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Everything posted by JunkiMunki

  1. Hiya debbie, It had better not be the end of you either, I am just starting another claim with YB's 1987 - 2001 inclusive find some thing else to fight , or someone to fight pleeeeeeaseeee
  2. HIYA Jansus ! thanks for the info much appreciated , and thanks for the congrats on winning my own money back where i belongs , 2nd claim being started over the weekend , this is still from the YB, but covers the period of 1987 -2001 inclusive and from 1995 - 2001 this was benefit income only, so am gonna start totting up from 1987 , then I will know what the ACTUAL AMOUNT IS THAT THE BANKS HAVE UNLAWFULLY TAKEN FROM MYSELF AND [edit] BY WAY OF REALLOCATING THE WAY THEY HAD GOVERNED THAT MONEY WOULD BE USED FOR, IT REMINDS ME OF THE OLDEN DAYS WITH [edit] YOU INTO GREEING TO THEIR SERVICES, WHICH YOU THEN WERE UNABLE TO GET OUT OF ........... DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR TO ANYONE ELSE ?????, AM NOW GOING TO GET THE DEFAULT CANCELLED ON MY SONS CREDIT RECORD IF NOT I will take the [edit] through court for the removal of this unlawful credit status, THAT WAS APPLIED TO MY SONS FILE BY THE [edit] THEMSELVES WHEN THEY KNEW IT WAS NOT THE LEGAL THING TO DO ..
  3. hiya castlebest ;; what a *****NG LONG POST THAT WAS SPLIFFS SPEAK LOUDER THAN BRAIN lol lol lol ... BUT AM SENDING INFO TO "FOS " 2MORO XXX
  4. Hiya Hils, sorry was late in getting back to you had a good spliff due to my earlier conquest, but have spent a good couple of hours doing some research work into my sons [2] of claims [stayed at present] ???? but to which [1] was given a default / black credit mark in june/july 2007, causing him to be refused for a loan with the HSBC , who know why but refuse to accept this [we know why]. ON the PAGE OF THE Application form they have made [Application Notice N244] at the top of the page left hand side is a box stating :: You should provide this information for listing application ..... 1 [c] is x on mine stating without a hearing , but I was determined to attend either way , then under that box it states complete parts A+B + PART C IF APPLICABLE;;; Part A ... Should state the reason for applying for the order and according to what rules they are referring to, I just made sure I had answers to anything concerned with this statement and a few good back up defences in me opposement of the Application... Hope this helps and if it does state the reaosn pm me and I might be able to give u some info xxxx shelley
  5. Rayne, Hi there I have been in touch with the "FOS" about this matter as I first contacted the HSBC on June 25th 2007, regarding the amount they had unlawfully deducted from my benefits since June 2006 - June 2007, which amounted to a toal amount of £986 deducted unlawfully from benefits given to myself by the Government, even though they were aware of the Legislation in place to protect the benefits of claimants. I was told that in order to deal with my request for a refund I would have to detail all charges amounts and descriptions before they could CONSIDER MY COMPLAINT , which according to a ["FSA" report is classed by themselves as an "UNFAIR OBSTACLE" placed by the banks in order to delay and prolong claims longer than necessary.] sent the requested info to them again despite it being unfair in aletter to them dated July 8th 2007, upon the detailed charge sheet I pointed out that there was a further penalty cherge of £150 due to be unlawfully deducted on the 23/07/2007, and that it is with respect , that according to the SSAA 1992 section 187 [c5] I am requesting they do not go ahead with the unlawful deduction of this amount , as they would then be in contravention once again of that act, this was posted to them on July 8th 2007, and I stated a reply within 10 days would be necessary as failure to comply with this request would leave me with no alternative than to proceed through the small claims court. Heard nothing at all from them , so rang the person on the last letter dated from them dated 29th June 2007, after being passed around from one person to another I was finallly Methodically over and over again "ALL BANK CHARGE CLAIMS ARE NOT BEING DEALT WITH DUE TO PENDING OFT TEST CASE AND "FSA" WAIVER, SO CONTACTED "FOS" asked if I could be given a few minutes to outline my bank charge claim, as I had been told it was connected to the OFT case so could not