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  1. Right I got the N1 PDF form from the courts website, was slotting in the info from the QC up in that POC sticky and got to filling in this bit... And I'm stuck: I get the sum of bit, but what do i put in daily rate of ??? Also, on the first page of the N1 PDF, what do i put for: Brief details of claim; Value; In Amount of claim do I put the 8% interest as well as the charges? In court fee what do I put? ...And do I put my full address in the Claimant part, or just on the second page, because I'm confused that it asks for the Defendants name and address separately.
  2. And don't spend it! let it gather interest while it's there! IT'S WHAT THEY DO TO US!
  3. Continue suing them. Do you have an open claim against them going through the courts? If so, inform the court of their actions, paying "goodwill" money in, include their letter as an exhibit, and include the letter from you to them telling them you don't accept it as full and final settlement. Add a further letter to the Judge/court informing them you do accept the "goodwill gesture" but only with no conditions attached to it WHATSOEVER, and as far as you are concerned they still owe you £600+.
  4. Thankyou for your reply. Can you tell me what the NI route is, and how i get a claim form? Thanks.
  5. So I had the standard letter, a week ago, of settlement. Less than 1/3 of what I'm owed. Disgusting. lsubaby wants a new laptop and sofa, so lsubaby is taking them to court. I've opened another account. I notice in the court letter document for A&L stickied at the top of the forum it says not to go thru moneyclaims online. Please tell me why?
  6. I do wonder, given the crappy nature of their offered settlement to me whether they knew the OFT was planning to moratorium all the cases. I'm suing them anyway. I really can't hold my language back on this one. The OFT and A&L are a complete bunch of ******s. How dare they interfere in me getting my money back. I shall write the OFT an (incredibly) angry letter should my case be stayed.
  7. i was told if i could prove they break down before their time i could get money back. To be honest I have given up on this, i was just asking for clarification. To put it blank - do not shop at woolworths.
  8. Was told by Trading standards that I am entitled to at least a partial refund/amount towards my costs in having this repaired as it was less than 5 years old. They refused and I ended up having it sent away to be repaired. Does anyone know where I stand? Assume it's about 4 years old.
  9. looking forward to my first post. I had this problem with an ex. She was insane I think. I knew where she was and gave her a court summons and she gave me the money back in exchange for me closing the case. (and not until after she gave the money did I close it, I might add) Where does he work? Is he still working? If he didn't work he's not much of a man.
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