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Everything posted by missmoneypenny1

  1. hello does anybody happen to know if it is illegal to charge fees on a youth bank account for a 17 year old? they went over drawn by 92p using an electron card on itunes and because of this has incurred 70.00 worth of charges. they have even added charges on top of charges resulting in the account going further overdrawn. I was under the impression that you can not legally get into debt until your 18 and for this reason the bank can not charge for under 18s ???
  2. that doesnt sound right to me, i think its more likely to be interest charged on the charges or debit interest from the amount that you were overdrawn
  3. no thats not right. online banking should enable you to transfer money between linked acounts. the e saver account is only cash machine based or online based to you can move money to current account, it might be when the new system was installed it has changed the settings on your account, if this is the case the branch will be able to sort this. let me know if you need any more help
  4. hi i work for a bank, dont put money in the other account if you already have an account with the same bank in collections as they can freeze your account. do you claim any benefits? if so they can be used as ID you can use any benefit entitlement letter from the goverment i.e DLA, JSA, TAX CREDITS, CHILD BENEFIT no everybody has a passport and driving licence. any original document produced from the goverment with ref to a benefit claim with your name and addresse is counted as ID. hope his helps:-)
  5. Hi searches from 2005 should not be showing on your file now, they drop off your file after six months with experian not sure about equifax though. Settles account remain on there for six years from the date the account was SETTLED or CLOSED not opened. The best way to improve your credit is to get a very small loan or credit card with low credit limit, pay for you petrol or little things like that and pay the FULL bill when your statement arrives. Check you are registered on the electoral roll and the information on your file is correct. Try to keep the number of searches you do to not more that apx 6 per year as too many searches for credit applications will lower your score. Unfortunatley the credit agencies wont just remove a disputed entry on their files although this is what they should do until proven otherwise. They will however add a notice of correction on your file to tell anyone who searches your file or who has searched it in the previous six months that the entry is under dispute and careful consideration should be giving when assesing his or her creditworthiness. hope this helps
  6. I am totally confused now - It was the mortgage advisor that gave my partner the mortgage suggestion that I get my name on the deeds of the property vis the solicitor that we go through to buy the house????? I was just wondering if this would cover me legally etc or would i still need to get something drafted up to say if the house was ever sold half of it would be mine. Thanks
  7. I love my partner very much, however, nothing in life is guarenteed and I think I am doing the right thing in having thoughts like this as I have to think about all the what ifs and I need to protect my childs future and my own. Thanks for replies
  8. hi Thanks for your reply and advise. Would I still need to have something drafted up by a solicitor or would I be covered legally by just having my name on the deeds of the house? I have to make sure if things go wrong and i am paying half the mortgage that I will legally be entitled to half the house ! Thanks would i not be entitled to half just by living with my partner as a common law wife or is this not the case anymore?
  9. Hi I would be grateful of any advise. My partner and I are about to move in together, my partner has had to get the mortgage in his name as I am still trying to rebuild my credit history and I would not be accepted as a joint applicant at present. I will be paying half the bills and mortgage etc, now my question is , what do I need to do legally to make sure if for any reason I split from my partner I am entitled to equal rights of the house if we ever needed to sell it? I know I shouldnt be thinking like this, but I have to think of all options just in case and if I am paying half of everything then I would want half of everything if we ever needed to sell the house. Do I just need tp make sure my name is on the deeds to the house or do I need a solicitor to draft some dort of agreement up? I really havent got a clue! Thanks
  10. hi, Please can anyone tell me what the up to date situation is with claiming back charges? am I right in saying all claims are on hold untill the OFT has made an annoucement on their decision to what banks should or should not be charging? Thank you! - Am I still able to challenge my credit cards? I know the max charge amount is now 12 pounds, but are people still claiming full amounts back or just the difference in what they have been charged?