be dealt with until after test case. I was given as much time as I wanted to explain my circumstances regarding the claim , after patiently listening to myself who I agree was very angry due to the previous phone call to HSBC but was spoken to politely and with out critiscism , then after asking her if this was connected to the test case, the lady agreed that the outcome of the test case would have no bearing on my complaint at all, and I had already explained that since I had wrote the last letter specifically requesting them NOT TO GO AHEAD and unlawfully deduct charges from my account due 23/07/2007, this was BLATANLTY IGNORED BY THE BANK, , AND ALSO THEY HAD NOT EVEN HAD THE AUDACITY TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE LETTER SENT TO THEM DATED 8TH July 2007, with a 10 day turnaround given, it was the 30th July 2007. I was told by the young lady that she would contact the bank as to why they had not addressed my complaint as yet, and was given a claim no referring to the FOS claim form submitted partially, to be forwarded for completion and used in the event I was not satisfied with the outcome, I was also told that the HSBC should contact me shortly after the FOS had spoken to them. I did get a phone call 2/3 days later apologising for the ""MIX UP"" as they said there had been, and that they was looking into my claim and would be in touch shortly. I got a reply from them dated 8th August 2007, which stated within was beleive it or not the very 1st paragraph "We Refer To Your Complaint on Bank Charges. We beleive that your complaint concerns the level , fairnessor lawfulness of the charges"" , this was the template letter that was on the "FSA" site to be used in conjunction with the waiver that was agreed with the banks and themselves pending test case. I wrote them the snottiest longest , informative letter that I could muster in order to reiterate my initial complaint was NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PENDING CASE AT ALL, and that I was appallled at their audacity to refer to the word "legal" at least 8 times when it was perfectly clear they did not know what it meant , and that they should study and define what the word meant as they either did not know , did not care or blatantly ignored the legislation to benefit their gains . I stated that they had infringed upon my rights by way of the unlawful deductions and of blatanly ignoring my allocation request, and that they did not enlighten myself to the fact that Hardship cases were still being allowed to continue despite the test case, I told them that I received 2x payments a month by way of a government benefit, which gave me an amount of £265.00 per month, and you had been and still were unlawfully deducting £150 per month , leaving me an amount of £111 for the month which I FOUND IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE ON , and has cased me even more sever financial hardship, as I am now being charged more than my last bank, and was poerless to do anything about and was FORCED TO EXCEED THE AUTHORISED LIMIT IN ORDER TO JUSTIFY YOUR UNLAWFUL DEDUCTIONS. You had now since June 2006 unlawfully deducted from my account the amount of £1,286 , and that I was now requesting due to their continuous disregard to the legislation, they refund the total amount deducted within 48 hrs, failure to comply or contact myself regarding this matter , I would be sending all the correspondence connected to this matter to the appropriate people including the FOS FSA OFT BBA, and the media, this letter was dated the 14th August 2007, and was faxed by myslf but failed cos of my beginners knowledge on the computer, but was faxed to them by my local branch of the HSBC, under the strict instructions of a Mr Bill Stephens, [Manager],who said he did not know anything about this matter and that if I "once again forwarded all correspondence to him " another request for info, which he would have had " but non the less I again complied with the appropriate request, and he said he would investigate upon this info. I telephoned him a few days later with regards to claim he stated that he had not had the time to look at it yet and would contact me when he had. I then received 2 letters dated 29th AUGUST 2007, [ Letter 1] : Dear MRS ********* Our Ref : ******* I refer to your recent fascimile addressed to Mr Bill Stephens and write to confirm receipt. We are considering the merits of this dispute and anticipate that we will be in a position to write to you again very soon, but certainly within the next 30 working days. Yours Sincerely, Shaleen Moore CUSTOMER RELATIONS OFFICER..... so it was now 29th August 2007, 66 days since I made the claim, and yet it had not been acknowledged at all or considered, which is a contravention to the ruling within the banking codes set by the FSA under Complaints procedures .... 