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  1. Well guys as unbelievable as this may sound to some of you. we got settlement from Greg agreed on Tuesday, we sent the stuff back and demanded a cheque on Wednesday, this morning in the post a cheque for the full amount (written on a Woolwich cheque). What can I say, we seem tio have been so lucky just got it in on time and they settled with a cheque within 2 days. I'm sorry for all of you who are still waiting and wish you luck, but for us it was simple Greg 10 out of 10, did everything he promised and more:) :) :grin: :grin: :grin:
  2. Thanks for this. I've actually sent all the information to the court as the case is Monday and we won't have the cheque by then and asked for an adjournment, saying I will discontinue the claim once the monies are received
  3. Hi All Again, Just to say spoke with Greg at Barclays litigation again today. I basically asked him for a cheque rather than paying into the account and said that we would have to cross out the confidentiality agreement, as we were involved in this forum and couldn't guarentee it. He agreed to send a cheque, although it will take slightly longer than if we had it put directly into the account and crossing out the confidentiality bit was fine with him, everyones doing it. I asked for this all to be confirmed on e-mail, which again he did, I then faxed the signed agreement to settle. I will contact the court tomorrow to say that Barclays have settled and the job is done. We have got back £2,270, so no complaints there. I found Greg very helpful and friendly and in the Good or Evil debate he is a GOOD:) Or should I wait till we get the cheque? Anyway finally Greg says he looks on here occasionally, so a hello and thanks to you Greg. If I can be of any help to anyone else let me know
  4. Hi Barclays settled with us yesterday for this hearing. I can't put attachments here, but if you send me a private message with your e-mail I can send you the court instructions.
  5. Hi all, Greg has faxed through a settlement agreement, which seems ok. he also said the funds will be in the account in 5 days. HOWEVER there is a stop on the account, which means when they pay it in, I can't get the money out:( Also they say by signing the letter is confidential between us. Should I sign?
  6. Tom Hickley e-mailed me today, case is Monday week 30th July, he says he wants to call me Monday can I leave him a contact number. I will do that, but whats he like on the phone. I'm tempted to not agree anything there and then but say I'll call him back, once he says what he has to say. or should I say that I'm not contactable by phone during the day, could he e-mail his thoughts, that way I have written proof of what he says. Any thoughts out there
  7. Hi All, Thanks for your comments thus far, dar£n thanks for the warning I suspected as much. Fitzos hope not to see you. I'm just thinking of the waste of paper if I have to print out the pack. Do I need to understand it all too?
  8. It just says that District Judge Cooke upon reading the court file IT IS ORDERED THAT The case is allocated to the small claims track and listed for trial on 30th July. Later it says there are a number listed for the same day
  9. Hi All, My first post on here, being going through the system for several months now. Received only today a General Form of Judgement or Order, for a hearing on 30th July 2007, when I am away. I am surprised by the short notice, I've submitted all the correct forms as I've been asked, that just leaves the court bundle I guess. So my questions are;- 1. Do I need to attend? 2. Can I send the Court bundle before the date? 3. Can I or do I want to get the hearing adjourned I've e-mailed 3 of the dudes at Litigation, in the hope I can find out who is representing them and whether it will be settled before hand. is there much more I can do? Hope to hear from someone.
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