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  1. It's time to rethink our strategy now - what we need is something to present to court to counter the stay claim, which the banks solicitors will be working on frantically. I am due for my prelim hearing next month and hoping to have something i can counter stay with by then.
  2. I have put in a call to Court and they have advised me to put it in writing - which i have - my worry is that Lloyds solicitors will now take advantage and let the claim run longer. I was hoping for them to settle just before hearing - as i cannot see them attending the preliminary hearing!!!! Thanks for advice people!!!
  3. Hello, hope somebody can help me. Have received this morning from Bradford County Court date for Preliminary Hearing. It States: 'District Judge **** has considered the statements of case and allocation questionnaires filed and allocated the claim to the small claims track Before the claim is listed for hearing, the judge has ordered that a preliminary hearing should take place because:- "special directions are needed in this claim to prepare for the final hearing which the judge would prefer to explain to you in person" Firstly, i have not filed an allocation questionnaire - this was dispensed with by Moneyclaim online when it was sent to my local court, so i assume that i need do nothing on that Secondly, I am away on holiday in Spain when the preliminary hearing date given to me falls - how should i proceed on this - can i request for date to be changed and if so do i just request the court in writing? Any help would be most appreciated!
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