8weeks already gone longer without even adressing claim yet now another 30 WORKING DAYS NEEDED ????????? YOU WHAT UR AVING A LAARRRRFFFF SURELY, On opening [letter 2] I get the following : Reference ********/****** 29TH August 2007 Dear Mrs ********* Account No ; ****** ******** Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding Bank ACC, I am Sorry you have had cause to complain . provision of high quality service to our customers is a priority and regret on this occasion we did not meet the standards , I understand your faith in our service has been affected [TOO RIGHT IT HAS ] I hope you will allow us the opportunity to restore your confidence in the future. [Unfair tactic , asking for more time ] . You will NEED TO QUANTIFY [4X NOW THEY HAVE USED THIS EXCUSE REGARDED BY THE "FSA" AS AN "Unfair Obstacle" ] FULL DETAILS REQUIRED FROM MYSELF TO THEM , BUT THEN PROCEEDS TO TELL ME HOW TO GET THIS INFO FROM THE INTERNET BANKING SITE READILY AVAILABLE AT THEIR FINGERS , without this info they CANNOT QUANTIFY OR PREPARE MY CLAIM] SO AFTER 66 DAYS i AM NOW TOLD THEY HAVE NOT EVEN LOOKED AT MY CLAIM AT ALL ............ Next Paragraph advises me that on the 27th July 2007 the OFT TEST CASE WAS COMMENCED , LIKELY TO LAST 12 MONTHS AT LEAST WILL NOT CONSIDER A REQUEST TO REFUND HISTORICALLY APPLIED CHARGES , UNTIL AFTER THE OUTCOME HAS BEEN CONFIRMED. A complete and utter disregard to the BBA banking code rules issued by the "FSA" under complaints 66 days and have not even addressed ther claim, had they complied with the appropriate rule then My claim would have been sttled before the test case..... I rest my case to my valid reason to sending this to the FOS as well as the ignorant attitude of theirs to my SEVERE HARDSHIP THEY ARE INFLICTING UPON MYSELF AND MY FAMILY CAUSING UNDUE STRESS AND ADVERSE CREDIT CONDITIONS BY ACCRUING ARREARS BECAUSE OF THE BANKS GREED. Thank you once again 4 taking the time to bring ur concerns to the banks attention , sorry this was necessary , I hope matters have now been resolved [WHAT ARE THEY ****ING ON ABOUT ????? BY RESOLVED ARE THEY REAL] TO My satisfaction , should this not be the case , a guidance sheet explains the next steps available to you. Yours Sincerely Mrs A A Phillips [Customer Service Officer]... Last page then stated .... Full Response.... We hope you will be entirely happy with the attached response and as a consequence your COMPLAINT CAN NOW BE CONSIDERED RESOLVED *** I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION IT WAS ONLY ME SMOKING THE WACCY BACCY !!!!!!!!! BUT AFTER THE CONTENTS OF THIS LETTER AM BEGINNING TO WONDER IF THE SAYING IS " GO TO WORK ON A SPLIFF" ROFLMFAO LOL LOL **** Should you wish to discuss ur concerns further, feel free to write to the address below[BEEN THERE DONE THAT GOT THE *****NG TSHIRT]] IF WE DO NOT HEAR FROM YOU WITHIN 8 WEEKS WE WILL CONSIDER MATTERS RESOLVED [ DONT BE SUCH IDIOTIC PATHETIC CUSTOMER RELATIONS .... YOU WHAAAATTT !!!!!!!!!! emailed them, apologised nonchalantly did not know what had happened , was told they would look into this immediately , waited another 14 days then emailed them again 17th September 2007, email reply stated contents of email noted i confirm that a letter will be sent to you WITHIN THE TIME LIMIT QUOTED IN MY LETTER DATED 29 th August 2007. reply dated 25th September 2007 .. gonna try and post it on ere fingers have got rigormortice due to health not a good day for health but a brill day for wealth LOL LOL Mrs *********** ************* *********** ****** ****** 25 September 2007 Dear Mrs ********* Our Reference: ************* I write with reference to Ms Shaleen Moore's letter dated 29 August having conducted a full review of your dispute in accordance with the bank's internal complaint handling procedures. Thank you for your patience while I have completed my enquiries. I would confirm that it is always our aim to resolve complaints without the need to refer cases to the Financial Ombudsman Service if at all possible and I do regret