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  1. Hi, spoke to Ladya t Exeter CC and all cases there are being stayed what do we do?
  2. Thnnks steven, they haven't applied yet but would it be better to get this in before they do or wait until they apply?
  3. Hi, been a awhile, anyway have sent the court the letter to say not complied, and Cobbetts have now said that they will apply for a stay and no offers are being made, I finally lost my rag and told them they have purposly wasted time so as they could get to this stage, anyway to cut long story short I put phone down and was very cross. Now really do feel we have missed boat, but light Exeter CC says they are preceeding as normal. So how do I defend a equest to stay. kazz
  4. Reading other threads and see that the cases were 'struck out' due to abuse, how do you get his to happen? Now relly confused:(
  5. Hi, Cobetts haven't entered a defence on my case dealine was 21st July what did you do to get them to pay you out? Kazz
  6. Hi, spoke to court and they say that Cobbetts still have time to submit their bundle as my court date isn't until 21.10.07, however if they do not nad then rely on some eveidnece they haven't given me, I can ask for a strike, so now will wait 7 days and then send court the letter as per the template nad then go fromthere. heres hoping as I am getting really fed up and nervous about all this as feel that I may have missed the boat and will get nothing. Kazz:-x
  7. Ta, but it is so annoying we have to do all the work and they just sit there, my court date isn't until 21st October so will we have to wait till then before they settle!. Agghhh!!!!!!
  8. Am sending the letter from the top thread as can't get any joy with Wiki, Should I ring thme as well. Kazz
  9. Michael I con't seem to access this link I get erro messge. Any other route to the link? Kazz
  10. Hi All Well sent off the court bundle completed to Cobbetts and Exeter Court, well in time for the due date of 21.07.07, I have not received anyhting from Cobbetts yets, so am assuming they haven't complied with the court order yet, so what do I do now, and where do we go to get settlement. Kazz
  11. Hi mke again, I've been reading about AQ's I was not asked to submitted one we have gone straight to Small Claims track, is this now common or a problem. Kazz
  12. Hi all, well put together my court bundle nearly 200 pages, will ie ableget ackthe costof photocopying this and my nearly 30 hours of research adn collation if I get awarded my money.? How will I know whether Cobblers have done their thing as well? Kazz
  13. Thanks for help so far, but can't get the Nicole Rich stuff off the link, can youhelp. Kazz
  14. Thank have done that now and moving on or trying to wade through it all:confused:
  15. Also account was started in 2002 but only have TC's issued by them in 2006 which they sent me. Is there a copy somewhere. I' sure I saw it mentioned but can't find it now. Opps:o
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