  11. Thanks Goldlady No its not a buy and rent back, they are buying it outright and when its all completed I am moving out. I just dont know how reliable they are to deal with im already taking a drop as it is and dont want them to try and drop me lastminute. I guess if they are still making money which they are they will continue with the sale. If anybody has any experiences I would be interested to hear from you. Thanks
  12. Hi all, I am selling my house to pay some debt off to a home buying company. I have accepted an offer from them which is a reduced for a quick sale. Has anybody ever had dealings with these companies? I am scared I have agreed a price with them and they will try and get the house cheaper just before completion. I dont know how reliable these companies are, I can not afford to end up with solicitor bills if they try and drop the price last minute and if they back out for any reason. any help would be appreciated as always.
  13. This site is for helping people who have taken out credit and intended to pay it back, but for whatever circumstance or life changes they have encountered are now in need of help. This I can understand, however I find it totally irresponsible that you have taken out credit and had no intention to pay it back and you are now wondering when your credit file will be clear !! Let me tell you something, maybe it will clear in a year but if I was you I would be constantly looking over my shoulder as they WILL catch up with you as it is fraud and it will ruin your life. rather you than me, id rather do without the 60 grand and know that I will not have to live in fear of being hunted down by creditors. Hope it was worthwhile!
  14. or if your sneaky like me you will take the free 30 day trial and make sure you cancel before the 30 days so they dont charge you, then subscribe again for the 30 day free trial !! i do this all the time I have constant free subscription to equifax lol !!!! i dont think thisworks with experian but defo does with equifax, just make sure you keep cancelling before your 30 days are up! i just thought i would try it and see if it worked and it did !
  15. can anyone please clarify when the law changed and a debt may be pursued without a consumer credit agreement? Thanks
  16. If you pusue this with the riding school you have to accept this could go on for a while, although you have a very strong case and I am certain you would win, however they are challenging you take matters further which in order to get anything more than what they have offered you would have to do. In my opionion it would cost you a lot of money in livery for the pony whist this dispute is ongoing. I would not sell back to the riding school out of principle as they will just sell it on again and make even more money out of somebody. Also if the pony is only worth 1700 pounds now then that just proves he wasnt worth 3 grand when you bought him, they clearly knew he needed schooling work. I would be inclined to put a honest advert out and i am sure you will find somebody suitable, this is what i did with my horse that started to bolt and rear straight up. Have you maybe thought about loaning him out to somebody who would like to school him as a hobby? they would pay livery fees or half fees and you would be getting help to school him, there are lots of people that would do this. how many hands is the pony? try and put an ad on horsemart on the internet and see what interest you get, you may be surprised.
  17. I think if your honest with yourself then you will be always looking over your shoulder, you may not show this front to other people but there will always be that fear. I am not trying to scare you into anything, quite frankly I couldnt care less if you pay this debt or not !! it doesnt affect me, only you! But I do think you need to be aware of possible consequences, as you quite rightly say, this may not be the case, BUT it may be the case. Do you honestly believe the creditors will just forget about it? I dont think so. Good luck:)
  18. I am so glad you are now sorting things out and you have found light at the end of the tunnel, I have been reading this thread and I am sure in time when all this is sorted you can tell your dad and he will be proud that you did something about it and faced up to things. Good luck and heres to a debt free future !!!
  19. the credit search alert will be an authentity search on your credit report from experian, they do credit checks to check your identity, these are not the same as applying for credit and have no effect on you at all.
  20. No, not if the account has defaulted the info regarding that account will drop off after six years from the default date, however if you have accounts which are live and ongoing and not defaulted they will only be removed six years from when settled. Are you trying to do this to improve your chances of getting credit? yes creditors do look at electroll roll info and other factors like how long you have been with your bank and are you a homwowner but you will still fing it very difficult to get credit even without a CCJ. If you did get credit you will be stung with high interest rates. You may need to be patient and in time things will be removed.
