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Everything posted by Yawbus

  1. I've been reading this site (PCW & Curry's) on and off for a couple of days now and I must say that I do sometimes get this impression of 'Scream first and ask questions after you've sued'. (I speak now because someone actually declared War a little earlier....cripes!) Honestly, that's just the impression I get. Probably not the intention but if I get that vibe then i'm sure many of the people who post to get advice will also feel it. Do you want to help the person get their problem resolved with the minimum of fuss or do you want to get the person to pursue their rights?. The two aren't always one and the same and since no one here appears take any kind of legal resposibility for the advice they give, sending people off in vehement pursuit of action without considering the alternatives would be irresponsible. I'm sure no one posts here to make anybody's situation worse (even the one that keeps rejoining as someone else, gets flamed a lot for giving unpopular advice and insinuating people could be nice to retailers:) ). I'm not trying to insult anyone or judge whether any advice is worthy or not, just hold up a mirror to show you what an outsider see's.
  2. What's the problem with helping Currys out and signing another doc if they ask for it?. Someone may have made a mistake.........has anyone here ever made a mistake at work?.....sure they have, and I'll bet you either wished/or were lucky enough to have someone human enough to smile and say 'Hey don't worry about it'. Have a grumble about it, that's cool and understandable but be careful of unnecessary awkwardness as it never helps anyone (except lawyers who get paid to make everyones lives awkward ). Hope you manage to resolve it all.
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