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  1. Of course I understand the reasons for their 'restocking' charge and their legal right to do so- this was not the issue. The issue is that 10% is excessive and most retailers swallow such costs to maintain goodwill. Had I ordered online, I would've had no problems at all and that is exactly what I'm going to be doing from now on with all large purchases.
  2. This will make you laugh.... How ironic... I've been so busy over the last couple of weeks, I have only just unpacked said tv (above) and spotted that it is actually the wrong model!! They gave me wrong bleedin telly anyway!! So... can I request a refund as I was sold an incorrect item? or do I have to take a replacement?
  3. Much as I thought... I know that most high street retailers only have the refund/exchange policies they do to keep the goodwill of their customers. Shame Comet don't do the same. They've lost my custom forever and that of everyone I've told.
  4. Yes, I just wondered if they can get away with these charges as 10% on an expensive item is excessive considering how much it would realistically cost to restock. I'm not sure yet whether their competitors have the same policy.
  5. I fairly sure I have no rights on this one but thought I ask for advice anyway. I've purchased a TV from Comet and quite simply need a larger one. As their returns policy wasn't explained to me at the time of purchase, I didn't think that there would be any problem trying to exchange. Had I known that I would be charged 40 quid for simply opening the damn box, I would've have thought twice before buying... On getting home, I read the insert given with my receipt stating that they charge 10% 'for restocking the item' unless the item is returned unopened. I can understand that it's an inconvenience and if they charged 5 or 10 quid it wouldn't be so bad but effectively they are charging ridiculous amounts of money for replacing a cardboard box. What about the poor gits that buy a TV for a thousand pounds?! they expect them to pay 100 quid if the product isn't suitable?! Needless to say, I got nowhere with head office. I feel that they are exploiting their customers and they make plenty of profits to cover these charges and keep the goodwill of their customers.
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