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  1. This topic was closed on 10 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. I was caught for a speeding offence in November 2012 in a county outside of where I live, give a fixed penalty notice and instructions to produce documents at my local police station, which I duly did the following day. I paid the £60 online also. Today, I received a failure to produce summons from the courts. I visited my local police station to see what they had done with my docs, but they told me they just send my docs to the county where the offence happened even though they logged my details in the station. They will not give me prof that I gave them my docs, and I don't have proof that I did. Any advice welcome. Many thanks
  3. I am a manager of 23 staff and have one chap who's been underperforming (he's still on probation) so tried to get rid of him after 7 weeks after speaking with our ER department. The employee prompty raised an informal grievance with my boss and a senior HR bod which subsequently saved his job and I've been left with him. I expressed my concerns to my manager about continuing to manage this person as whatever I said negatively about his performance, I would be seen to be biased. To cut a long story short, I had my 1-1 with the employee in question on Tuesday and went through some feedback that I've received from other members of my, an another operations managers' team, and took detailed notes of the meeting. Since then, he's hasn't been to work and my manager tells me today (in confidence) that he has now raised a formal grievance against me. The previous "informal" meeting with boss and HR involved an allegation of bullying, although when I later queried this with HR and asked for minutes of the meeting, I was told (got it in writing) that an allegation of bullying had not been made. My boss is now saying that he won't send me the minutes of that meeting as the employee has now made a formal approach, and it would be unethical. However, had they provided me with minutes after the meeting as promised, this would have scuppered the employee's case a little, as I would have sight of what his issues were. Is anyone able to advise what I can do in this matter, as I don't want to sit around and wait for ER to contact me for a hearing without doing any investigation up front. Our policy states that a meeting with the employee should take place within 10 working days and then an investigation will follow. Apologies for the rambling! MrsMillsee
  4. I signed up for an adult education course (funded by my employer) to start in October 2007. I attended the 'induction' day which consisted of standing outside the establishment for 2 hours due to a fire alarm and then being 'shepherded' around the building by our tutor (!) for 3 hours being notified of where the canteen was and where the library 'which holds all our books' could be found. Shortly after this patronising experience, I accepted a job offer which meant that I would no longer travel to this area of the county or subject myself to demeaning tutorials. I spoke to the course tutor who said she would support a refund for me on the grounds that I had move out of the area and was with a new employer. However, I have been refused a refund without reasoning. I had asked, if a refund was not available whether the course could be transferred to Leeds (where I now live) with an offer to pay an additional costs. I have requested that all the course materials be sent to be by return as I have paid the full course fee and am entitled to the documentation, but have not received a response from the college or the docs. Full email documentation below: *********************** Dear Ms. Miller, Unfortunately I am unable to refund your course fees. On enrolment places are reserved and resources allocated for the duration of the course. The course will continue even if some learners do not continue to the end. Please note that on the documents you signed on enrolment it states that refunds cannot be made and fees are payable in full. As we are an organisation completely separate from other colleges I cannot make a transfer to a Leeds college either. Regards, Barry May *************** Mr May I would urge you to reconsider this decision. As I have not attended any of the course - apart from the shambolic induction - I fail to see how you are unable to refund the fees. I would appreciate an explanation as to why you are unable to refund this course. If, as you state above, that the course cannot be refunded, I am aware that the £740.00 paid would have included the course materials, tutorials etc. I therefore look forward to receiving all such course materials at your earliest convenience. You can forward these to the following address: my address Should you wish to discuss this matter, please contact ...... I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Deborah Miller *********** Dear Ms. Miller, Thank you for your e-mail regarding your fees for the Level 3 Certificate in Management course. Unfortunately, at this late stage, I am unable to refund your fees. As Park Lane College is a completely separate organisation I cannot transfer fees to them either. Regards, Barry May ************ Mr May Please can you then forward all course materials as reiterated in my earlier mail. As a supplier, I am sure you are aware that I have paid for and am entitled to the course documentation. I look forward to receiving these materials by return. Deborah Miller ************ 4 days later Mr May Perhaps you would be so kind as to reply to my earlier mail. I look forward to hearing from you. Deborah Miller ************* Dear Ms. Miller, I have asked the department concerned to do this already. I will follow it up and remind them to send it to you. Regards, Barry May ______________________________ Can anyone advise if I can quote the Sales of Goods Act in this matter, or whether there is some other recompence I can gain from this. Although I have stated above that my employer paid for this course, I have had to reimburse this amount upon leaving the organisation. Many thanks for any advice MrsMillsee
  5. Received a letter from SCM on Monday 16th offering full and final settlement of my claim. I have written back to say that I do not agree with all the clauses in the letter and the interest calculation on the claim is incorrect. Will let you know what reply I get when I receive it. Woo Hoo!!!!!
  6. Hadn't heard anything from MBNA so sought out an email address for a Gareth Tunnacliffe on this site. Sent email to Gareth saying that if MBNA did not refund my full charges by 1700hrs I was starting court action for non compliance and would also be submitting a claim for £1000. Approximately 4 minutes later, my telephone rang and it was Mr Tunnacliffe spluttering and saying that they had complied with the SAR and he didn't know where I had got my figures from. My response was, you did not reply to the SAR and the figures are an estimate of £30 in charges for each month I owned the card plus interest. Funnily enough, after a little bit of bartering and me saying that it was up to him to prove in court that I hadn't been charged £1000, he caved and promised a cheque to cover all charges on the account (not a lot but worth the email) and it arrived yesterday. Hang on in there everyone. The buggers do cave eventually! Now onto Egg and their threat of closing my loan account... where is that court order? MrsMillsee
  7. Sent off my SAR in July and received statements just inside the 40 days. Forwarded the second letter for (let's face it) not a princely sum of money (£140) but still mine. Received a letter from Egg saying that if I take them to court I am breaking the terms and conditions of my agreement with them and will require the full balance of my loan (Egg card now closed for which the claim is for) within 30 days. Can they do this? MrsMillsee
  8. Received statements from Natwest on Saturday 2nd September after sending a DPA non compliance letter. Forwarded the Prelim letter yesterday outlining the charges. I await further sod off letters. MrsJ
  9. Hmmm.... apologies about that! My computer appears to to be acting a bit like Lloyds.... lol
  10. That is just superb! I filed my claim on 2nd June, had a stay put on the claim (even though I didn't agree) and now have a hearing date in November(!?) to lift the stay. SCM and Lloyds are definately losing the plot. I soooo can't wait to see this in the press. Call them now, call them now!
  11. That is just superb! I filed my claim on 2nd June, had a stay put on the claim (even though I didn't agree) and now have a hearing date in November(!?) to lift the stay. SCM and Lloyds are definately losing the plot. I soooo can't wait to see this in the press. Call them now,
  12. That is just superb! I filed my claim on 2nd June, had a stay put on the claim (even though I didn't agree) and now have a hearing date in November(!?) to lift the stay. SCM and Lloyds are definately losing the plot. I soooo
  13. That is just superb! I filed my claim on 2nd June, had a stay put on the claim (even though I didn't agree) and now have a hearing date in November(!?) to lift the stay. SCM and Lloyds
  14. That is just superb! I filed my claim on 2nd June, had a stay put on the claim (even though I didn't agree) and now
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