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  1. Thanks Caro, I read another post last week where someone tried to get a stay lifted and was unsuccesful. Looks like its a waiting game. Regards
  2. Hi, I went on Wednesday 27th to Carlisle County Court and YB did not show. They had applied for a stay the day before by fax which the district judge granted. They are awaiting the outcome of the high court findings sometime next year. It will be worth you ringing the court before you turn up to see if the bank has applied for a stay. Don't worry about the appearance as it is quite informal, you are in a room just like an office with the judge. Good luck!!!
  3. Hi Sofiya, I was in court yesterday, and the banks late request for a stay was granted. Appears to be the way it is at the mo. see my link Kintra v Yorkshire bank. Would proceed in any case. GOOD LUCK
  4. Went to court yesterday, Thursday 27th, as expected the YB had faxed a request for a stay Wednesday 26th stating various reasons one of which they had had no time to prepare since the hearing was changed 3 days prior. This was for the case to be heard 20 minutes later!!! AAAArrrghh give me strength!!!! The judge was not amused, however he was aware that all the banks went through this delaying tactic. The stay was granted by the District Judge in view of the recent cases of Haines v HSBC and Haines v Alliance & Leicester at Winchester CC, numbers 7QT04849 and 7QT04856 respectively. Hope the spelling of Haines is correct!! Does anyone know how to see what the outcome was to these cases? In addition he stated that with the impending high court test case next year he did not see it as prudent to proceed and if I wished to contest the stay I would have to have a "very good argument indeed". I advised the judge I would not contect his judgement at that time but that I reserved the right to do so later after advisement. HELP!!
  5. Hi Hils, Bundles done and delivered, just wait and see where it goes from here!!! Will keep you posted. Cheers
  6. HELP!! Can anyone point me in the direction of the following for my bundle. 1) Need details of YB's CYNthesis. Was it on TV at some point? 2) Any case studies or places where I can get examples of succesful claims, press cuttings etc My head is now hurting!!!
  7. Good luck Yvette, I spoke to the court handling my cse on the 7th Sept and was told that they had not received any request for a stay from the YB /CB and that my case will still go ahead on the 27th of this month. I am trawling through the posts to glean whatever I can for my bundle and how to compose it. Do you have any of the banks T's & C's or can you point me in the right direction. Sorry to ask on your thread.
  8. Hi, This is my first post and I am looking for help in claiming bank charges through the small claims court. I have received a date from the court for the hearing on the 27th September. I have received a letter from the Clydesdale referring to the test case at the High Court, as such until the outcome is decided that they will be applying for a stay. I have today (7th Sept) spoken with the court who confirm that no stay has been received and as such the case will still go ahead. I need to prepare a bundle and am looking for help as to what to include? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
  9. Well done Katierose!! I have just received a defence claim from the Yorkshire Bank, same stable as Clydesdale....can you send your judge down!!
  10. Can any one help me post this thread to the Yorkshire / Clydesdale forums please? Am new to this!! Thanks.....
  11. Thanks Louis, have seen another article on the site about CYnthesis so I will follow it up.
  12. Hi, I am new to the site and have submitted a small courts claim against the Yorkshire Bank for circa £4k. I have just received copies of their signed defence.....Is this normal or is it part of their strategy to see if I will back down? Any help MUCH appreciated.
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