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Everything posted by kevb0444

  1. This topic was closed on 09 March 2019. If you have a problem which is similar to the issues raised in this topic, then please start a new thread and you will get help and support there. If you would like to post up some information which is relevant to this particular topic then please flag the issue up to the site team and the thread will be reopened. - Consumer Action Group
  2. Ok...was about to send A&L a letter, when I thought about contacting them via their Narborough Office and speaking to their complaints team. Spoke to someone for a short while, explained everything and also how I was disgusted that they told me 3 times I would get a call back from an A&L customer service manager and didn't get any. Anyway he seemed quite apologetic and told me all the charges (5x£34) would be refunded. Well it only took them 2 ½ weeks to spot and admit to their mistake. The Narborough details i used are... Tel: 0116 201 1000
  3. Ok..contacted A&L yesterday and they said the matter had not been passed to the right department yet. Spoke to them again today as they had processed a standing order which i canceled to try and stop more charges going on and they told me the matter HAD been passed on and that they had already reached a decision which was "no...we will not refund the charges as we made no error" The person i spoke to said he would pass it back again seeing as they had processed, failed and charged me for the standing order which i had canceled. So thats 2 mistakes they have made now and the charges are racking up. Why can't they admit their mistakes?
  4. Well..its been a while since i've been here but looks like i'm heading into yet another bout of letter writting and stuff with those sneaky banks. This time though its the banks fault all this has happend. I'll tell you all what happend.... So..i was looking at my statment on-line on the day a payment was going in and it says i have £200+ available in my account. This seemed right and the payment was showing as been paid in. I then went to transfer most of the money to pay off a credit card bill (but left enough to cover my up comming DD's) but was told that the transfer was canceled due to insufficient funds (o.0) and told to try again later. So the next day i tried again, this time with a lower amount as i had spent about £20 on something and it seemed to go through ok. Then the next day i check my account and was shocked to see it was minus a load of money. I then realised that they had processed the 1st transfer (the one they said was canceled) AND the 2nd transfer. Then they had failed the 2nd, charged me for it. This charge and the extra money on the 1st transfer ate up the money had had left in for the DD's which were comming out that day. Then they charged me £34 a time for 3 failed DD's which would not have failed if they didn't put through the 1st transfer like they said. I contacted A&L and they 1st said they could do nothing due to the test case. I then reminded the woman that i was told that the 1st tranfer would not go through and this was their fault for processing it when they(their web site) said it would not go through. I was then told that she would pass this on to some seperate department to have them look at and see if they had made a mistake and was told i would be contacted in 2-3 days. It's now been over a week and still nothing. I will be contacting them again today to see whats going on and i already have the letters set up ready to send them if i get nowhere with them. I'll keep you posted.... Kev
  5. Here's a brief time line of events: S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) sent 24/08/06 Statements received on 09/09/06 (one statement missing!!) £48 in charges S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) non-compliance sent 11/09/06 Prelim sent 11/09/06 **£48 settled In Full 19/09/06**
  6. Here's a brief time line of events: S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) sent 15/09/06 Statements received on 22/09/06 £90 in charges Prelim sent 22/09/06 No reply so LBA sent 09/10/06 **Full settlement of £90 offered and accepted on 24/10/06**
  7. And here's a brief time line of events: S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) sent 23/08/06 Statements collected from branch 04/10/06 £107.52 in charges Prelim sent 09/10/06 **Full settlement of £107.52 offerd and accepted 25/10/06**
  8. Ok.. As they didn't reply to my prelim i posted my LBA yesterday but thismorning i got a letter offering me the full £107.52 back. They've sent me a form to fill out and say they'll pay the money via cheque when they get the form. The form just says i am accepting the sum of £107.52 in full and final settlement of my complaint regarding bank charges made on my Halifax account. YAY!!!! :grin: :grin:
  9. They've done it again...they stuffed up my so called final bill by £47!!! It's been 5 months now since my GF signed up to NTL and it's getting beyond a joke. We managed to terminate the contract and was told all was ok then they send a bill that was £47 too much. Phoned them yesterday and was told i'd get a same day call back. That never happend so i called them today and they have re-adjusted the bill and will send a final final bill next month!!!! GGGRRRRR....i just want this to be over....
