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  1. Amazon have offered a replacement device if I withdraw the claim first. This come over as bullying to me as I have no guarantee they will honour their offer. I don't think I should have to withdraw the claim as a condition of them obeying the law.
  2. Matt colebrook. Write to him at fd address marked private
  3. Amazon are still refusing to replace the kindle so I've submitted a small claims court action online tonight.
  4. Hi I'm not sure how much details I should put just in case it does go down the small claims route so this may be a bit general/vague. Bought a Kindle in Nov 2010 and was replaced under warranty in April 2011. In Dec 2011 this failed. I know the warranty is from the first purchase. I'm arguing it isn't of satisfactory quality, fit for purpose and hasn't lasted a reasonable amount of time. Their response has been: I have escalated to CEO level and sent recorded delivery letters. They now refuse to discuss further. Consumer Direct have also advised me to do a section 75 with the credit card company which is underway. If that is not successful then I'll have to look at the small claims court. I don't think a customer should have to pay a third of the item value one month out of warranty. Amazon have also confirmed they don't offer repairs and with it being a fairly new bit of kit it's hard to get a 3rd party report. Amazon also refuse to accept it back for diagnostics. Hence I'm looking for a bit of experience with Amazon and small claims. I nkow they have a head office in Luxembourg but they're also on Companies House with a UK address. Hope that clarifies. thanks
  5. Hi Has anyone had any experience taking Amazon.co.uk through the small claims court? Would be grateful for any tips, advice etc. thanks.
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