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  1. Do Universities or Colleges have a legal power to 'fine' students for overdue books? The reason I ask is that library membership is given as part of student enrolment, and there's nothing in my learning agreement with regards to fines. This is the only document I've signed.
  2. I'm a bit confused at the "Notice of Transfer of Proceedings" I recieved this morning. Seems a bit strange that things are pencilled out on the letter and such. I've quoted the body of the letter below. With - around the strikethrough'd bits... I've had a search around and can't really see anything such as this? Anyone know anything of this?? Where do I go from here?
  3. Hi all New to the forums so hi! I've been on with my claim against abbey since the 12th of april now. They took 10 weeks to send me my statements. Previous 18 months being in proper statement format, and the ones prior to that being in a spreedsheet format. The next stage was sending them a compiled copy of all the charges on the statements and the spreadsheet they sent me into one list of charges. This was sent to them with a covering letter expressing my wish to claim back the complete amount. After three weeks, I recieve a letter saying my case is being looked into, and will take at least 8 weeks. I followed up with a couple of phone calls on this. Always got the same answer stating that they legally have 8 weeks to deal with this 'complaint'. As I was getting nowhere with Abbey. I filed a claim on MCOL. After exactly acknowledgement, and 28 days later. They file a defence. This is my first claim so i'm a bit unsure where to go from here. This is what the defence from Abbey. Plus covering letters, say. And the defence... Any advice on how to proceed would be much appriciated. As i've not had a defence before i'm not sure if anything in there is strange or not.
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