  10. Ok.....got a letter today offering me the full £90 back. They've sent me a form to fill out and say they'll pay the money within 7 days of reciept of the form. The form just says i am accepting the sum of £90 in full and final settlement of my complaint with Barclays. YAY!!!!
  11. After talking to my GF about all this she has dicided to take their offer as she is tierd of all this and doesn't want to drag it out any more. Thanks for all the help anyways...
  12. Ok, quick up date. Got a cheque from them for £20 and a letter saying that "without any admission of liability whatsoever, Evenbrook is prepared to offer £20 as a full and final settlement of this matter." The letter then goes on to say that if i do not accept the cheque and wish to persue the mater further "Evenbrook reserves its rights to pursue and claim in respect of outstanding rental arrears and dilapidation payments that are properly your responsibility under your former tenancy agreement" Then they go on to say "As you are aware in Evenbrook's opinion, the rental arrears and dilapidations exceed your rental deposit." Hmmm thats nice of them. I'm thinking of just taking the money and forgetting about all this. But i don't see how they can sue me for rent arrears when they've been paid and i got a letter from them to prove it. Oh well...
  13. Well when my post finaly turned up i did in fact get a letter from barclays... Hmm...i didn't contact them about their level of "service" but the level of their charges....oh well....LBA in the post then....
  14. Thanks Bookworm...hehe...i hope i can prove you wrong.....but i ant holding out much hope...
  15. Still nothing from Barclays...well i have my LBA ready to go in the post tomorrow.
  16. Ok... Had to pick up the statements from the local branch yesterday. Took a look at them and after taking off the closing balance it leaves me with a claim for £107.52 Better than nothing...
  17. Ok.... Didn't get any statements yesterday...today is the deadline so we'll wait and see. I phoned Hellifax again as i was worried they would send the statements to my GF's old address. They told me that if the address was different than the address on the account then they would send the statements to her local branch so she could provide the relivent ID and pick them up. They said they would also send a letter to her new address informing her of this.
  18. Oh also got a letter back re SAR non compliance on saturday and was told that GE are having trouble with their systems and that monthly statements from alot of other accounts have also gone missing from their systems!!! I checked the month before and after the one which had gone missing from my lot and saw that the balances were the same so i'm 99.999999% sure there where no charges in that 1 missing month. Thinking about complaining to the ICO as they are in breach of the DPA's 7th principle.
  19. Ok... Sent out a prelim on the 22nd and yet to hear anything from them. They have until the 6th before i send them an LBA. I'm not sure how long Barclays normaly take to send a "sod off" letter but i thought they might pay up quicker as the ammount is quite small. Oh well.....we'll see won't we.
  20. Ok.... One day till the deadline and still nothing. I phoned them again and was quickly reminded that they had until the 3rd to send them. They did comfirm my request was being processed. My only real worry is that they have sent the statements to my GF's old address which would have been on the account. I did put in the letter that she had moved and that they could contact us to comfirm this. Oh well. So lets hope i get something in the post today.
  21. Hi Jacky Just stick to your time limit ok, dont worry about them you gave them the time limit remember. They wouldn't cut you any slack if it was the other way round. You would have given them 28 days to think about everything...most places only give you 7 days if they send you a notice about something.
  22. Got me statemants today. That was quick.... £90 in charges....
  23. These little gems came from NatWest (well Stuart Higley and Michael Duncan) We are concerned thet the OFT has publicly called into question the setting of charges....(i bet you are) The OFT has restricted its investigation to credit cards and made no attempt to consult with the RBS group or the industry in relation to other entirely different products. (hmmm if you say so) I can find no instance where charges have been applied when they were not properly due. (i can....quite a few) I note your proposed course of action. I have alerted our lawyers and litigation department accordingly. (thanks) We do not accept that our charges are unreasonable, unfair or unlawful but on the contrary are applied in strict accordance with our published tarrif...(ok....then why did you give me my money back then) Oh well....
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