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  1. Daughter just been in to see 4let this morning at their Miskin Street address to get copy of contract they say they are still in business and were confused about the closing down thing.I note they answer the phone as 4let and still have properties for let in office window.Receptionist not sure what this is about. The insist they are still trading. However companies house does correctly show them as disloved. The other 4let ltd is in another part of the city.
  2. Esio, Thanks. Husband phoning both today personally. To ensure that we have atleast tried numerous times to resolve situation (incase we need to file in county court). Next step letters to both. Then county court. I know the process well enough having sued natwest and retrieving over 5k in charges. It is the law here that I am ignorant. Jec
  3. OK I think that I am quite confused with the conflicting info you guys are giving. Who do I follow, the last three posts conflict. I intended to send the letting agents a prelim 14 day letter, as well as the landlord (the son who jointly owns the property and takes the monthy cash) at his home address. The problem with sending it to the address where my daughter rented is that he may never get it because other students now rent it. So what should I do please advise. I do not want to start getting this completely wrong. Many thanks Jec:confused:
  4. Excellent advice Esio, Cardiff trading standards have also agreed to formally investigate both parties. They are particularly interested as to how 4let deal with deposits and why there was no rent book and also why no receipts were given plus why all payments had to be in cash. I wish I had of known all this earlier but kids want to be so independent. They are fodder for these ripoff merchants. I will send letter to family home address demand 14 days for money to be returned to letting agent. And address it to messers Rehman c/o 18 anywhere street. Jec
  5. Thanks Esio Trot I have no valid address for the landlord as 4let have told my daughter he 'died' six months ago and the property is bieng managed by his three sons. I do have the family address of the 'deceased' landlord, but am unsure as to who to address it. I could just say something like c/o 18 anywhere street on the headder. but am unsure. 4let will not give anything away, they say they can't it is too contentious.
  6. Here is a letter I am bashing about with. It of course needs help. So any appreciated. Jec 4 Let 10 September 2007 Dear Sir/Madam I entered into an Assured Tenancy Agreement with you to rent 18 anywhere street Cardiff from xxx to xxx. As per a condition of the Agreement I paid you a 230.00 bond as deposit. I assumed that my deposits by law should have be held as stakeholder. Your legal duly of care to me was breached when you failed to safeguard my money. You admittedly gave my deposit at the first instance to the landlord. My deposit was not an ‘extra payment’ or ‘bonus’ for you to give to the landlord at will. It was my money and a bond in case monies were left owing or property was damaged at the end of my contract regardless if it was ‘let only’. Concerning deposits as a point of law it is of no interest in this situation what other arrangements or contracts were made privately between you and the landlord. All other co-tenants of 18 anywhere street received their bonds back in full except myself. I fully met the terms and conditions of my contract. I left owing no outstanding monies; my room was cleaned and undamaged. I have photographic documentation of the house to verify. Upon thorough advice of Cardiff Trading Standards (who are investigating this matter and your practices regarding stakeholding), I hereby give you 14 days to safeguard the return of my withheld bond. For the avoidance of doubt, if this is not done within 14 days, I will commence my claim in the courts without further warning. This action will inevitably involve you in additional costs plus repayment three times my original bond as per County Court directives. I also hereby request a detailed report of which clause in the terms and conditions of my signed contract that you have applied in this instance for future court proceedings. Your Sincerely
  7. Just had in depth with trading standards and they are very ineterested in 4 let already. They advise I fire off letter to them. Can anyone Aequitas?? or Esio Trot?? or any one else please assist to get the letter right so I get it 100%????????? PLEASE Many thanks Jec
  8. I will contact trading standards and take it on on bealf of my daughter, then, Thanks for help it is really appreciated!
  9. Hi ed999 Wow you don't mince words and I like it!! Sure it seems dodgy and hind sight is always best, but they were naive and there you go. I will get onto Cardiff County Council trading standards Monday am for sure, after all it was my husband's and my 250.00. I have named and shamed if it helps other's from Cardiff who may happen upon this. Many thanks Jec
  10. Hi Daughter went to 4let.co.uk today, they told her to go away. They told her that they had an exclusive contract with Rahmen which states that he gets all deposits as soon as they are paid. She told them her contract was not with him but with them, but they said too bad. They would not give the address of the landlord. They told her that the original landlord who signed their contract 'died' a few months ago. they say they can not give her the new details because it is a 'contentious issue'??????????? "It beggars belief"!!!! She reminded them of their legal duty of care and asked why the did not hold the deposit in a separate safe account they said they had never heard of it before as they were Polish and it is not done that way in Poland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What about them apples folks:mad:
  11. Hi Esio Trot MANY THANKXXXXX It prompted me to talk to a solicitor within the CAB who specialises in Cardiff with contractual law and he has come up against this before and advises the same. The letting agent is the contractual party with my daughter. The letting agent's agreement says they will hold the bond and it would be returned if the terms and conditions are met. They agree they were. However, for some reason they gave it to the landlord, the rest you know. Jec
  12. Thank you Sir, Very interesting. The only reason why my daughter and her fellow students went with 4let was because they were afraid of being 'burnt'. 4let was a registered agency and therefore they thought this afforded them safety against the likes of the rogue landlords out there. So for future info all of our children going to uni be advised a reputable letting agency means SQUAT - you are still at the mercy of theives like Rahmen, your signed contract with the letting agency is worthless. Why then do we have contracts ant tandc's??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  13. Cheers Mr Shed, Will try to get address for LL, btw what legally are the letting agents responsible for when you sign a contract with them only?? Cheers Jec
  14. Hi shed, OK so do we issue legal proceedings with 4let? named as agents.
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