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  1. What is the exact reason Paypal are with holding on you? I too have been dealing with them for years, they are a really annoying company. I once went into negative and had debt collector letters within weeks, eventually the only way I could satisy them was by sending a bankers draft to an address in Ireland. I have had chargebacks and account frozen twice while they verify the same bank account for what seemed like the 100th time and re verified my address and the debit card, even though that was for the account that had already been verified numerous times. In each case, although not exactly quick each problem did get solved by following procedures online, trying to speak to a person is a waste of effort. When I was chargebacked after supplying all the transaction details, auctions numbers etc all info they already had they finally confirmed the buyer did initialize the transaction and returned the funds. Either way i doubt it would be worth trying to take them to court, you may be able to claim court costs but the run around they could give you could end up costing you alot more then they owe you and if everything is legit on your account then just supply them what they want and you will eventually have your account restored. As much as I hate to say it when trading in certain places to not offer paypal only costs you sales and money. jjme88, did they definitly take the money from your card? The reason I ask is because during all the verification processes you set up a variable direct debit. If the money was took off your card I would go to your bank. As this transaction would not have been verified by the chip and pin system the bank will take you seriously, just insist you did not authorize this transaction and you should get the money back.
  2. Thanks for the replies.. Its so weird, i wish I hadn't won the tv as I think the company has an excellent product line and I dont want to fall out and stop dealing with them. Only the other day I made a new contact opening up a whole new avenue for me which is great, certainly not worth losing over a TV. I think the sound is definitly a problem though, the vibrations are really bad. At first I thought i was just being hyper critical as I hate the tv anyway but I showed my m8 yesterday and within minutes the vibrations occured. Is it a fault, I dont know. As the company bought a job lot of tv's I will have to go via them to deal with the problem as they hold the receipt. I don't want to go down the legal rights route and fall out with the company. They have always been really friendly in all my dealing with them so alongside the sound problem ill give the moral arguments another try and see what happens, ill also just ask why I cant have the same TV that is in the magazine photograph as I am there listed as a winner. Ill let ya know what happens.....
  3. Hi all Not really sure whether this is the right place to post or even whether I should be condsidering writing a complaint but here goes, let me know what you think. The draw was a free entry hence my concerns regarding the complaint (I have however spent £50K+ this year with said company) The promotion was for a LCD tv valued at £500 and was a regional promotion with some 13 winners, I was one of those winners and received in writing a letter congratulating me on the fact "a £500 TV" was on its way to me. I'm no expert on TV's but i'm not clueless either so I found it difficult to hide my dissapointment at the 37'' Goodmans TV being unloaded from the estate car. Not wanting to seem ungrateful, this is a free 37'' TV afterall, I smiled and allowed the company to take a photo of the handover. The following day I unpacked the TV only to find several parts missing and obvious signs the TV was a display model. After about 3 weeks and a few phone calls the TV was collected and shortly after a new packaged tv arrived. Again I smiled, said thanks and opened the box everything was ok and the tv worked fine when I set it up. Sometime later when I was watching it I realised it was making horrible vibrations when certain tones were spoke or if any bass passed through the speakers even at low volume. This TV is basically an unwatchable piece of rubbish and no way close to £500 in value as claimed, in fact I have found it available online for £280. To rub salt in my wounds I arrived at work today and was flicking through the trade magazine only to find a nice big article on the promotion and some guys stood in front of what was a nice LG tv much more valuable than the TV i had received. In the phone calls leading upto getting the tv replaced I voiced all my concerns and the fact I was nor never would be happy with the TV delivered and I made the company fully aware of the fact the prize wasn't a £500 tv as claimed, I suggested they should get their money back. When the tv was collected I even gave the nice lady who was sorting it out a promotional leaflet for the shop the TV was going back to offering a 42" LG for only £450, unluckily for me it would seem my verbal complaints when un heard and of course the shop had an exact replacement for the Goodmans. Should I complain, the prize simply is not what it is claimed to be? Should I just shut up and be grateful for what turned up, bearing in mind i've already spent £50k and earned this company far in excess of £500? Thanks
  4. This is indeed true. However as we know from the charges situation what is in their terms and conditions is'nt necessarily legal. I have always believed that if someone takes money without permission then it is theft, pure and simple. The way I see it this doesn't become a transfer or charge until I receive the notification which so far has always been after the fact. Either way I will not be using this account anymore so they wont be taking anymore money from me in this underhand way. Thanks
  5. Hi all I have both visa and current accounts with the yorkshire bank. Due to injury and what not the visa account has gone unpaid for sometime. Just before xmas I noticed a strange transaction on the current account, firstly my branch just acted stupid then finally they said it was a head office transfer of funds directly to my visa account. There have since been 4 transfers of funds totalling £440 My branch also say you are informed before they do this however the letters they have sent are dated the day on which the transfers have taken place which suggests to me that the letter informing me of the charge/transfer was printed that day also and then posted meaning I dont receive the letter untill some days after the fact. Are they allowed to do this?? They are still piling on the interest and late payment charges.. We have no agreement in place, no mandates signed, yet when I queried this in branch its simply a head office transfer from one associated account to another and as it is initiated by head office there is nothing they can do.
  6. Ah well it would seem something is indeed happening down at YB HQ. Today I recieved 2 non gratia payments towards my claim. One concerning the YB current Acc and the other YB Visa. Both payments fall short, the visa payment is a laughable less than 10% of the claim. I will be rejecting both offers and holding out for the ammount requested. I would still like to know if I am within my right to request back the 2nd £10 charged for statements as every statement I have recieved has come from the same YB department?
  7. Firstly just like to say hi to the group, wish i'd have known about CAG 4months ago. Looks like you guys are doing a great job!!! Heres my dillema. I've been attempting to claim back charges from the past 6 yrs from Yorkshire Bank Visa and Yorkshire Bank Current Account. I am upto the point now where I should be filing court papers however I realise ive used the weak templates provided by the BBC. Should I resend the 3rd letter using your template? Because ive already sent them the final request letter I considered starting what would be my 4th letter informing them of the fact I use this site and also of the fact i'm fully aware of the Hull situation and that I am giving them one final opportunity to make good and pay up. (Followed by the CAG 3rd letter template). Or should I just send the 3rd letter as is of this site? I also feel they ripped me off with regard to the subject access request. I had to make a request to my branch for those statements and to YB Visa for the CC statements however when I send my letters all the replies come from the same department, I was charged the statutary £10 for my data both from my branch and YB visa in effect a total of £20 for data held by one company. Should I request this back on the basis they are the same company or should I complain directly to the information commissioner? One final problem I have had, when dealing with customer service they will not acknowledge the claim and have no idea about my compalint. The department on the YB headed letter "Advice Quality Unit" doesnt exist as far as customer service are concerned and the reference numbers are meaning less so you cant even verify by phone that they have recieved your letter and are acting to rectify the issue. Yes, they have eventually replied to my letters but there replies do not even indicate what account or what complaint they are replying too. What should I do next... Thanks Jim
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