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18 Good
  1. Well all a very quick resolution from Lee, Looked at my credit file this morning and all is clear. Thank you Lee you have been a great help. Regards Rich
  2. Lee you are a star. Vodafone have agreed to remove the default on my account. YAYYYYYYYYYYY. As soon as the default has been removed i will uppdate this thread as resolved!!!!!!!!! Thank you again Lee, i just wish my whole Vodafone customer service relations history was as happy as the one you provided me. You are doing great things on this site and i will be sure to give feedback through the link you gave me. Regards Rich
  3. Hi Summer, I think the only option you have at the moment is either stay with BT and set up your direct debits with them again, or try another provider. I am with talk talk and am happy with the pricing but if you are happy with your internet with o2 then talk talk may not be the best financial option. Sky have good pakages for phones and so do Virgin. It all depends on your area. Just give yourself time to compose yourself and set out a plan to get your services back online. If you keep getting refused on Credit Checks then staying with BT may be your only option at this moment in time. I hope this helps in some way. Rich:)
  4. Lee, Got your email, and have sent you the information requested. Regards Rich
  5. Thank you again Lee, I look forward to hearing from you soon. Rich
  6. Thank you Lee, Hopefully a quick resolve will help me finally be able to go for a mortgage. Regards, Rich
  7. Ok, Filled out another web email form with WRT135 in the title and my query number is 3060218. Hope this one gets a reply. Rich
  8. Ref Account No: ******** Tel: ********** Sir / Ma’am 1) I refer to the above account. I am a member of HM Forces and as such have to leave the country for long periods sometimes at short notice. About 15 Mar 09, I was informed that I was to leave the UK to serve abroad starting on 4 May 09. Because of this I knew that I would require to close my account with yourself and pay the outstanding balance. 2) On 13 Apr 09, I contacted you via your customer services number and spoke to one of your staff members. I explained my situation in the hope that any waivers that could be given because of my circumstances and that I would not have to pay the remainder of my contract. The lady informed me that no such waivers could be given and that I would have to settle the remainder of my contract prior to cancellation. I agreed and requested a settlement figure to enable me to cancel my account. I also left a forwarding address for any further correspondence. The lady led me to believe that I was only required to pay £37.95 and that my account would then be settled. I immediately paid this amount by Debit card and cancelled my direct debit. At no point was I told that one further bill would be issued and I was led to believe that after the payment, no further payment would be required (If this was explained to me I would have left the direct debit in place for the amount to be taken automatically). 3) In Dec 09, I was informed that my family and I would be returning to the UK on 11 Jan 10. Upon my return I applied for a new mobile phone and found myself being rejected for credit. Finding this odd I checked my credit file using Experian and have found that a default for £31 has been noted by Vodafone. I then began investigating. I first contacted customer services about the issue on 25 Jan 10 and spoke with David. He was unable to have full access to the account and stated that he believed this to be an error on behalf of the customer services member when I called to settle my account. He suggested that I compile an e-mail to you on the issue but the service was down when I tried. I would like to take this opportunity to commend David on his personable nature and ability to make me feel much better about a situation which had got me quite upset. 4) Due to not being able to reach you by email I again called on 26 Jan 10 at about 1030 hrs, I was spoken to and the operator was able to further access my account. He stated that there was £31 outstanding and that it had been passed to their collections department. He stated that he would inform the relevant person and that they would get back to me in the early afternoon. 5) About 1630 hrs on 26 Jan 10, I again called the customer services and requested to speak to the collections department. I spoke to Sheila Mason who explained that she could not deal straight away as customer services would first need to investigate and decide who was at fault. If they believed that I was given misleading information then I would be able to take the matter further and remove the default from my file. I was then transferred back to the customer services advisor who accessed my account and was able to state that the fee I paid on 13 Apr 09, was for an early disconnection fee and that the other fees would have had to be calculated later. After speaking with this man I now understand that I may owe money to your company (Although I believe through no fault of my own). 6) If in my conversation with customer services on 13 Apr 09, they had explained that all I was paying for was a Early Disconnection Fee then I would not have took this option, I would have left my direct debit in place and informed you by letter that I would not wish my contract to continue after the period had expired. (THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN A CHEAPER ALTERNATIVE). 