax years.

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