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Everything posted by buzbenic

  1. Yes the original order was a good few years back probably 7+ years. I’ve had about 8 dates for eviction and I’ve cleared them every time apart from once when I did go back to court. In the past I’ve always had approx 2 letters hand delivered. But nothing this time and it was pure fluke that I rang them today Because I get paid tomorrow and I’ve got some back pay so was going to pay it off the arrears.
  2. I’m after some advice. I contacted my mortgage provider (was NRAM) today about the arrears. He informed me that there is a eviction date for tomorrow at 11am. Now this is the 8th or 9th time I’ve had a date and I’ve paid it off every time. Long story short hubby had a nightmare with wages and mental health and it’s caused financial problems. My question is I didn’t know about the date. We had a letter back in November saying that they had asked for a date but this was at the same time as them moving my mortgage from NRAM to Heliodor. From experience with the courts I know that I’ve always had about 2 notices from the bailiffs and they have always been hand delivered. Is there anything I can do?
  3. The original order was suspended with s payment arrangement which we cleared this now is a bailiff letter giving us an eviction date of Friday 24th. I have filled a form in and paid £50 to have it heard again
  4. Hello Don’t really know where to start a few years back we had a eviction this was suspended and we re paid all the arrears at that time....happy days! Few months after we paid everything we started having a hard time financially. This resulted in us receiving a few letters from county court with eviction dates.. ...we paid everyone by throwing all our income at the arrears and clearing them then a month or 2 later we was in the same boat again! Fast forward a few months and I’m here again only this time I’ve decided to have the eviction suspended after a conversation with the bailiff and realising that I can’t keep doing this! The hearing is tomorrow and I’ve got all my income and outgoings to take with me I’ve just realised that I’ve not spoke with the mortgage company since they issued the eviction, should I have made an offer to them or the court? I don’t want the court to think I’m taking the mickey........,.. Any help would be great x
  5. It's good to know. I need to do my loans and credit card ones as well but know that time is running out. But priorities first......make sure I've got a roof over my head. Had a sleepless night last night.....all sorts of senarios going through my head!
  6. Thank you. I'll dig out one of the letters. I'm due to pay February's payment on Monday so was just going to send it through my online banking. That will be £760 so £200 towards the arrears. I think the arrears are under £2k but it's still about 3 months payments. If the date is a few weeks off them I may be able to pay a good chunk. Hubbie is paid 4 weekly and is due to be paid on 19th March. I'm wondering if it's worth just handing all his wages over and struggling for a month or two? Ell Ann has helped us a few years back when it all started so hopefully she my be able to help again
  7. Hi I'm after a bit of help but a bit of background info first! We had arrears on our account and NRAM started repossession process and we had a date of eviction. We came to an arrangement and paid an extra £350 a month on a £560 a month mortgage. Paid it all except the last payment. This was their error as they set the direct debit up incorrect. This co insided with Hubbie loosing his job and we missed a few payments. In December I made an arrangement to pay an extra £200 per month on top of my £560. Paid December and left instructions with Hubbie to pay Jan as I was in hospital with poorly child which ended up being 4 weeks in hospital. We've come home today and there is a letter from solicitors saying that they have applied to he court for eviction date. What does is mean? I only opened the letter at 4pm and when I've tried to ring NRAM they shut at 1pm. I am now in panic mode and I've searched through the Internet which has resulted in me panicking more!!!! My questions are: 1. Will I have a suspended posession from me making an arrangement with them back a few mins ago? 2. If they give me a date and I pay the arrears will that be it all over and done with or will I still have the house repossessed?
