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Everything posted by hm_murdoch

  1. I usually play this TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO when I get someone calling that I do not wish to speak too.
  2. Go higher up. Don't speak to a phone monkey try and speak to the grinder.
  3. it could be a fake sms with someone phishing for information
  4. someone with a little bit of knowledge and brains and a computer can actually create credit card numbers and guess them.
  5. you don't have? or do you mean you don't use?
  6. I don't think train fare evasion gives you a criminal record? Its like having a speeding ticket or a driving conviction and you pay a fine. Or not paying your council tax and goingto the magistrates court. Having no tv licence is a fine and you don't get a record also. I did get a penalty fare ticket once but it was my own fault and paid it. I had worked the days out wrong when the ticket was still valid. I got a copy of my police record for my US Visa and it was clean and im now a green card holder. As for entering the US not paying for a train ticket or tv licence is not classed as a crime in my opinion as you have not been arrested.
  7. Give them a call tomorrow and ask them what is there procedure about disputing debit card transactions? Tell them its not fraud but its a transaction you don't agree with.
  8. The bank won't treat this as fraud as you have played a part in passing your card details on to the company who have then passed on your details to the 3rd party. Its not fraud and can be treated as a dispute. Call the bank and tell them you wish to dispute the transaction. They bank should be able to send you a disptue form and you will be able to try and dispute the transaction. Cancel your debit card tell them you lost it or you think your numbers been compromised. And get new card number. As for the DPA is there any experts on this act? I think it has been broken.
  9. call Barclays Fraud on 01604 254050 see if anyone there recognises the number.
  10. I think it comes from Lord Woolfs enquiy quite a few years ago in civil law try this page United Kingdom - Changes in Civil Procedure
  11. Im guessing the bank have canceled your card and issued you with a new card number? Its a bit tricky to say how they got your card number but have you used the card in any restaurants, petrol stations or even over the phone? The first 2 places have always been well known for compromising a card number. With CNP transactions (card holder not present, mail order, internet) not all places take the last 3 numbers at the back of the card. Some places do some don't. I do know that the bank I used to work for ( I used to work in fraud) used to either write off the fraud and refund the card holder or in some cases they where able to issue a charge back to the merchant. I personally think from my experience that theres a 99% chance that they have not got your address.
  12. I did a who is search on the domain name. And its someones home address in Southampton. The name of the registrants matches the name posted in the gum tree add. Something is not right.
  13. There we go try this Basic bank accounts - FSA Money made clear - products explained
  14. I thought that the banks have to issue Basic Bank Accounts by law or something. Its so its easier for people with benefits and people with bad credit to get a bank account and have access to banking.
  15. Here is another classic Tescos attempt. Tesco threatens two students with legal action... for squeezing a 30p muffin to see how fresh it was | Mail Online I think tescos security must be on commission or something.
  16. Do you have a debit card? Best thing to advise is that if you have a debit card then just check your bank account. If you don't have a debit card then just delete the text message and forget about it.
  17. Your on the right lines but the first 6 numbers on the card is the bin number (bank identification number) 4929 is only part of a Barclaycard visa card. There is more then 9000 card issuers in the world. VISA issue a big directory with BANK bin numbers.
  18. Buzby the pin number is not used in mail order transactions. Which is the type of fraud that was committed. As for the bank checking on the fraud yeah they are looking after you all but also in away they are covering there backs too. I spent a few years when I still lived in England working in the fraud department for a bank and I know how every works and how the banks find fraud.
  19. I was just reading this post. The type of transactions look to be whats classed as CNP (mail order) card holder not present fraud and most probably done over the internet. A website will normally do a check on the card for a small amount to make sure its a valid card number and everything matches up. Usually a fraudster will do this to check the card works and try to guess the CVV number. Once a small transaction is made a bigger transaction is then tried. All backs use the same fraud systems.
  20. Thank you for you reply Tom Its a tough one to me to work out. I don't own a home or have any assests. I do not work as I am on incapacity benefit due to my last job at the same bank making me so ill. If the debt has been sold does that mean that the owner of the debt can take me to court again and get a new CCJ? Which would last for another 6 years? An adminstration order does seem a possibilty.
  21. Hi Did not defend claim as was in a state of depression. I did not agree a repayment plan and don't remember details of the judgement. It never got enforced. I think its gonna be 5 years old next year. I don't have any statements. As for moving overseas its not to run away cause of debts its cause I have met the most amazing young lady. I don't think the CCJ will have any effect where im going as its a UK Civil Dispute under UK Law. I just forgot about the CCJ and just got on with my life. But as they say the past always haunts you. I made a post with same topic here http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/general-debt/118241-me-booker-managent-service.html#post1200368 As I got a better response then this side of the forum
  22. Hey all I really need some advice. I received a letter from booker Management Services Limited with regards to a CCJ that I received in 2003 from Barclays Bank for £2209.05. They are asking me to discuss payment of the account. Theres also another page saying that the debt was sold to HLCF Limited on the 20th Nov 2006 saying that BMS have been appointed by HLCF to administer the account on there behalf. There is also a letter on Barclays headed paper saying that the debt has been sold to HLCF Limited a d Bookers are a management company dealing with the debt and all correspondence on there behalf. The debt relates to my old student bank account and sadly due to on going depression I got myself into a big mess. I am in the middle of immigrating. I do not own any assests also. Yes the debts mine hands up. Sadly there is alot of unlawful bank charges in there. Can someone please advise me what to do next? Can I still cca this debt? Thanks HM Murdoch
  23. can someone please advise me please?
  24. Hey all I really need some advice. I received a letter from Booker Management Services Limited with regards to a CCJ that I received in 2003 from Barclays Bank for £2209.05. They are asking me to discuss payment of the account. Theres also another page saying that the debt was sold to HLCF Limited on the 20th Nov 2006 saying that BMS have been appointed by HLCF to administer the account on there behalf. There is also a letter on Barclays headed paper saying that the debt has been sold to HLCF Limited a d Bookers are a management company dealing with the debt and all correspondence on there behalf. The debt relates to my old student bank account and sadly due to on going depression I got myself into a big mess. I am going to be leaving the country soon where the debt is not enforceable. Lets just say a new fresh start with a special person. Yes the debts mine hands up. Sadly there is alot of unlawful bank charges in there. Can someone please advise me what to do next? Thanks HM Murdoch
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