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  1. hi chilli21, just read your mail,seems like normal slc tactics,i mean denying they recieved letters,and their favourite,never replying to letters you send to them,unfortunately i learned the hard way,at first i thought that if they didnt reply,things must be fine and so forgot about it,bad move,right out of the blue i found out that these people had taken me to court and obtained a ccj behind my back,i had kept a copy of two letters i sent them,but no doubt they will say they never got them,so now i send evry letter to them recorded delivery,and i keep a copy,so far they have replied to evry one,they havnt alwaysdone what i asked though,i had the first ccj set aside,and a court order was issued ordering them to provide me with three different sets of papers they sent two,the third one being (relevant paperwork)when i asked them for this they actually said they were unsure of what i meant by (relevant paperwork)and they are re listing the case but guess what? this time they are asking the court to strike my defence,they dont want any opposition again great isnt it birdkeith
  2. hi maybelline,i always knew it would have to go back to court,but armed with the information you and others have given me,i may just be able to convince them that these people are out of order,and employ tactics that the lowest loan shark would be proud of,i mean taking someone to court behind their back,and claiming to have sent default notices to an address i hadnt lived at for over a year on the say so of alleged external tracing agents,who they claim cant provide copies of their reports,or that they themselves cant do so either because at the time they were in the process of transfering their paper reports onto disc is scraping the barrel,mind you maybelline i may just ask the taxman to look into their accounting system,because external firms need payment so reciepts should be sent,and the reciepts should be kept for tax purposes,that is if they ever existed if you know what i mean,anyway im just waiting for one more piece of information and i should be done,im told it will be in tonights post,and come what may i shall let you know what happened in court, wish me luck birdkeith
  3. hi duffers mum,i dont know about that yet but try asking them for a copy of the original agreement signed by both parties,if they cant or wont do this they probably cant enforce the agreement,but im afraid thats up to a court to decide,i know you wont want that,but the trouble is so do they and thats what they count on,your fear of going to court,best of luck birdkeith
  4. hi 1970,sorry but i wouldnt dare give or even attempt to give advice on this but it certainly doesnt seem right,im ploughing through problems with student loans myself,and to be honest,this is a brilliant site,i feel sure you will find someone who can help you, good luck birdkeith
  5. just a quick addendum to my reply,these search agents,i asked student loans to send me coppies of these reports,guess what they said? at the time they were transferring all their paper documents to disc so couldnt supply me with my request,now i dont know about you,but i find that statement laughable birfkeith
  6. hi, to almost all the above comments,my loans are controlled by the 1974 cca but i have to agree with you,they use the same bully boy tactcs with all of us,mind you in my case they did take me to court but didnt bother telling me, you see i was deffered from april 2000 to april 2001,but in sep 2000 i moved house and informed them of this,then didnt hear from them again even though i rang them with my wherabouts evry april,in 2005 i found out they had taken me to court and got a ccj,a letter to myMP from them states that mail had been returned to them in nov 2000,this resulted in an external trace agent being employed to find me,these people informed them that i was still living at my old address,this taking place six months befor my defferment expired,they then said they sent defaultment letters to the same address,i hadnt lived there for over twelve months and could prove it,i got the ccj set aside,but now they are taking me back but are asking the court to strike my defence they realy are gangsters, i will fight,but please be careful birdkeith.
  7. hi peterbard,i had better start at the beginning,i took out two student loans one in 95 the other in 96,after i graduated i got deferments,the last one being from april 2000 to april 01,however in sept 2000 i moved house and informed them of this,from then on i didnt hear from them again for three years when i started to get demands for money,i did write to them but all i got was more demands and then i got a letter from them stating they would go back to court for an attachment of earnings,i found out that this meant they must have got a ccj,in feb 2005 i wroteto them asking for the court details and all paperwork but got no reply so i went to my MPshe did get a reply,it seems theysent letters to an address that i hadnt lived for well above a year after being informed by an external trace agents that i lived there,not just once but three times i got that ccj set aside,but they are applying for another one and i still havnt seen a default notice or 28 days to pay notice,and this time they are asking the court to strike my defence,what do you reckon i should do? yours birdkeith
  8. hi maybelline,thanks for that,i see what you mean about being careful,its a minefield out there but i am persevering in the hope that i get there,been reading your general replies,but was in hospital recently so there will be a bit of a gap in my replies,what did you mean by pm you?and how?told you i was new to computers best wishes,birdkeith
  9. hi peteryou certainly knpw your stuff so i will try again,i asked the student loans company for a true signed copy of my loan agreement,taken out in1994/5,this being regulated by the cca 1974,they sent me a copy of an agreement only signed and dated by me.i need to know if such a copy is enforcable,, yours hopefully birdkeith
  10. hi peter this is brilliant,but i need to know if a copy ofa 1974 cca agreement is enforceable if it is not signed by both parties in the spaces provided,or indeed only signed by the borrower,without the lenders signiture or date of signing? yours birdkeith,
  11. hi i was getting some advice from maybelline but havnt heard from her for awhile,this signed copy of the aggreement,does it have to be signed by both parties?because there is a space saying signed on behalf of student loans and signing date, help birdkeith
  12. you are jem maybelline,but what does this info come from?you see they have thrown a much lower ceiling at me,even though i have never earned enough to trigger the repayment system,and as far as im concerned,i kept them informed of my whereabouts birdkeith oh i nearly forgot,i was 23 when i took the loan out
  13. hi maybelline,sorry to hear about your other worries hope you manage to sort them out,i have just recieved notification that slc have submitted the ccj papers to the court again,but this time they have asked the court to have my defence struck out,great isnt it?these people dont want any opposition,but i wont take this laying down,and the rule of twenty five years or fifty years of age is central to my argument,i do have a copy of the annual report to the government,i got it by searching the web by pure accident but i forget the exact web site,but if it gives you any help,its entitled national report enabling indeviduals to make their contribution,and i have http.//www.ncl.ac/ .uk/ncihe/nr-333.htm.and you are looking for section 21.23 under the heading cancellation,if that helps anyone else,good,oh i have it on page 5 birdkeith
  14. hi maybelline,no you are not imajining it,in fact its one of the things i intend to throw at them in court,they hope you have forgotten it,because they have started to introduce the version of if you are actually paying the loan off,you have got five years in which to do so, birfkeith
  15. thanks for this steven,i had actualy read it earlier,but yes,coupled with one or two other comments on this site your reply is very helpful,but i do have this prob with the ccj to contend with,but i will let you know how i get on with that one,what did you mean about scales,i am new to computors birdkeith
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