that despite the best endeavours of my colleagues you have been dealing with to date, we have been unable to bring matters to a satisfactory conclusion. I have taken the opportunity of reviewing the background papers and it appears from previous correspondence that the nature of your complaint has been misinterpreted and I apologise it this was the case. If my understanding of the position is correct rather than disputing the legality of the level of charges passed to your account you allege that the bank has unlawfully deducted charges from your account in contravention of SI 87 of the Social Security Administration Act 1982. It is your belief that the levying of bank fees amounts to an unlawful 'charger' on the benefits you receive from the state. As you will appreciate given the nature of your allegations it has been necessary for the matter to be referred to the bank's legal advisers. Their considered view is that your argument is wrong as a matter of construction of the Act. Continued Dated 25 September 2007 The> state: \ou hare confused 'charges ' in the sense of fees, to which the Act has no relevance and charges ' in the sense of a proprietary right attaching to benefits to which the Act relates, but which the levying of fees on overdrafts does not create ". I acknowledge that the only source of income into the account is derived from state benefits paid to yourself and your husband, however your account is governed by the bank's stipulated terms and conditions and by conducting your account as you have then charges have been deducted from your account. From reviewing the statements of your account it appears that your account has, for the majority of the time been overdrawn to a greater extent than charges deducted from your account. Furthermore it is apparent that you have often allowed or arranged debit transactions from your account without sufficient credit funds to cover the transactions. In the circumstances I regret that the bank must refute your allegations that it has acted unlawfully with regard to the deduction of charges from your account and in the circumstances there is no just cause to offer a refund of those charges. However, as it would appear you are presently in financial difficulties, we would like to help by carrying out a review of your individual circumstances with you and as part of the review we will be able to verify that you are suffering financial hardship. Subject to that verification, we will explore with you what we may be able to do to assist. This will include considering whether some or all of any current debt could be re-scheduled or whether alternative borrowing arrangements could be put in place. The fact that you have incurred overdraft charges and are claiming a refund of those charges will form part of our overall assessment of your circumstances (as will all other relevant factors) but our focus will be on considering what we may be able to do to assist, not solely considering refunding charges as you have requested. Enclosed is our leaflet "Putting your finances in order" which we hope you will find useful. The leaflet contains an income and expenditure form which, if you would like to speak with us about your circumstances, we will need you to complete please. This is required as our records will not always contain your full financial picture. Once you have completed the income and expenditure form please contact us on 0845 600 6423 (Monday-Friday Sam to 6pm). Calls may be monitored or recorded for the purposes of quality control. Continued HSBC Mrs ************ Dated 25 September 2007 Thank you, once again, for taking the time to bring your concerns to the bank's attention. I trust matters can now be considered concluded, however, the next step in our complaint handling procedures is detailed on the attached guidance sheet should this not be the case. Yours sincerely Bill Stephens [MANAGER] WELL that sums up the appalling behaviour that we the innocent victims are having to endure from such businesses that were regarded to the highest fiduciary position there was, but has now shown everyone what greedy , blatantly ignorant , selfish, unlawful , people / companies , they really are , and if the effect is damaging to them,selves well, I for one will be the most excruciatingly happiest person WITNESSING THE SELF INFLICTED MISFORTUNES OF THOSE ABHORRENT + GREEDY BUSINESSES / FIRMS CONCERNED .... ON TO THE " FOS " tomorrow ....