  8. Hi they haven't levied anything. A letter was pushed thru and it stated that its now £225, when I spoke to the bailiff he said that I was sent a letter stating it was £95 and the cos I haven't paid it its gone to £225. I can't understand how it can go up so much
  9. We received a parking ticket from the Local Council and forgot to pay it! It ended up going to Jacobs Bailiffs. On Tuesday a letter was pushed thru my door saying I had 48 hours to pay £225. I rang bailiff direct and asked for info about the charges and he stared that I had a letter from them for £95 (I didn't!) and as I haven't paid its now gone to £225. Does anyone know if that sounds right? I'm worried about ignoring it as the car that receiver the ticket is a lease car and at the moment is always on the front. Thanks
  10. Hi after a horrendous weekend with the meter on the Monday after lots of tears and shouting I finally got to talk up someone with a brain! She accepted that the amount of money and readings seemed wrong! I insisted that someone look at the meter that day and finally someone came out and the meter had been installed wrong! It should have a flashing red light when electricity is going thru it....mine was constant! I got all my money back what id paid but it was a terrible few days! The people who answer the phone to you all expect you to be thick. ..I'm an accountant do understood that the sums didn't add up! We even lost about £15 with the mains switched off!!! Thanks
  11. My charge is 0.1548 and since Wednesday lunch I've used 150 units!!! Not sure if it's all the street or just half that im being charged for!!! Nic x
  12. Hi £7 per week is being paid back. They have said that it works out at 0.07p every 100 minutes
  13. Hi, I've just had a prepayment Electricity and Gas meter installed. The Gas is with Scottish Power and is working fine! The Electricity is with Southern Electric and is causing me big headaches! Meter only installed on Wednesday and since then i have put £30 in, at as 4pm today I am about to go into the emergency credit again! I live in a 3 bed semi detached with me, hubbie and two children. Last night from 11pm to 7am this morning i used £4 electricity? Think the ghost must have had the TV on!!! Today I have had TV on for maybe 2 hours, sky box 2 hours and washer for 2hr 40mins. I have everything else switched off at the plug, since 8am this morning I have used £5.07 pence for my usage. Does anyone know if this sound right? Talking to my friend she has a 5 bed detached and she is home all day for 2 days doing nails so she has lights on, drills on, hand dryers on and she uses a maximum of £20 per week and she has her tumble dyer on. I have spoken to Southern Electric who said that this is correct with my usage...I worked that one out for myself, my issue is would a TV and washer cause all that usage and how on earth have i used 26 units during the night? Since the meter was installed on Wednesday i have used 140 units of electricity. Can anyone help!!!! Thanks Nic x
  14. My mother in law received a letter addressed to me from fredricksons stating that they had traced me to her address. Naturally mother in law was not impressed! I rang fredricksons and they stated that call credit had notified them that mother in laws was my new address. My query is: 1. Are call credit allowed to do that? 2. Are fredricksons allowed to change my address like that? I lived with mother in law temporarily back in 2001-2002 for 9 months been in new house since Aug 2002 What can I do to remove her address? Thanks
  15. AAARGHHH NRAM are complete tools!!!! Received a letter today confirming my arrangement for 6 months and date when 1st payment due. ...rang them to query the date and mentioned about the 6 months.. ...they have now said that i need to compete I&E statements every 6 months and send them wage slips and bank statments every 6 months.. ...can they still do this once the court has placed an order? I spent more time faxing my document during the eviction as they kept saying that they hadnt received them or only received half!!! Another query - they have said that if i dont contact them every 6 months they will commence legal action EVEN if i make the payments??? Can they do all this. ...I can feel my blood pressure rising again!!!!! Sorry to ramble but they are driving me nuts!!!!
  16. Ell-enn, its well done to you!!! i deffo couldnt have done it with out your help!! xxx
  17. Thank You sooooooo much, just got back now, eviction suspended!!!! Rep from NRAM was really lovely, he said that he had to ask for the order to be granted but given my I&E and offer couldnt believe that NRAM had refused it! Judge looked very stern but didnt ask me any question just basically said that given my arrears would be clear in 28 months and i have 24 years left on my mortgage thought that NRAM was wasting his time!!! I was a big soft wusse at the end and cried!!! Bet the judge thought here we go again!!!You all deserve a big drink and i cant wait for a full nights sleep tonight!!!Thanks again, i dont think that i would have done it without you!!!
  18. Oh last sleepless night tonight!!!! I wanted to check what you think i will need for tomorrow...Ive got my statement and I&E sheet and i have the copy of my bank statement that i provided is there anything else i will need????
  19. Thanks for your help! Just found out my son needs surgery again listed for Sept.....
  20. Hi got my hearing for 8th July at 3pm. She said that there will be no legal reps there but I will speak to NRAM reps and then go b4 judge....is that right? Paid the extra £50 but it was too late for June. What will NRAM reps discuss with me?
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