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Everything posted by sleepy184

  1. Does anyone else have a copy of the letter that simon sent as he may not see this post or indeed may no longer receive emails saying there has been an update on this post? There was a mention of it being placed on this forum somewhere for people to download, do any of the admin know if this was done? Thanks
  2. Thanks for the explanation. Is there any set standard letters or do you just basically write to them explaining the problem and asking for it to be sorted in the 14 days otherwise you will be taking action through the SCC
  3. Thanks for the info. What is LBA? I'm hoping this will be sorted without going to small claims court but I dont think that he is going to pay up.
  4. Does anyone know what my rights are then?
  5. Hi all, I am after some advice. I have purchased a used car. When I purchased the car it had an LPG conversion already fitted. I was offered a 3 month warrantee, I decided to extend this to 12 months and also asked for the lpg system to be covered. The garage told me that they could do this and that the warantee I had would cover the LPG system and it was an excellent product! When I took the car for the test drive, I noticed the Engine management light on. I asked what it was and the dealer informed me that it was a problem with the LPG which he knew about and would sort it before I picked the car up. He also said the LPG would be serviced along with the car etc before picking up. Well, I went to pick the car up and he told me that all the jobs had been done and that it was now ok. He told me that there was no LPG in the system as there were no garages near by but that I could fill up with petrol just up the road. I did that and then made my way home (60 miles away) When I got home, I filled up with LPG and as soon as I strated to run on it, the Engine management light came on. I took it to a local garage who said it was the injectors on the LPG system that had failed. So, I rang the garage where I had the car from and he said it could not be the lpg as he had had the problem sorted and that it could be the HT lead that he had taped up as it had a nick in it! Anyway, I took it to the local garage and booked it in for the repair as the warantee I had could be used at any garage. To cut a long story short, the warantee people refused to pay for the work saying the component was not covered, it turns out that none of the LPG components are covered. I have now ended up paying the bill for the local garage but where do I stand? I have sent a letter to the garage today explaining what happened and also a copy of the receipt for the work and have asked them to foot the bill as the problem was there before I purchased the vehicle. Could any one offer further advice please? Many thanks
  6. I know this original post is going back quite a bit but do you still have a copy of the letter? I need all the help I can get at the moment.
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