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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  3. I also had to stop taking Champix after a few weeks. I've never suffered with depression before (only alcoholic induced depression; but I've recovered from that a long time ago), but I did with Champix. I found myself sitting on the sofa for two days, not wanting to get off it, not wanting to mix or talk to anyone; I was very out of character and my Missis strongly suggested I stop taking the tablets. I did.
  4. I fully agree with this post. I deal with 1st Credit, but they're all fairly much the same. They'll threaten you with all sorts of stuff like a 'visit' from someone to discuss the matter (no one ever comes) and bankruptcy; yet they won't bankrupt you (I used to ask them too since it would cost me nothing). After much bullying from them, I've decided not to pay anything to them at all; they can swivel. Morally this is probably not right, but to be honest, I don't care about debt collection agencies; they have no morals themselves. They try to phone me now and again but nothing much really. My partner receives the odd letter, but they can't come up with a valid credit agreement with her signature; so we just ignore them. When they phone and try to get me to answer their security questions I just take the mick and they hang up. I must be nearly at my six year point too, when legally they can't do anything to me. The bottom line is you don't have to worry; they've done their worst by trashing your OH credit rating. I considered suicide at one point because I was sick and tired of all the worry; but looking back worrying was a waste of time and energy because they honestly can't do much to you, in the situation you're in.
  5. My Missis has had pages of rubbish sent to her by 1st Credit that are reckoned by them to be 'agreements'. I've just filed them and will ignore. They phone me up about my alleged debts with them, but I just ignore them also (they don't have my address). And sometimes, when I'm feeling naughty, I'll phone them using up my spare minutes on my mobile phone and give them the 'silent treatment', just to waste their time and help prevent them from bothering other people.
  6. Thanks Priority, but the link that Foolish provided did not ask me for my current address, just my name and the address any CCJ would've been supplied to. So I'm fairly sure I'm okay. As for wanting loans or any further credit I don't need or want any, so I'm happy with that. The only thing I'm after is serenity!
  7. Thanks Foolishgirl, I've just done the link and it says there's no judgement or orders that've been served to the address I was last known to be at by 1st Credit; so I guess that means that there's no CCJ against me. So, unless they take a CCJ out against me the debt will be statute barred in two-or-three years. Does anyone know when the six years begins? Is it from my last payment to them or my last correspondance? Priority, I've not applied for any credit; I doubt anyone would touch me with a barge pole in this respect, but thanks for the tip.
  8. You seem a helpful lot, so I thought I'd ask this question. About seven-years-ago I had a loan and a credit card with MBNA and owed them around £15K and I was paying them without any problems till my marraige went 'tits up' and I subsequently lost my job. The debt was passed to 1st Credit and I did pay them a reduced rate for a few years, and they harrassed the life out of me until I had enough and told them to take me to court; which they didn't/wouldn't. I've also changed addresses and do not have my name on the electoral role. They do not have my address but have my mobile number. So, for at least three years, maybe four, I have not acknowledged 1st Credit in any way; I've ignored them. Now what should I do? I would like to see if they have a CCJ on me, but I don't want to check my credit files in case they find out my new address. But if they do have a CCJ on me will this debt be statute barred after 6 years? To be honest, I'm not 'flapping' about it; I'm perfectly happy to 'keep my head down', but I would like to know what the score is with this matter. Thanks for any help.
  9. Well done and good luck. I hate these scumbags.
  10. Ah, so you're saying 1st Credit don't have a valid CCA on me? I don't know this because 1st Credit don't have my address either and I'm not going to write to them asking for one; thereby giving my address away. All they have is my mobile number.
  11. I've attended an Alan Carr clinic and it's great if you go there with an open mind. Unfortunately I'm also a (recovered) alcoholic, but was drinking at the time and when I got drunk I started smoking again. But yes, Alan Carr is great.
  12. Has anyone received the text from 1st Credit offering 30% off your account if you settle with them before the end of July? I've not paid them a penny or corresponded with them for nearly four years, so they must be mad to waste their time with me!
  13. We received a settlement offer this morning for around a third of the total amount. The amount was £217 and some pence. That's not really worth settling for, so we will be going the moneyclaim route; once I get my ass into gear and get it finished. Cheers for the help so far, everyone.
  14. I'm in the process of filling in the money claim form. Near the end of the form is the amount asking how much I'm claiming; is this where I put the charges, plus the interest on the charges, plus the 8% interest and any other stuff; like postage charges? Also, I'm sending it to the same address as my previous correspondance which is: Barclays Bank PLC Leicester LE87 2BB But the moneyclaim form doesn't recognise this address (lots of other similar ones though). Am I still okay to use it? Cheers.
  15. I asked the same question and was directed to the FAQs and to a spreadsheet created by Vampiress. Have a look at it and it all becomes obvious. The first part you input your bank charges and the interest you've been charged on them. You do this by inputing the charge, then your end of month interest charge. This goes off with your preliminary letter asking for it back. Then when you don't get it back, you send your letter before action, asking for it back again, this time threatening court action. (This is the point I'm now at). When you don't hear from them, or get an offer of a lower offer, at that stage when you take them to court; you add the 8% bank charges. I'm not sure why it's at this point, but it's the 'done thing' round here. I'm sure there's a logical explanation, but I can't give it; I'm a Geordie.
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