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  1. Thanks for the advice dpick. I have reported them to the OFT. they have given me a case number in responce.
  2. Hi, I am currently suffering from the harrassment by telephone tactics of MBNA and thanks to this forum I am dealing with the situation quite well. What has really irritated me is that they(MBNA) have somehow managed to get hold of my Mothers address and are sending "calling cards" to her house headed with my name. Considering that she has absolutely nothing to do with my financial situation I am horrified by these disgusting tactics. It is nothing short of bullying of an innocent person. My mother is 75 years old, frail and completely unused to such dispicable behaviour. Is there anything I can do to prevent this happening? Thanks in advance for your help. Coxa
  3. This is part of an email responce I received after volunteering for voluntary redundancy. The company I work for, in agreement with the trade unions had requested for volunteers. IQuote - "VR is not being offered to anyone under 50". Correct me if I am wrong but surely this statement is in direct contravention of the Age Discrimination legislation of 2006!! The answer to my email is not "objectively justified" . Thanks
  4. Thank you Cal37. I will consult an Employment Lawyer.
  5. My Employer has paid some individuals shift pay on top of their overtime payments for the last 15 years. Others, including myself have not received this payment, even though there is no difference in pay and conditions between the two groups. Am I entitled to claim these payments? And if so, can I have them backdated for the same time? I have been employed with this company for 16 years. Thanks
  6. I have just registered to join your forums.
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