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  1. Please forgive newbie post, but I have same issue with A&L, and I cannot find the forms to use? Would anyone mid pointing me at them? I will let all know how we go! Cheers
  2. Hi, I'm Brit now based in NZ, and although my UK building soc. (A&L) told me explicitly that I could avoid ERC's by "simply" transfering current mortgage to a new property, they have now said I need to go through full application for a new mortgage, and if approved, they will tranfer the old mortgage. This is a paper nightmare, and my only option is to sell and pay a nearly 7k ERC! I've been reading the posts, can anyone point at an idiot-proof guide of where to start claiming back an ERC? THis is a great movement and site, and good on you all. Cheers.
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