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  1. thanks psm - thats what I have done though the cross referencing was a nightmare in such a hurry.
  2. thanks lula may need it -still doing my bundle!
  3. I cant thank you enough Adam - think ive got most of it printed now. just need to check and file. I can understand why people get frustrated when the case is stayed after all this work. Will probably be the same for me given what clerk said today, but still going to go. Unless of course reading all the legal bits scares me to death, which it is, and theres so much of it! Worry about that tommorrow - bundles - focus needed Thanks again
  4. Thanks adam, i have spoken with the court this afternoon who have said I can submit the bundle tommorrow , because a stay will probably be applied to the case. Better get printing!
  5. Thank you so much for your reply! May be able to get some sleep now. The paperwork says notice of allocation to the small claims track, and that after considering statements and Questoinnaires the hearing of the claim will take place... Directions state: The claimant shall within 28 days of service of this order send to the defendant and the court: a) A schedule setting out each charge repayment... b)Copies of any statement showing that each and every charge has been made If the claimant fails to comply with this order the claim will be struck out without further order. 14 days prior to the allocated hearing date , the claimaint and defendant shall file and serve : a)copies of all documents (including experts reports on which he /it intends to rely at the hearing. b) Any witness statements must be included in the documents filed and served.and: c) any copies of decided cases and other legal materials to be relied upon. (really messed up on this one!)
  6. Hi, I am in court this friday to try and reclaim abbey bank charges.I am new to this site and have found it really helpful but I am panicking because I didnt send a court bundle with my allocation questoinnaire, just bank statements and copies of correspondance. Kicking myself isnt helping either! Any advice ?
  7. I have a court hearing this friday against abbey for bank charges. This site has been really helpful, but I am panicking now as I did not send a 'court bundle' with my allocation questoinnaire. I have supplied statements and correspondance but no case law etc. Kicking myself isn't helping ! Any advice would be appreciated vbrep_register("1122208")
  8. I have a court hearing this friday against abbey for bank charges. This site has been really helpful, but I am panicking now as I did not send a 'court bundle' with my allocation questoinnaire. I have supplied statements and correspondance but no case law etc. Kicking myself isn't helping ! Any advice would be appreciated
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