7) In summation I believe I was given misleading information by your customer services employee and paid £37.95 in good faith believing that this was for full and final payment. I also provided her with a forwarding address to which I have received no correspondence (** ************************************). I am also a member of your online services and you have my e-mail address. No correspondence has been received by this means, you could have also requested that my bank forward the letter on your behalf if you required my attention. I do not believe reasonable steps were taken to contact me before a default notice was applied to my credit file. It is possible that because of the misleading information provided by your staff that I may still owe money to your company. The £37.95 that I paid on the 13 Apr 09, would not have been paid if it was explained that it was only to cover disconnection fee, this would have been more than enough to pay the £31 you say I am in arrears. 9) I herby request that the default notice be removed from my credit file and my fee waived due to being misinformed. 10) A check of the transcript / recording of the phone call on the 13 Apr 09 will confirm the above account. 11) Jonathan, stated that he would put a note on the file. If further information is needed then I can be contacted on ********** during the evening. Regards I sent this letter to Vodafone at the end of Febuary 2010 and have yet to recieve a responce. In fact at no point have i been contacted by Vodafone, it is alway myself who phones them to follow up the situation. On 29 Jun 10, i spoke to a member of the collections department who stated that if I pay balance then default on credit file will be removed in about 14 days after referal to the Quality Assurance team. I then paid the balance. I then used the email us box on the Vodafone website to see if the action to remove the default was going ahead and received an email stating that i would be contacted within 48 hrs. This was more than a week ago now and no contact. I phoned collections again today and they stated that Quality Assurance have placed a note on my file stating that the payment was made but have not removed the default. The girl stated that i need to take the matter up with Quality Assurance but the only way to contact them is by post. I feel i have already tried my hardest to get this settled whilst i feel Vodafone have done very little. I have PM the Vodafone rep on here to have a look at my thread. If i get no luck, does anyone know how i can appeal to an intermediary to have the default removed on the grounds covered in my letter. Please help. All advice is much appreciated as always. Rich
  9. Hi all, UPON reading the file AND upon it apearing that the issues in this case are to be consdered in litigation commenced by the OFT against certain banks in the High Court of Justice, Commercial Court, 007 Folio 1186, to be heard during January and or February 2008 ("the OFT test case") AND upon the court of its own initiative pursuant to CPR 3.3 IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The claimbe stayed forthwith peding the final determination of the OFT test case. Such fnal determination shall include any appeal. 2. Permission to apply to lift the stay or to set aside r vay this order within 28 days of the service of the same. Any application shall be on nortice to all other parties and shall be supported by a statement setting out why this claim sould proceed before the Designated Civil Judge sitting at Winchster unless specifically released by him. 3. Unless the court has already given drections, any party may and the defendant hall, within thee months of the final determinaion of the OFT test case, apply for directions for the future conduct of this action. Such directions shall be sought from a District or Deputy DistrictJudge sitting at the County Court where the claim is proceeding. Well that's what i was expecting, i will not give up though and send in my objections. anyone got any answers to my previous post? Let me knw. Rich
  10. Hi all, Rang the court again today, the lady told me that the judge of his own motion was going to issue a stay pending the outcome of the test case. I haven't received the order yet so i cant post but i want to object, i have the objection on my computer but i want to add in about the possibility of carrying on with the penalties at common law side of things? something along the lines of i would like to pursue this part which is not covered by the Test case and that only the charges that resulted from clear breach of contract will be added? does anyone know of any letters with this point in. Please can someone post a template so i can try and get them to ignore the UTCCR and concetrate on common law??? Thanks all.
  11. What was he actually charged with? Once i know i can break down each one for you and help from there. But a quick look suggests that he could be guilty of possesion of a controlled substance, contray to the missuse of drugs act. I cant see any other offences really. They can keep the car, i dont know why they are as i dont see why it is necessary but legally if they believe it can be used as evidence then they can keep it. They will have left him until four as they need to give him at least 8 hours rest. Also just to gather their evidence.
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