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  1. Thank you so much for the support, will check your thread. Thanks
  2. Hi hope all goes well. I started a thread concerning Halifax and their appalling customer servives yesterday, I want them to revoke my early payment penalty amongst other things. The thread is named "Avice on Halifax Customer Service". Basically they've "accidently" put me on wrong mortgage products, taken money from my account in error, sent money to wrong banks, lost letters and details and so on forth. I emailed the CEO Andy Hornby last night, following a string of complaint letters, think I'll follow it up this morning having read the posts here. I'm so fed up with them and their appalling service of which they apparently are so proud. If anybody wants Andy Hornby's email address it is in the thread I started. Thanks and good luck
  3. Oh star thanks will forward my email to him. Thank you!
  4. Sorry to hear you've had similar problems, but at least it just confirms our thoughts about them! They put my mortgage on the wrong product twice and took £2800 from me in error as well as paying over £3000 to the wrong people, amongst other things. I don't know if it is of any use to you but the CEO is curently Mr Andy Hornby and the direct line to the CEO office is 01422 326547, the fax number is 01422 326688. (I do also have an email address for somebody in that office). I hope you manage to get somewhere with them, good luck. I will keep this thread posted with updates.
  5. Hi all, This is my first post, so please excuse any errors! I have been experiencing problems with Halifax PLC for a number of years although the last 3 have been the worst. Originally I had a bank, savings and mortgage account with them. Having had them mess up so many times, incorrectly taking monies, losing documentation, putting me on the wrong mortgage product, incorrectly setting up my direct debit with my new bank and so on and so forth, I moved my bank account but alas I'm tied into my mortgage with an early repayment clause. Time after time they say we pride ourselves on our Customer Service even the letter I had today in response to my complaint to the CEO said this, they also said they'd included a pre-paid envelope so that I could agree to £50 as a goodwill gesture, yet the pre-paid envelope was not included. For every financial error they have corrected it - eventually, however I am insensed by their total arrogance, insulting "goodwill" gestures, and non ability to have the good grace to allow me to move my mortgage elsewhere without penalty. I have given them until end of today to reply to me or have told them I will be taking this further. I have spoken to and will be complaining to the Financial Ombudsman, however I feel that I want to publise their total ineptitude and find out if others have had experienced similar problems and whether they have managed to resolve issues. So if anybody has any suggestions, advice or even just moral support I'd be really greatful. Thank you.
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