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Everything posted by mattyj23

  1. HI, long story short, owed some money from unpaid council tax from 2 years ago, about 6 months ago a man from b&S came round to discuss this, at the time i was totaly in the dark on these issues so forgive me but at the time my partner and i were scared by the fact a balif was on our doorstep, he came in and told us the court had instrusted him to remove goods from the house but if i gave him some details, work place etc, he would go baqck to his office, we could decide wat we could afford to pay and he wouldnt take the stuff. anyway, in my nievity i signed his form, on which he listed all our goods, at the time i didnt know what it was i just felt luck this nice man was giving us the chance to pay in installments. anyway I agreed to pay 100 per month this was ok (sorry the total debt was 1000) in a couple of months another letter from b&S came saying we owed another 600 in unpaid c t i wrote saying I would combine the 2 and pay 300 per month, as at the time i had the money to spare so i just wanted rid of it. Any way i paid 3 months worth then fell behind, silly me instead of phoning i stuck my head in the sand.... until i got a phone call at work from "MR Boam a court enforcer for B& S" asking for payment in full of 1100 or goods would be siezed, he was waiting for a locksmith and i was being charged 120 pound per hour! i explained my situation, he said he would only go away for 500 pounds i came home with 250 cash, as thats all i had to my name, and promised the other 250 the next day wen i got paid, he said no at first but then it started to rain so he said he would accept 250 now and the re3st the next day but only if i gave him my debit card details and if the payment wouldnt go through he would be back the next day! as soon as he left i phoned the bank and cancelled my card, anyway at the time i had no idea of my rights etc so i panicked, i have two children under two and felt bullied, anyway, b&S sent me a payment plan of 190 per month to clear the remaining 600 odd pounds, but i couldn`t afford this as they`d just had 500 pounds! i wrote to tell them and all they did was agree to defer it for a month, anyways, monday i got home and there was a letter from b s saying someone had called to remove goods i phoned and told them i didnt agree with the remaining amount and could i have a statement of the account to see wats left to pay, the agreed but said they wouldnt put it on hold as someone will return on monday for my goods if i don`t make a payment plan, wat should I do?
  2. I`m gonna complain to carcraft, and i`d like to complain to trading stanards etc but not sure who i should write to, and how i should word it, not really very knowlegable on consumer law etc!
  3. Hi, I brought a car from carcraft 3 monts ago, and was miss sold breakdown insurance, gap protection and payment protection. to cut a long story short the saleswoman told us about the insurances, but gave no price or mention of costs, she used phrases like "im going to give you this, and add that" etc, anyway, wen the credit agreement came out for us to sign i queried it as the montly payments we had agreed had risen by 150 quid, to pay for the insurances she had "given" us, i said we didnt want them as we couldnt afford to pay for them and asked for them to be taken off, she informed me that it would take another3 hours to draw up another agreement but i could sign it and then phone the next day to cancel them and i wouldf not be charged. anyway wen i cancelled they said it takes 12 weeks for a new agreement to be drawn up and in the meantime i had to maintain payments of the full amount! i finally got them to agree to lowering the amount to the amount wthout the cost of the insurance but am still not happy with the way i was mis sold things!
  4. ok thanks for the advice guys. think I will ignore them for now and see wat happens. I will let you know wat comes of it....
  5. Thanks guys, so what`s the best course of action then? Write a CCA letter, or ignore them? What will happen next if I ignore them?
  6. Hi, I am new to this forum, so please accept my apologies if i have posted this in the wrong place! I`m looking for some advice about a couple of letters I`ve recieved from Lowell portfolio, or Lowell finance as they are also known, I googled them and came across them on this site, as well as lots of other fantastic advice, so i was wondering if anyone could help me? I had a credit card with egg about4 years ago and stopped paying it, foolish i know but it was a long time ago, anyway the last time i remember the debt was about £1000 since stopping paying it i have moved house 3 times, i never heard from anyone until about 2 years ago when i started getting phonecalls on my mobile (about 3 a day) from a company called capquest, i never spoke to them and always ignored it, the calls stopped about a year ago. and i heard no more. until saturday when i got a letter from Lowell Portfolio, saying they had brought the debt from egg and could i phone them to arrange a settlement/payment plan, thats when i googled them and found this site. Then today I got a letter from Lowell finance saying they had been instructed by Lowell portfolio to help come to an arrangment to pay off my dept, the letter also had a previos address which is not an address i have ever lived at. What should I do? I haven`t made any contact with either of the companys What concerns me is how did they get my address when I`ve moved 3 times since having the original credit card? surely they can`t get my details from any other organiseation cos of data protection? if anyone can give me any advice i would be really gratefull. Thanks. Matt.
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