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Everything posted by honey5

  1. i dont get carers allowance i never claimed for it or anything else
  2. just read this post tonight and i truely hope all goes well for you x we have two great danes and as soft as they are the worry is always there take care hopeing for the right outcome for you honey x
  3. im totally lost here was devastated when my husband left and just dont know where to turn to be honest with you, now i have to try to sort this mess out too
  4. i dont claim my discount on council tax as thought that after the tax credits i wouldnt recieve anything, nor housing benefit nor anything else at all only the little ones DLA and my tax credits but seems ive done it all the wrong way
  5. ive only had the one then this letter yesterday asking for all bills bank account details mortgage p60 etc
  6. Goldlady i did try to pm you as noticed your location i must be ten mins down the road from you lol but your pm box was full!!
  7. no im hopeless i dont understand any of it, ok i informed the DLA that we recieved tax credits, they said it had nothing to do with tax credits, informed tax credits that we recieved DLA they said well your tax credits will go up?? please help me here im tax credit challenged obviously x
  8. i just dunno whats going on my OH used to fill everything in before he left, and i rang them to complain that the money they were throwing at me wasnt mine as it went from £40 a month when he was here to £1000 and whatever, oh hell this isnt making me feel any better lol thanks tho x
  9. no the DLA for the two were paid seperate to the child tax credit and hers stopped whilst his continued? please dont tell me this is another cock up, it came from the DLA office although i did inform the child tax credit office at the time that they both were recieving it the child tax credits went up because they did recieve was that not right too? please dont say yes this is bad enough to get my head around x
  10. i will do if i have the will to live by then thankyou once again its just such turmoil, and my birthday on tues too huh what a present eh?? never mind i have to do this no good sticking my head in the sand thanks x
  11. thing is they have and i know they have as theyre still including my daughters DLA which she no longer recieves, my fault shouldve checked and re checked all of the papers and i didnt
  12. thankyou my heads all over the place right now, this is an awful situation to be in really it is and i wasnt sure where else to go really with it being a weekend, ive done nothing but be sick literally since the letter arrived yesterday, but if they leave us with nothing ill have to claim bankrupcy as cant aford on my wages the mortgage or anything else for that matter thanks again x
  13. my tax credits have been £14414.05 a year since their dad/my husband left, its just such a mess and i only work two nights in a hospital and cant do this on my own
  14. the twins were born at 24 weeks and spent the first 6 months in hospital before they came home, there after they were, if not one both in every other week for the next 4 yrs with various problems, my daughter has been least affected but has chronic lung disease and a global developmental delay but due to her ability to learn, didnt get her DLA renewed after 10 yrs of recieving it, yes i wrote to them too appeal but never heard anything back at all, her brother on the other hand is autistic due to prematurity and has multiple problems
  15. thankyou for you reply im totally distraught x
  16. where do i go what do i do? this has got me ill i recieved a letter from HMRC yesterday saying they are looking into my CTC the thing is there is an over payment, i m a single mum with 3 children two were on DLA the daughters ended and i rang them (they have no recollection of this tho) this year when the renewal came thru i just signed and sent it back, there were no changes to my circumstances so i didnt check it (more fool me) id just lost my grandmother then 5 weeks later my mum and head wasnt working right unfortunately, ill have to pay it back obviously and realise i was at fault but what will they do, will it have to be paid in one go (as i dont have it) will they stop any tax credits (we wont be able to live and will end up having to sell the house so i can feed the kids) im just so lost honestly ive never been thru anything like this before in my life this letter is dated the 21st nov 2007 but they want the info bank statements mortgage statement phone bills all house hold bills et sent too them by jan 5th 2007 thanks in advance honey x
  17. sorry im just a basket case today ill get it done thankyou x
  18. this letter is dated the 21st nov 2007 but they want the info bank statements mortgage statement phone bills all house hold bills et sent too them by jan 5th 2007
  19. where do i go what do i do? this has got me ill i recieved a letter from HMRC yesterday saying they are looking into my CTC the thing is there is an over payment, i m a single mum with 3 children two were on DLA the daughters ended and i rang them (they have no recollection of this tho) this year when the renewal came thru i just signed and sent it back, there were no changes to my circumstances so i didnt check it (more fool me) id just lost my grandmother then 5 weeks later my mum and head wasnt working right unfortunately, ill have to pay it back obviously and realise i was at fault but what will they do, will it have to be paid in one go (as i dont have it) will they stop any tax credits (we wont be able to live and will end up having to sell the house so i can feed the kids) im just so lost honestly ive never been thru anything like this before in my life thanks in advance honey x
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