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Everything posted by Chickenlicken

  1. Hi, I returned to study in 1999 when I was a lone parent on income support, my benefits were not affected in any way, even though childcare and petrol were reimbursed by the college. I also returned to study (again) in 2003 and worked and this did not affect my benefits either, however I wasn't claiming HB or CTB this time. Hope this helps somewhat, I think you may need to declare student loan/grant/bursary in the case of HB or CTB but not sure on that one (surely if income has not changed then neither will these benefits). Out of personal interest, what are you going back to study?
  2. Write everything down in chronological order and send a caopy to your MP, BBC Watchdog, energy watch, OFT(?). Write to everyone official, the press even! What have energy watch said today? I'm gobsmacked too
  3. For Gods sake! I'm kind of reluctant to resubmit the letter to be honest, if they can't get their arse in gear, they'll have to wait for their money. My instinct is to stop payments and wait for their response, asking for cca when they write to hubby about non payment. I bet they'll soon find the account then!
  4. Wescot have responded by; Returning our letter & PO Asking us to provide a reference number otherwise they cannot action the request! I have not got a ref. no. as hubby threw most of his paperwork out.
  5. "An application form can be a valid CCA if it embodies all the prescribed terms" is this correct? found it on mse+
  6. The first- It headed Personal loan application form. If you use the 'page' button & zoom, you can make it out. But I would recommend uploading again so those in the know (not me sorry) can confirm that. The second I can't make out, sorry
  7. If theres no cca, how can the debt exist? It can't be enforced, they can't default you etc so how can it exist? It must hang over you forever & ever amen? someone correct me if i'm wrong
  8. Thanks for that, will bear it in mind. This is for hubby and will post again when I hear from either company.
  9. CCA requests sent 5 June 2008. I make it 23rd for the initial response
  10. It also depends on location and whether it is a specialised practice (ie AHT, Vet school etc), if it is a hospital like you say, nurses sleep on site overnight to cover night duties.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss, I understand where you're coming from x Frankly, I am a little surprised that you were not able to visit. We were/are able to visit our pets in hospital and we don't disallow owners from visiting their pets (i work in a vets). Also, your vet should have given you a ongoing update on the amounts that were outstanding, by way of warning/courtesy anyway. I would advise contacting the RCVS (royal college of veterinary surgeons) and making a formal complaint. Can you outline what treatment was given/overall prognosis?
  12. The Freedom of Information Act-does this mean that if someone is reported for criminal activity, they can find out who reported them?
  13. This maybe a bit late but, have you thought that maybe someone has fraudulently got credit (thats mistaken for capital) in your names?
  14. I would also write a written complaint to Rossendales about their behaviour and send a copy to the council and your local MP. Write things down in chronological order.
  15. I would certainly head down to the council, taking wage slips for the last 6 months and show them your income. Say you need your housing benefit/council tax benefit recalculated as you don't have enough to live on. Take bills too. If necessary fill out another claim form and get a receipt to say you've handed it in, with copies of wage slips. Don't leave until they have dealt with your complaint. If they say they wont because its in the hands of baliff, speak to someone higher. We have a council who say they don't receive documents, even when they have returned them to us recorded delivery! Its not until I tell them, they then look harder...and all of a sudden they find them, filed under someone else.
  16. They never did provide me with historical T&C's or ones I signed up to. Can I chase them for these and a copy of my original application to open the account?
  17. If you had your final reading from previous supplier and a current reading, you should be able to work out your useage, like tiglet says x
  18. O M G what a load of B******T. Have you written to your MP? I think this is absolutely outrageous. (God help me I'm with NPower too)
  19. Have you not got any meter readings from start? This would see the real useage. Sounds like a huge cock up to me. Write everything down in chronological order and put together a written complaint and send a copy to the regulatory bodies, ie; ofgem, energywatch, and your local MP. Surely you should be able to obtain all account info under the Data Protection Act? (someone correct this if wrong). If it was me, I wouldn't accept anything until a full investigation was conducted into their behaviour, attitude, meter readings, billings and so on. It cannot be justified that they seem to be sweep something under the carpet and get away with it....who's to say in 2 years time they will come back and do it all again? With BG its a strong possibility. If you need any help I am sure this bunch will oblige! (I'm crap at this sort of thing, although if I can offer something constructive I will) I think meter readings are at the heart of all this & if you had any, it would certainly help alot. All payments would also need to be recorded as proof of payment-I bet you would be horrified to see how much you have spent over the time.
  20. You must have start and end meter readings to use?
  21. If its one thing I've learnt from working with Womens Aid; any determined perpetrator will wait, no matter how long ago it happened. I have seen the devastation.
  22. BG are completely useless and do this ALL the time. Email |BBC watchdog as they have been on there several times over these stupid mistakes.
  23. my online economy 7 prices are, as from 04/01/08 day; first 109 @ 22.53p next 755 @ 9.8p Night;first 2492 @4p sorry not on prepayment though so you're getting a better deal!!
  24. I can't offer much advice, only that British Gas are known for this type of mistake. My fella lived in a one bedroomed flat and was billed for £903 - even though he was on a card meter!! He also had many meter readers come and go and they could never even find his meter let alone give a reading. Anyway he fought and won. Additionally, BG have been on watchdog many times over this sort of behaviour-bullying, issuing court claims etc, I would recommend that giving BBC an email wouldn't hurt. Meter readings is what it all boils down to, have you got any from day 1 to current?
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