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  1. sorry about the late update ive just been so stressed out i forgot here is the last letter i recived after contacting the financial ombudsman dear xxxxxxx agreement number xxxxxx outstaning balance £0.00 i write further to your telephone conversation with our representatives,regarding the above account it has been decided not to pursue this any further and the matter has been deleted from our database the decision has been made from a commercial viewpoint only the matter is now closed and we will not contact you again mrs sarah hewit relations and litigation manager also here is the letter they sent to f/o your refxxxxxxxx dear sirs we refer to your previous correspondence we can now confirm that the above acount has now been written off please advise your client accordingly i would just like to thank everyone for all there help i could not have done it without you
  2. what is the date of defult if its over 6 years they cannot
  3. i see my local going places seems to dissagre because it was hotel staff they seem to think i have a good case
  4. hi i have just came back from a 2 week holiday in egypt while i was there a maintnance man came up to me in front of my 6 year old son and fely my breast i was in total shock the hotel was great and fired the man as soon as they found out but it still ruined the holiday i have been into going places today and they have told me to draft a letter to there head office to ask for compensation but i dont know where to start this was an expensive holiday that was ruined by this event but it happened 4 days before i was due home so going places have said i will only get compensation for these days but the whole holiday experiance is ruined not part of it and i have also had to explain to a 6 year old why a man woul do that to a women i have been badly shaken by this experiance and would never return to egypt could someone please help me write a letter please i dont want to be fobbed off with a discount for next year thanks kerry
  5. hi i had a debt To Kays Catalouge over six years ago I Never Signed Anything And Have Never Herd Anything About This But Once One Debt Company Gets You I Suppose They All Do There Is No Defult On My File And No Records Of Kays Searching My File Ever Do Kays Normaly Bother About Lost Debt Do You Know Or Do They Write It Off Themselves As There Is Never A Signed Agreement Also Do You Know What Dca Agencys They Use If They Go Down This Route Im Not As Worried About This One Because Its Not For A Lot At Least I Dont Think So Are Kays Even Still Operating
  6. thames credit are not all bad yemi is the best person to speak to
  7. the person who wrote off the debt was a nice man called scott donavon he sounded nice and not at all nasty like some of the others i have delt with there others have lied threatened and reaally scared me into beliving that because i had addmitted to one debt that ment i addmited to both of them because they were from the same address another lie in a long list from some of the people here. im still waiting for the letter ill let you know when it comes. also talk to complaints dept at aktiv not thames as these seem better
  8. Hi I Told Thames At 9.30 This Morning That The Banking Onbusman Has Taken Up My Case Which They Have Got A Call From There Manager At 10.15 To Say The Debt Is Now Being Written Off But Im Waiting For Letter That He Said Would Be Sent Out Straight Away He Said Its Better This Way So I Can Get On With My Life And Be Stress Free Thanks All I Will Let You Know When I Get The Letter
  9. they have given me the last payment date 20/8/2000 and the defult date 5/2001 and the man i spoke to said there are no ccjs on this account should i belive him if so then it is stat barred could you draft me a copy please of letter 1 im only going on the dates i have been told by them on the phone i have nothing in writing so do you think they are lying but if so what would they gain from teeling me these dates so i know its stat barred
  10. so if they write back saying that its not stat barred which they normaly do what is my next step i sent your template letter about the six year rule and that its an offence to keep harrasing me but from past experiance do thames credit normaly admit that its stat barred first time or not if not what letter do i write next thanks kezza
  11. but the last payment was 21/8/00 not 2001
  12. hi they phoned today and said the last payment was 20/08/00 and the defult date is 23/5/2001 but they wont say that the debt is statuet barred or not where do i stand they are just going to say its not statuet barred what do i do next also would they lie about the dates if it was in my favour i keep thinking its some kind of trick or somthing but surely they would lie in there favour i dont know im now taking diazapam because of all the stress thanks kezza
  13. sorry i havnt got back to you lately i have had some severe anxiety attacks and been put on diazapam because of the threats of sending people to my door to collect money that i havnt got im still waiting for replies from mr lunn has i have complained about the way i was threatend but i havnt heard anything else about the second debt exept what i was told over the phone that the last payment was 20/08/00 but he could not see a defult date he would have to ask the company involved for that so he couldnt confirm that the debt is statuet barred or not which is worse because i dont know where i stand and i cant send any letters yet because they have not sent me one yet asking for the money and if i do i will be admiting the debt what should i do i have paid the first debt off but the second is a lot more money that i havnt got £1200 and im worried that they will keep leaving it so they can keep adding to the amount and eventualy ill end up with a £20000 bill
  14. yes but looking at your template letter for statuet barred it states 6 years from cause of action what is cause of action
  15. i i have sent off all the relevent letters but i have just read through the limitations act and its got me very worried it says the 6 years starts from the date action could be taken so is this the defult date as they stated
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