  6. Hi everyone ! CONGRATULATIONS 2 ME TODAY WAS GRACED WITH A CHEQUE FOR £3,760.09P REPAYMENT OF BENEFITS UNLAWFULLY DEDUCTED FROM MY ACCOUNT DURING PERIOD OF 2001-2006 INCLUSIVE.....Junkimunki V Yorkshire Bank ....... But I have another problem which someone out there can give me some good advice that is why I am A Committed member now to this site ..... # to which your site has been recommeded with the highest esteem from myself on relating my reclaim and the banks to all freinds and relatives....to follow the advice given here, ## Problem.. I have a son who has a claim pending outcome of OFT case with the Yorkshire bank [stayed] but he transferred from the YB to the HSBC in march 2007 after appalling customer relations and closure suddenly of his local branch without prior knowledge. He is a young male living with parents no previous credit history, got a good job of £24,000 per annum, monthly paid into account, but because of no credit scoring was unable to get a loan previously for a car so went through a High Interest lender, having been with them for over 18months with an excellent payment record. He applied for a loan to clear the high interest one when he became a customer in march , was told that as he was a knew customer if he waited for a few months to monitor his account there would be no trouble , left it six months , applied again and there is a default reg to him, this is due to the Yorkshire bank failing to close his account when requested in March to which they have acknowledged was asked, was still allowing dd instructions to be returned as unpaid insufficient funds and charging him until may of that year . The time from march to end of may ws charged at £8.00 a day and instead of owing a £450 overdraft resulted in his account reaching £800 + contacted them told them refuse to pay as reasons given but after being told they would not cancel the charges I refused to pay as I was going to the FOS , but then decided to leave cos of OFT case and they have now entered a judgement which has stopped him getting the loan with the HSBC even though I have furnished proof of the default through previous correspondence regarding the matter from the YB. What can he do about this ,
  8. Gotcha on that one FreakyLeaky, but we have those horrible concrete gutters so they will have to be removed as well, dont worry it has taken tooooooooooooooo long to get this money repaid for it to be squandered away on something you cannot see for the effort put in to the claimmmmm 2ND CLAIM FOR PERIOD OF 1987 - 2001 INCLUSIVE STARTING TOMORROW have already got the statements required for this ,,,,,, happy claiming again !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Hi there FF, GUESS WHO GOT A CHEQUE THIS MORNING FOR £3,760.09P , YES ME ME ME ME ME ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO GET YOUR CLAIM IN NOW NOW NOW
  10. hils, did they say whether or not they intend to appear or do they waht it without a hearing on their part, let me know if you can xxx
  11. Hiya Hils, Have visited court last week to oppose the YB's Application to "SET ASIDE" THE Judgement made on 13th September 2007, granted through their default of a Judgement order made by the court on 27th June 2007, I wrote an EXTRA LONG LETTER TO TAKE WITH ME COVERING EVERY ASPECT , THEN AT THE LAST MOMENT TOLD THE jUDGE ALL THIS MONEY WAS UNLAWFULLY DEDUCTED FROM MY BENEFITS. IF YOU NEED ANY INFO LET ME KNOW
  12. Hiya freaky leaky thanks for that in fact thanks to each and everyone within our forum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. Hiya Hils, thanks for that one will have a new roof soon, and Caro hope you c this one you CAN POST IT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. HIYA ZOOTSCOOT Will gladly donate once it has cleared as I am only getting half my benefits at the moment, because of the HSBC stopping me £150 every month out of my benefits
  15. great news well done debbie will speak to you soon I hope am gonna pass the HSBC CASE TO THE "FOS" AND AM CLAIMING HARDSHIP SEVERE AS I and family survive on benefits only and £1,436 is a hell of a lot of MY money that I could have utilised better than pay charges to HSBC.
