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  1. this is the body of the letter sent Dear sir/madam, Please see enclosed copies of our recent correspondence. As you will see form my first letter, I was not writing to you to make a complaint, I was writing to request the repayment of unlawful penalty charges from my account. I have still not received a refund of these charges that your company had levied from my account from 03/09/01 to 01/05/07 amounting to £2226.50 as requested. I hereby give you a further 7 days from the date of this letter in which to comply with my request. If I do not receive a full refund of these penalty charges within this time, I will have no alternative but to begin legal proceedings to recover this money. Please do not waste my time by offering a part payment, as such offers will be ignored. I will only accept a full and unconditional refund.
  2. started trying to reclame bank charges from lloyds tsb asking for list of charges on 01/05/07 recived list of charges on 14/05/07 sent request for refund on 16/05/07 on 25/05/07 recived a fob off letter stating the file will be closed on july 20 if i dont get intouch?? sent seven day letter on 07/06/07 still waiting for a respons to the seven day letter .............. where do i go now ?? please help pete
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