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Everything posted by lynn76

  1. what are the banks playing at trying again to get me to take their offer when I have already declined it?? lol
  2. Hi Tilly, I am fine really, to be honest because everything has been put on hold I forgot about it until this letter landed on my mat!! Do they think we are stupid, they must be so frightened to send another letter out that I have already declined!! How are you, any news on your case(s) yet?? Lynn x
  3. just thought I would let you all know that today I received a letter from HBOS stating that their offer still stands as a good will offer and if accepted will be in full and final settlement, yet this time it was personally signed, not a printer job!!! They must be getting desperate!!! not taking their offer by the way!!! = )
  4. Thanks for your confidence in me, I hope I am doing okay but I would not be where I was now if it wasn't for this site and yours and everyones help, I keep reading peoples threads that interest me and then I pickup some advice that might help myself. I hope we all get our money back soon and I hope to get mine back sooner due to me struggling for the past 6 years and when they take those charges it puts me even further back and you take desperate measures to get back on top, they have a lot to answer for these haliprats!!!!! I know about these abreviations it takes me ages to work them out but I try and try again and then I think I have them sust, maybe I dont but who knows!!! tee hee. Thanks for your support and I hope to help others and I hope others read my thread as my experience will be similar to others I know and if I am ahead that what they are they can see what to expect!! I am helping my mum at the moment, she is not good on computers so I give her what advice I know and she has started her process with the RBS!!! lol xx
  5. They might not even look at my form yet as they said there was no guarantee?? fingers crossed though!! lol
  6. Hi everyone! Just followed someone elses idea and rang the FOS and told them about my case, at first they were reluctant to deal with it as I have gone thru the courts but when I told them that I never new about them and that I have done all this before the test case was launched they are now sending me a form to complete and I am to send it back and they will put it forward for the BIG CHIEFS to look at, no guarantees tho!!?? I will keep you informed!!! They took all my details and gave me a ref no. lol Lynn xxx
  7. Hi, Had a letter today from Northampton county court stating that the judge has ordered a stay until the OFT test case. What do I do now, can I apply under hardship because of tax credits and working tax credits to have the stay removed and to attend court? What do I do now? Lynn x
  8. No, no news yet, I hope I will win in the end but I would like the end to be sooner rather than later just like we all would!! lol x
  9. I will look into it more and see how to carry on to the next step, still awaiting a letter from the courts??!!?? lol
  10. Hi buffy, have you tried that milk for hungrier babies??? it worked a treat on my son??!!?? just a thought! lol
  11. tell me about it!! I have 2 young uns, sleep whats that!!! Socialising no idea what that is, I thought it was havin a bevy in my front room watchin telly!!! lol
  12. I will await the letter from the courts then I will write my book to them and I will await a court date, feel better about things already!!! Cheers everyone!! lol xxxxx
  13. Fab site, looks like I have arrived when everyone else is sleeping still!!! what time do you all come to life??? lol
  14. I just hope I get thru to them before they automatically put a stay on it, I want my hardship case to be put forward first. lol
  15. So should I write again to the courts or just bring this up in court? Thanks everyone by the way, I hope to prove that they have taken most of the charges from my tax credits. Lynn
  16. when I get the letter from the courts giving me the court location I will let you know, should I then contact the court and inform them about benefits etc?? Yeah it is a new hair cut KEN did it for me, my dress, this old thing!!! ha ha
  17. Great! I am so mad, this is money taken from benefits as well and now it is automatically "stayed" because they have filed a bog standard defence, I am stuck and have to wait for months and months for the test case and there is nothing I can do about it! Lynn x
  18. I have received the defence from the halifax what happens now???? Lynn
  19. I have found it! I have emailed everything to the MCOL and I have telephoned them, they have received the email with my covering letter and a list of my charges, dates and interest and they have printed it off and put it into my claim!! Thought this was an easier way what with the postal strikes etc, just thought I would share my experience in case any one else is going through the same as me! Lynn
  20. Can anyone give me the link to read up on bank taking charges from my benefits, been looking but cannot find it : ( Lynn
  21. Thanks! I will draft something together and contact the courts and Halifax and tell them I want this money back!!! lol
  22. Thanks! I will do that, I just have to go through the dates now and check when the charges went out as to when my benefit went in! are benefits tax credits as this is what I get? lol
  23. Thanks SSL and Tilly, I have followed your advice and I have posted a letter to the court and also a list of my charges, the dates and the interest I am claiming. I did also add in my letter that I am a single parent and these charges have added to my financial worries and the charges have been taken from benefits on some occasions. I hope this helps to support my MCOL!!!! fingers crossed!! Lynn
  24. Can I just ask why the advice given is to not use MCOL. I have already filed via this way, is this going to go against me? Lynn
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