  16. Hiya debbie, what court was you at and when, I was in Derby court on the 27th sept at 11.30pm to oppose their application to "SET ASIDE " A Judgement order granted to me on the 13th September 2007, for the Yorkshire banks default of an order dated 27th June 2007 by the courts. They told the Judge in a letter it was an Administration error and that they apologised for this , and requested the application to set aside the Judgement they did not attend but I did attend to oppose their action, to which I had covered every point I could think of , as well as posting a copy of the court rules regarding the cpr 's they were quoting and as a last resort mentioned to the judge that all the charges were taken from my benefits, then he said he would strike the application out but mentioned that he thought they would appeal the strike out . I answered quite respectively that in that case I would appeal their appeal, he laughed at this statement , I shook his hand and was just about to leave when I discussed a previous wasted costs order which I was about to make on the apppropriate form and stated that in view of todays hearing I would be asking foir a further £5o to be added to the £376 already requested this would mean a total of £426 wasted costs to which I AM AWAITING THE COURTS DECISION. Am
  17. hi rayne WON WON WON YORKSHIRE BANK v JUNKIMUNKI , TODAY AS WELL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see my thread on Yorkshire bank forum
  18. Hi syds mum, thanks for that gal, and thanks for the information relating to my size problem , have you read what the HSBC has said in relation to my claim if so what would you do next??????????? :p
  19. Clydesdale Bank X Our ref Your ref 7DE02367 Legal Services POBox43 40 St. Vincent Place Glasgow G1 2HL DX 500500/Box 68 Fax 0141 242 4723 Dear Mrs*,^ You v Clydesdale Bank PLC t/a Yorkshire Bank Claim No. 7DE02367 Please find enclosed a cheque for £3760.09 in full and final settlement of your claim against the Bank. Please can you now arrange to send your Notice of Discontinuance to Derby County Court. Youra sincerely •jf, Solicitor - Dispute Resolution National Date: 3 Clydesdale Bank PLC St Vincent Place Glasgow G1 2HL 82-20-00 503716: 40001353 £ **3,760.09** Thousand ^^^^^____________ ^^i^P^uMsJ^O^P'j m For and on behalf of National Australia Group Europe Services Limited '"Three Thousand Seven Hundred And Sixty Pounds&And 09 P" i I , - CD A«^,iuJ> J A member of National Australia Bank Group ii'5037iE,»' BB-SQOOi: 1.0001353"' AT LONG LAST JUNKIMUNKI HAS GOT ER DOSH *********
  20. Hi everyone !, Have at last received reply in connection with the HSBC unlawfully deducting £150 per month from my benefits since June 2006 - Sept 2007 at an amount of £1,436, from an account which only has benefits directly paid into it , I initially complained about this on the 25th June 2007, referring to the contravention of the "Social Security Administration Act 1992" [c5] 187 "Certain Benefits to be inalienable. After trying to stipulate that my complaint was related to the pending Test case, which it was not the initial complaint, after an amount of correspondence regarding this matter, they have finally acknowledged the complaint and have written in reply as follows HSBC 25 September 2007 Dear Mrs Our Reference: I write with reference to Ms Shaleen Moore's letter dated 29 August having conducted a full review of your dispute in accordance with the bank's internal complaint handling procedures. Thank you for your patience while I have completed my enquiries. I would confirm that it is always our aim to resolve complaints without the need to refer cases to the Financial Ombudsman Service if at all possible and I do regret that despite the best endeavours of my colleagues you have been dealing with to date, we have been unable to bring matters to a satisfactory conclusion. I have taken the opportunity of reviewing the background papers and it appears from previous correspondence that the nature of your complaint has been misinterpreted and I apologise it this was the case. If my understanding of the position is correct rather than disputing the legality of the level of charges passed to your account you allege that the bank has unlawfully deducted charges from your account in contravention of SI 87 of the Social Security Administration Act 1982. It is your belief that the levying of bank fees amounts to an unlawful 'charger' on the benefits you receive from the state. As you will appreciate given the nature of your allegations it has been necessary for the matter to be referred to the bank's legal advisers. Their considered view is that your argument is wrong as a matter of construction of the Act. Continued HSBC Mrs Dated 25 September 2007 They state: "you have confused 'charges' in the sense of fees, to which the Act has no relevance and 'charges' in the sense of a proprietary right attaching to benefits to which the Act relates, but which