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Everything posted by finlander

  1. does anyone have a link to the ombudsman site so I can download the forms?
  2. I have been reading the rather furious postings regarding no compliance with SAR requests. I have also been reading the rather intesting thread here regarding CCA requests. Now my suggestion is for those with credit cards mainly, If when you send your SAR request then in the same envelope you send a seperate request for you CCA, not forgeting the covering cheque for £1 seperate from your other £10 for the SAR, they then have 12 days to supply you with CCA. this is regardless of workload, we are busy etc etc.. If they dont then you can write to them and stop paying until they do Now this may have two effects...one you dont have to keep paying your repayments till they provide the CCA and it may encourage the bank to provide your details quicker. If we all do it then that should start to make the credit card companys sweat. second suggetion for everybody really and the mods may help here... why dont we all start emailing and writing to our mps to complain about the banks, the charges, the delaying tactic, the trading standards not prosecuting CCA defaults, the Info commissioner not getting medievil with these people? the link below is your mp finder and nearly all have e-mail as well... UK Parliament - Find Your MP
  3. by the way we are past the allocation stage and awaiting a court
  4. I received a letter the other day from scm saying that the bank are of a mind to settle. They asked me to send a list of charges , how interst calculated etc etc. is this normal?. is it just another delaying tactic and if not does it mean they are close to an offer? anyone know?
  5. [edit].. ok ... I'm doing lloyds at the mo and heres what I did... 1. send the letter saying harrasment etc. next time they ring ask for the operators name before you say anything else. if they don't give it. hang up. when they have finished the aggressive bit explain that you have made a written record of the converstaion. inform them that the next phone call you recieve you will file a criminal complaint with the police. Insist they record your comments on the computer. 2. dont wait for the statements. register for online banking at it allows you to download the last 6 years of statements. work the charges out from them and hit them with the first letter. then the account is in dispute and they are on criminal ground if they harrass you. 3. one bit of advice. dont take any [edit] from these people. they operate like school yard bullies. when you stand up and tell them that if they dont stop bothering they [edit] 4. go get um tiger 8)
  6. that will do.... ok lets watch the fun... keep in touch dave may need some help..
  7. quick question dave.... when i do or don't get my cca agreements... whats the advice. stop paying or just claim back the interest paid? as I said I'm not interested in the moral high ground just making the [edited] squeal alot and loss their illgotten gains....
  8. ok lets tell you whats happening wiv me ... I have decided to take on the bad guys and get sum [edited] justice in the world . My story is that I that I am a laid back sort of guy and didnt really care much about the bank charges thing until recently. last year I met the girl of my dreams bought our lovely house and we decided to get married. As you can imagine that was all a bit expensive and during the whole thing I noticed that my bank, lloyds, began getting difficult. Now between us we earn about £100,000 a year and my overdraft was for £2500. I have banked with lloyds for 25years. So I called them and asked to speak to my manager with a view to extending my overdraft. I was told that they don't have managers anymore and that the nice man on the end of the phone would help. I explained the situation and he typed it all in to the computer and the computer said 'no'. I asked why and he said he didn't know. He went away to try and arrange something and then said that the computers word was final. I said that is silly and that we earn more than enuf to service the overdraft and he agreed. He then told me that he worked there short term as he was going to college and that it was ridiculous that I couldn't extend my overdraft as his one was for £7000 and he was a student! He then said something that changed me forever. He said that the truth is probably that they want you to go over your limit so they can charge you and said it was outrageous really!!!!! I got off the phone thought about it :? and then decided to take the [edited] to the cleaners... so current state... lloyds - £5000 - claim issued - AQ filed and SCM letter received saying lloyds has a mind to settle. letter sent back saying 'rightyho please cough up £5000' abbey- £900 - court date 24/08/2007 . no other correspondence received. 2 furthur claims to file.. totalling £6000 barclaycard- claim acknowledged and defence filled. NatWest- LBA sent - no reply as yet cca and sars requests sent to credit cards Royal bank of scotland monument alliance and liecester mbna morgan stanley MY paln is to squeeze them till their pips squeak. Its not so much about the money...more about revenge.. I shall keep you all posted as to my progress. By the way I have had quite a bit of experience recently dealing with my new wifes claims and the harrasment she has received from the banks so if anyone needs any help PM me..
  9. hi folks can anyone help! Im after the shabby for £900 and have just got my court date for the 27/08/07. Since I started this they have taken another £500 in charges and my wife has found another account that owes her about £3500 in charges . Is it possible to amend my claim to take in these two as well? g
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