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Everything posted by AuntiePink

  1. Right, on further inspection of the reams of paper I received it seems they have sent a copy of the terms from when I signed up and the current ones. Am I right in thinking that still doesn't constitute an enforceable CCA being that they're not on the same page as my signature? I received a postcard today saying they plan to visit me in a fortnight so I'd like to get a letter together that explains about the CCA as well as revoking licence for them to darken my door
  2. Brilliant news! I second Bookie's suggestion that you appeal for DLA, you're on a roll now!
  3. Another letter from Debitass today, this time saying they'll send an agent to my home within 7 days if I don't contact them. I knew it was coming but it still makes my blood boil. Anyway... How does this letter sound to you? I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE ANY DEBT TO YOUR COMPANY I am currently in dispute with Capital One over this account due to their failure to supply a true copy of an executed credit agreement. I requested this on 28th November 2007 as per my rights under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (Sections 77-79) but have only received a copy of an application form and the current terms and conditions in response. This does not constitute an executed credit agreement pursuant to s78(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 as it is not a true copy of the executed agreement relevant to the account, signed and containing the terms prescribed under schedule 6 (3) column 2 and (4) column 2 of the Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 1983 as it does not contain the prescribed terms. I would also remind you that there is only an implied license under English Common Law for people to be able to visit me on my property without express permission; the postman and people asking for directions etc (Armstrong v. Sheppard and Short Ltd [1959] 2 Q.B. per Lord Evershed M.R.). Therefore take note that I revoke license under Common Law for you or your representatives to visit me at my property and, if you insist in sending an agent to my home, you will be reported for harassment and be liable for damages for a tort of trespass. Once again, I must insist that all correspondence be in writing and inform you that your constant telephone calls constitute harassment which I will report to the OFT and any other relevant authorities should they still continue after receipt of this letter.
  4. I'm not certain of the timescales but I must say I was rather surprised when you first mentioned 24 hours knowing that the wheels of beurocracy are normally much, much slower than that!
  5. Hang in there, mate. It ain't over till... well, let's just say I'm not singing yet
  6. Thanks rosierose, it certainly has the look of a generic printout - lots of pages sent with intent to confuse Ms/Mr Average Consumer
  7. They are about to make you jump through every hoop they can find and waste the time of the court system before giving you back money that they took unlawfully. My opinion is why on earth would you want to carry on dealing with them once you've reclaimed what's yours? Vote with your feet, cut up your card and hit the money grabbing lowlifes where it hurts. Right in the figures
  8. Usually I'd say ask for an advocate from either the CAB or a disability charity but I doubt you'll get one at this short notice. If they wrongly assume you're a couple living together as if married then take with you any documents you have that prove separate financial dealings to support your case. If, for example, she pays all the bills and you simply pay to live there you could try showing that to prove it's her house and you're there as a lodger rather than as a partner. do you have a rent agreement or something in writing? Can you show payments from you to her in respect of lodging/rent/keep money? Can you take photos of separate sleeping arangements? Basically, anything that can help you to prove that you are not living as man and wife will help you state your case. ATB
  9. I remember that I was approached by a marketing monkey to apply for this card, he filled out the form and I signed it in the middle of shopping for my weekly groceries (not the best time to catch me with my brain working!) Anyway, I now notice he has put my occupation as self-employed and job title as Director! I have never been anything of the sort and certainly wouldn't have said that to anyone! :o Just a bit of extra information that may or may not be relevant.
  10. Update at last. Last week I received two lots of documents, one for each account. I've scanned them, deleted identifying info and posted them cos I can't figure out if these are now executed, enforceable agreements or not To save bandwidth I'll only post links to the bulk of the stuff. It's all generic T&Cs stuff with nothing identifying me on it but I was interested to note that each set was slightly different for each account so there may be something in there that you clever CAGgers will spot. Anyway, this is the covering letter and the application form for one account... The other bumph that came with it (all 15 pages!) is at... http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply2-1.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply3.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply3.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply4.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply5.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply6.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply7.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply8.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply9.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply9-1.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply10.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply11.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply12.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply13.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply14.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply15.jpg http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i204/AuntiePink/platsainsccareply16.jpg Phew! I'll post up the stuff they sent for the other account later tonight. Right now I have to go to martial arts and kick someone very hard! All help appreciated!
  11. Absolutely brilliant! You, badger, are a star! (A star with more rep now )
  12. Well wouldn't ya know. The very day after I got the Default letter I receive one from Debitas. A trading name of Capital 1, funnily enough... Will scan and post it up later, I'm off to do work experience in a florist now. I have a feeling I'll be sick of red roses before long :o
  13. Oh go on! Buy just one bunch of flowers a month with it and pay the balance off religiously. Then enjoy the fact that egg is brightening your home at their expense and count how long it takes them to figure it out and dump you! Report back to CAG so we all get a giggle
  14. Hi pt, I have no access to a scanner at the moment but it's not exactly a long missives so I can transcribe... Note: All caps and bold type in this quote are verbatim. Hello again, steven and thanks for that - saved me half an hour digging through threads to find the 'don't even think about sending the boys round' wording I need!
  15. Received today... STATEMENT OF DEFAULT Your account is now officially in default. Funny that, I put the account officially in dispute a while back and as they, despite protestations to the contrary, haven't provided me with a CCA with the prescribed terms I assume it remains so? Anyway, they continue 1 -We have terminated your account... blah, blah 2 - We now have the right to demand full balance immediately... blah, blah 3 - We will notify credit reference agencies that you have defaulted... blah, blah 4 - We may place your account with, or sell your account to a debt collection agency, which may use door-to-door collectors or begin legal proceedings to recover all sums owed to us. Our nominated representative will contact you shortly. Ouch. Getting to the scary stuff at the end! I guess I'll just have to wait and tell their "nominated rep" which bits of their application form don't constitute an enforceable CCA
  16. Best of luck, leanne. They still haven't replied to my SAR yet! Still, you've won one already so you know the ropes - and the old rope they think they can fob you off with
  17. Thanks, aeroman Having thought about it for a few hours I reckon my next step will be a S.A.R - (Subject Access Request) complete with a letter outlining, in detail, the prescribed terms they appear to be in blissful ignorance of. Unless, of course, there are any better suggestions from anyone...?
  18. Hello again, pleased to see you found the right button to press the link you need is here
  19. Go to the relevant forum, the start new thread button is up top somewhere
  20. Well it seems Ms Renshaw has finally got round to my file as I received this today... The continued overleaf part was just about the phone numbers, nothing important. Now pondering the next step...
  21. Martinego, SAR is a formal request for all data they hold about you, you'll find it in the templates section of the library. Oh, and some companies have been known to use signatures in a rather naughty fashion! Start up a thread of your own and you'll get more specific help as well as keeping everything in one place (very helpful when you've got paperwork flying all over the show! )
  22. Blimey, this thread won't leave my brain alone! :o This one would need a visual but it would certainly make people think. Picture - a jogger, (young and pretty doesn't hurt!) applying blister plasters and looking woefully at brand new trainers. Slogan - *company name* - because only an established trainer is fit for the long run.
  23. Thanks for the correction, Rory. I do love when you quote law at me
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