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Miss Pink Panther

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  1. Hello guys Well, I wrote to Capital One on 20th July to request all monthly statements since my account's inception, and they have sent them all to me (received at the weekend) - I didn't have to pay any money to obtain these, so bear in mind guys! My next step, I guess, is to write to them to ask for charges to be credited back to my account. What should I do about interest charged on these charges tho guys? Could you please advise me? Many thanks in advance, Miss Pink Panther
  2. Hello everyone!!! I'm quite a new member to CAG, been reading various threads for a few days and have now plucked up the courage to start the ball rolling to claim back charges from Capital One. I have just posted a letter to them to ask them to send me copies of all of my statements since my accounts inception. Once these arrive I will be able to see how much they owe me and take it from there. If anyone needs to know, the address I used was: Capital One Card Services P.O. Box 5283 Nottingham NG2 3YJ Will keep you all posted with how I get on, wish me luck!!!! Miss Pink Panther
  3. Hi Annie You can also write to them at the following address and ask for copies of all statements since account inception: Capital One Card Services PO Box 5283 Nottingham NG2 3YJ They should send them to you no problem. Good luck! Miss Pink Panther
  4. Just got off the phone with Smile.... they had cancelled it, without any communication, but it is now reinstated as I drew their attention to their website which states a Smile More account has an automatic overdraft of £500. Success! Phew!
  5. You go girl!!!! Fingers are crossed for you, and let us know how you get on with the phonecall to Smile. Miss Pink Panther
  6. I've recently claimed all my bank charges back from Smile, which was a result (thanks everyone). I've just logged onto the Smile website to check my account and have seen my automatic £500 overdraft that I have with my account has 'disappeared' overnight! It appears the bank has cancelled it! Are they allowed to do this? I have not received any calls/emails/letters from them about this subject. I'd like to call them today to see what the heck is going on, but would like some advice first if at all possible. Are they allowed to do this?! Many thanks in advance for any helpful info. Miss Pink Panther
  7. Try and call them at lunchtime, or 1st thing in the morning. They are open from 8am to 7pm, so I hope you don't work a 13 hour day. Call them tomorrow and try to sort this out. If they won't play ball I think you may have grounds to refer this to the Financial Ombudsman as this could be seen as retaliation from the bank as they have just paid back your bank charges. If you need to get at the £500 in the Smile account, just log onto the internet banking and transfer it to your HSBC account - if the funds are in your account they can't stop you from doing this. Pls let us know how you go tomorrow, fingers are crossed for you. Miss Pink Panther.
  8. What's a parachute account pls? Sorry to be ignorant guys! Miss Pink Panther
  9. I have had a similar thing happen to me - Smile told me they had cancelled my direct debits and standing orders as some of them had bounced which had made me go overdrawn. I negotiated with them to give me a 3 month 'probation period' where I would demonstrate to them that I could manage my account and that it would not go overdrawn or have any direct debits bounce. I did this for 3 months and now everything has been reinstated permanently. (Thank goodness!) The bank is not obliged to honour any direct debits or standing orders you may have set up, they are allowed to run at the bank's discretion. If the bank won't agree to reinstate them, or offer you a probation period, don't worry too much as most companies you'll have DDs and SOs with will accept payment by giro at the Post Office, by debit card over the phone, and some companies allow payment by the online BillPay site: https://www.billpayment.co.uk If you hold a debit card from any UK bank you can pay bills via the internet site free of charge. All you need to do is register, and then search the database online of companies that accept BillPay. Most councils do (for council tax) and most electricity & gas suppliers do as well. But it probably won't come to this - call the bank tomorrow and try to negotiate that they reinstate your SOs and DDs. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Miss Pink Panther
  10. I had a similar situation with my bank, they wrote to say I would have the money back in 1 week and it took 3 weeks of hassling from me to get them to pay it back! The excuse they gave to me was they were indundated with a backlogs of claims to process and pay. I wrote them a polite, but firm letter stating that they were in breach of what had been formally agreed and as banks are normally very pedantic about dates where customers paying them was concerned, I expected the same when they were due to pay me. 2 days after I sent the letter I received a phone call to apologise and the money was in my account the following morning. So don't accept that their solicitors are dealing with it, the matter has already been dealt with and closed in order for them to write to you in the 1st place to say you will receive your money back!! They are just being slack. The money should be in your account by now, so write to them today and let them know it!!!!! Good luck, and let us know how you get on. Miss Pink Panther
  11. I will definately stay in touch with this site, it's great! I've already found out a few new interesting things too, and am more than happy to share any knowledge gained from my claiming back my bank charges. Miss Pink Panther
  12. Hello everybody! I am a new member and wanted to say a big hello to you all ! What an amazing site this is, so supportive and informative. My message is I have just had £1400 refunded to me by Smile Bank plc (part of Cooperative Bank) as in the past 2 years they had hit me with charge after charge which almost permanently put me over my overdraft limit, which in turn meant I was hit with more charges.... It was a viscious circle, and at times very upsetting as I was unemployed for a few months due to illness, but a couple of months ago I finally grabbed the bull by the horns and wrote a very firm letter requesting my charges to be refunded - and, after about 6 weeks I'm thrilled to say I received a letter confirming that all my charges would be refunded. Please, everyone keep on with your claims to your banks - they are taking us all to the cleaners with these ridiculous charges - and the more of us who complain the better, as they need to reassess their charges and start treating their customers better. If anyone would like any help with reclaiming bank charges please let me know as am more than happy to help. Best wishes, Miss Pink Panther
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