  21. you can pay the defaulted accounts and have then marked as settled, however in my experience you still wont get credit. either way if you pay them or not they will fall off SIX YEARS FROM WHEN ACCOUNT CLOSED, I.E WHEN IT WAS DEFAULTED (this is what i was trying to explain above) i dont agree with not paying for debts, however i really dont see you will be any better off if you pay them. Creditors are all different but even if you get the CCJ removed, if there are a few defaults on your file paid or not you will prob not get credit, however after six years they will be gone.
  22. to be honest if these are old debts and you havent paid them for a while you would be best leaving them, your credit rating wont imrove very much at all with a CCJ on file, even if the CCJ is paid you will struggle to get credit anywhere. The CCJ will fall off in three years, however you may want to dispute this CCJ with the court I think that would be the only way of trying to get it removed. As for your other debts they will not be removed off your file if you all of a sudden pay them, if you pay these debts they will be removed SIX YEARS FROM WHEN THE LAST PAYMENT WAS MADE, I.E WHEN THE ACCOUNT CLOSED. if you pay them they will be there for another six years !! I had a lot of unpaid debts that cleared after six years, i didnt touch them or make payments as I couldnt afford to. there is nothing on my file about any of them now, however if i had paid them they still would have been showing now with all those missed payment markers. I had a CCJ left on my file when my other debts where cleared which I paid off and it was marked as satisfied on my credit file but i still could not get credit. Hope this helps answer your question.
  23. Thank you. my partner meant he didnt want me to start drawing money off my visa to help out as he was worried it would end up that we were also in debt and couldnt pay it back. I would help my parents out in any way I can but I cant afford to finnancialy so i will do it the CCA way instead and sorts the creditors out for them!! Thanks for your help everyone I am sure I will have lots of questions along the way !
  24. thanks all for your valuable advice. I think I am going to go with the CCA approach, I am not too sure if its worth the nice approach first by filling in expendure forms and asking them to freeze interest with an amount they can afford to pay each month. I just cant see the creditors agreeing to this. I am thinking of CCA ing all of them in the hope they cant provide and agrfeement, I am not trying to avoid their debts in anyway but in a desparate situation if there is no CCA then they can nill the debt. apparently creditors can still add defaults if the debt is unenforceable, i have been looking into this for several months and spoke to lots of different people?? consent apparently can be express consent and does not always have to be written ??? either way id rather get it over and done with now, if they default them that would fall off after six years if the debt is unenforceable. what would happen if a debt was valid and they defaulted on it, but had agreed to pay them say 50.00 a month, would the default last untill the account had been paid or would it fall off after six years? my mum doesnt work at the moment she got made redundant, didnt get a pay out as she wasnt there very long. my dad works full time, he has a good job but not enough money to sustain all their debts. my mum is looking for another job but she needs set hours with school runs etc. I will not do anything without there say so, i really need to see their vredit report to see what is on there and exactly who they owe money too. I have told them this is the only way but they are really scared and dont want me to do it. i have told then they can not continue as they are, paying 200 a month on a card and only paying 20.00 off it as the rest is interest !! plus the rest of their debts!! i agree, that we need to prioritise debts and have a look at the none major important ones and see what we can do with them. I think they may have to put up with a high mortgage rate but hopefully we will sort out the other debts instead. i realise this is going to be a long process, they must have charges all over the place that they can claim back. i mannaged to get them six grands worth of bank charges back and i want to do it for all their other debts, however they are too scared of upsetting creditors by sending threatening letters !!! they would only allow me to send a nice letter to the bank saying that they felt they should be refunded !! anyway i got them the money back without threatening the bank luckilly ! i wish i could help them but i cant, it has taken me a long time to get myself sorted and out of debt and i never want to go through that again, plus my partnet wont allow me to cos he says we wont get the money back and more importantly we can afford to do that. i think CCA is the only way. what about a DMP - could this help them? and how does this affect them and their credit in the future?? thanks everyone
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