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  1. Thanks for replying guys, it makes me feel better! My loans are from 97 and 98 so I hope Im in with a chance. Will keep you posted!
  2. Thanks. I have recently been told by one of their employees that the slc is not under the same guidelines as banks as it is a "non profit organisation". Has anyone been told this? Was also told that I am liable to pay towards the full account interest until i clear my arrears. Its infuriating! And I've been charged £200 for several identical letters! Im going to seek some more advice. Keep you posted!
  3. Can i claim back my student loan charges or will they blackmail more money from me? Heres the situation: I have £350 student loan ""arrears"", made up of £200 charges ( mostly all from letters) and £150 from loan repayments. I have disputed the arrears as I was assured by their staff my loan was deferred. It wasnt. . .I am now liable to pay almost 3months of repayments + charges. I pay £20 per month towards this direct debit. From this the slc takes the £7 interest from my total loan amount and pays £13 to the arrears. I am furious about this and think I have good grounds to at least get the £200 charges refuned. BUT..... When I asked for an independent review the slc threatened to take me to court and repay my entire loan amount unless I made an arrangement to pay. Threatened with this I made an arrangement to pay. However I was sent to a debt collector. After a struggle my account is now back with the slc. and Im paying my £20 per month. So what can I do? Will they just demand the full loan amount and cancel the loan agreement if I try to reclaim my charges? I think its blackmail! Can anyone help ?
  4. Heres the situation: I have £350 student loan ""arrears"", made up of £200 charges ( mostly all from letters) and £150 from loan repayments. I have disputed the arrears as I was assured by their staff my loan was deferred. It wasnt. . .I am now liable to pay almost 3months of repayments + charges. I pay £20 per month towards this direct debit. From this the slc takes the £7 interest from my total loan amount and pays £13 to the arrears. I am furious about this and think I have good grounds to at least get the £200 charges refuned. BUT..... When I asked for an independent review the slc threatened to take me to court and repay my entire loan amount unless I made an arrangement to pay. Threatened with this I made an arrangement to pay. However I was sent to a debt collector. After a struggle my account is now back with the slc. and Im paying my £20 per month. So what can I do? Will they just demand the full loan amount and cancel the loan agreement if I try to reclaim my charges? I think its blackmail! Can anyone help ?
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