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  1. Ok. 1. Garden fence needs fixing. 2. Drainpipe, resulting in damp on our inside wall 3. Garden gate that was broke due to the high winds, in the end we repaired 4. He then requested £2000 per flat, for a new fire escape for an upstairs flat and removal of the electric meters from the basement. No money has exchanged hands yet. Also would you know who is responsible for damp proofing the basment?
  2. According to the deeds for 17b the cellar is unlisted so wether or not it is on any other I dont know. We are in the process of changing freeholders as the previous one is selling up so maybe we can ask the new guy to see all the deeds? As for the repairs it is meant to be split according to the lease. Yet again I dont think it is fair as at one point we were the only people in the flats? In between the devil and the deep blue sea!
  3. Help and advice wanted. Picture this; Converted house - 4 flats. 1 flat is owned, 3 others are tenants. How can the repairs be split evenly amongst the 4. Ours is the bought flat, 2 bedroom, ground floor with a cellar. The cellar is not ours according to the deeds, why? But only we have access, how come. Can anyone help us.
  4. I have also recieved a letter, it sounded exciting like there was something in it for me. I tried to call them, no answer and then I checked the web and seen what they were about. Have n't heard anything since. Will let you know if I do.
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