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Posts posted by chancer1

  1. I agree with fuzzy - WFS are out for 1 thing only, to make money out of those who can least afford it.


    Just a quick question - have you involved the FSA or FOS


    I have had a run in with WFS - got my £8k balance wiped - I too borrowed £5k, paid £7.5K and they still wanted more - but they failed on a cca request (or knew it was unenforcible and decided not to send it me) and agreed to wipe the loan, but after that, they were impossible, they put a £8k default on my credit file, took it off, put it on, and I have now (after nearly 3 months) managed to get them to correct the info.


    If you have a chance, hit them where it hurts, your outstanding balance!!!!


    Just for info - I copied in the FSA/FOS/FLA/OFT/TS/ICO and made welcome aware of it.


    Good Luck

  2. OK - back to Monument - mcol issued - letter recieved advising will apply for stay - now recieved defence -


    I need to write to the judge and ask that stay not be placed as these are credit card charges not bank charges, is this ok?


    Case Number ~@~@~@~

    Dear Sirs,

    Could I please ask for the following letter to be shown to the judge following an application for a stay from the Defendants.

    Dear Judge Murdoch,

    I write regarding the stay that has been requested by Barclays Bank PLC, they have stated to myself in a letter dated 14th September 2007 that it is their intention to ask for a stay pending the outcome of the OFT case.

    I would ask that a stay not be granted on this case as it concerns Credit Card charges and not Bank charges.

    Yours thankfully,


  3. I received a letter yesterday from Barclays Legal & Compliance Dept, with a heading of:- Unauthorised Overdraft Charges ("bank charges")


    How wrong is that - I am claiming against my Credit Card charges - they have requested a stay or are going to request a stay.


    I have emailed the person who wrote the letter and asked them why a stay should placed on credit card case when the OFT are dealing with BANK charges only.


    Didn't get a response by email, guess it'll be up to the postie....

  4. what we dont understand is how they managed to secure the loan on our property


    Have you checked with land registry, online it cost's £2 to check yourself. You can see if it is secured or not. Mine wasn't!?!?!


    Be very careful about reduced payments, these will add even more to the debt as WFS post their interest monthly, it seems based on the previous months balance, my payments were £163, yet monthly posting was £127.


    Have you done a Consumer Credit Agreement request? This can highlight some interesting things, it only cost's £1 - the templates are around.


    Good Luck!

  5. Back to WFS.....


    they have written a final responce to the above letter (post 18 )


    Advising that they will not remove any information that is not correct, they have a duty/obligation blah blah blah


    BUT - If they cannot produce the cca - how do they have my permission to pass details on about me???


    The only option they have left me, is the FOS


    What can I do???

  6. So... up against Monument now.


    Had the usual rejection and 50% offer, sent letters and now they have till 24th to respond before legal action


    They have complied and sent my T&C's - these say:-


    these are T&C's of agreement between Barclays and Me (But they have said my account is with compucredit, not Barclays???)


    Under default charges they advise :-


    we will charge you for any reasonable costs or losses we incur if you break the agreement inc the following:-


    Failure to meet minimum payment £12

    Exceed limit £12

    Bounced payment £12


    surely they still have to justify the cost's??

  7. Hi....I don't owe any mony to them all I want is the default removed......


    I think it is the Information Commissioners Office who you need to report them to, they deal with Data Protection issues and information sharing


    You could write to Monument advising that you will report them under s10 of the CCA 1974


    I had a similar issue with WFS - i queried it with Equifax, after 2 weeks they just removed it as WFS didn't respond - I mean they removed the 'whole entry'


    So might be worth querying it with Equifax




    Link to my thread where I was advised about s10

  8. how's this for a reply......


    Dear Mr welcome finance man


    Thank you for your latest communication acknowledging the CCA request failure.


    Further more, thank you for your ‘gesture of goodwill’, which of course I will accept.


    As discussed on the telephone, I do still however have the outstanding issue of information reported to 3rd parties, i.e. Credit Reference Agency’s.


    I will definitely take action under s78(6) of the CCA 1974 if you do not retract any information already given to these agencies.


    Once I have confirmation of the above in writing, I shall then forward a letter of ‘complaint satisfied’ to all parties involved in this complaint.


    If I do not hear from you within 14 days, you shall leave me no further option but to continue my complaint with the relevant authourities.


    Yours faithfully




    smug ex customer

  9. Hey Moonhawk -


    this is a weird one, i too was approached by AK about 4 months ago, it was for a supposed Barclays debt - I asked for my copy of the original CCA.


    They replied, all be it 4 weeks later, advising that they were unable to produce this document and therefore were not going to chase the debt. (It was a few thousand)


    It seems they have changed their tactics - maybe too many people asking for CCA's????

  10. Hi Valhala,


    They are a rip off merchant, I took out a £5000 loan and after paying back £7,500 they still wanted over £8k to settle 5 years early - if I kept the loan for the full term, they would command a total return of £19,500 - yes for £5k - I have since had my outstanding balance wiped and written off.


    I managed to do this due to their non compliance of a CCA request.

    Have you requested a copy of your signed Consumer Credit Agreement - without this, it is very difficult for them to enforce the loan.


    There is a template on here -and don't forget the £1 fee.


    Good Luck!!

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