the levying of fees on overdrafts does not create ". I acknowledge that the only source of income into the account is derived from state benefits paid to yourself and your husband, however your account is governed by the bank's stipulated terms and conditions and by conducting your account as you have then charges have been deducted from your account. From reviewing the statements of your account it appears that your account has, for the majority of the time been overdrawn to a greater extent than charges deducted from your account. Furthermore it is apparent that you have often allowed or arranged debit transactions from your account without sufficient credit funds to cover the transactions. In the circumstances I regret that the bank must refute your allegations that it has acted unlawfully with regard to the deduction of charges from your account and in the circumstances there is no just cause to offer a refund of those charges. However, as it would appear you are presently in financial difficulties, we would like to help by carrying out a review of your individual circumstances with you and as part of the review we will be able to verify that you are suffering financial hardship. Subject to that verification, we will explore with you what we may be able to do to assist. This will include considering whether some or all of any current debt could be re-scheduled or whether alternative borrowing arrangements could be put in place. The fact that you have incurred overdraft charges and are claiming a refund of those charges will form part of our overall assessment of your circumstances (as will all other relevant factors) but our focus will be on considering what we may be able to do to assist, not solely considering refunding charges as you have requested. Enclosed is our leaflet "Putting your finances in order" which we hope you will find useful. The leaflet contains an income and expenditure form which, if you would like to speak with us about your circumstances, we will need you to complete please. This is required as our records will not always contain your full financial picture. Once you have completed the income and expenditure form please contact us on 0845 600 6423 (Monday-Friday Sam to 6pm). Calls may be monitored or recorded for the purposes of quality control. Continued HSBC Mrs Dated 25 September 2007 Thank you, once again, for taking the time to bring your concerns to the bank's attention. I trust matters can no\v be considered concluded, however, the next step in our complaint handling procedures is detailed on the attached guidance sheet should this not be the case. Yours sincerely Bill Stephens [Manager] FINAL RESPONSE We hope that you will be entirely happy with the attached response and as a consequence your complaint can now be considered resolved. Should this not be the case and you remain dissatisfied, the bank is obliged to advise you of your right to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service, as this letter constitutes our final response. Further details about the Ombudsman scheme are set out in the enclosed leaflet and you have six months from the date of the attached letter, within which to refer your complaint to them should you decide to do so. Clearly we do hope you will not find this course of action necessary. As I have already logged this with the FOS on the 30th July do you think I should now refer this to them to sort out . They have clearly mentioned on page 1 and page 2 that my account consists of purely benefit payments is what they have written true or just their beleif any answers on this much appreciated . oh and by the way JUST RECEIVED CHEQUE OFF THE YB FOR £3,760.09 AWAITING ORDER FOR WASTED COSTS OF £426 SHORTLY TO SEND TO THEM THEN i WILL CLOSE THE CLAIM AT COURT .
  21. Hi FF , It has taken me since December 2006 , until now I have been granted JUdgement and have had application to set aside struck out but still am waiting for the cash , if not here within 5 days am issuing warrant of execution by bailiffs , the only reason I got it back was due to them taking it from my benefits causing me severe hardship at the moment. But if I was in your position I would definately claim as far back as you can , as it will be certainly logged and saves you reapplying again for other periods . I would have claimed all at once had I known about the Clause in the Limitations Act, I just might have been waiting for DOUBLE OR EVEN TRBLE THE AMOUNT I AM WAITING FOR NOW ..... SO do yourself justice and go for the lot now !!!!!!!!
  22. Supergran In Action Watch Me Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. HI Remus , I am adamant that I get what has been unlawfully taken from myself and my family, causing me severe hardship and a definite decline in our quality of living , whereby causing me undue stress, and unnecessary worry, causing me to fall into arrears with more important bills that should have been paid. To think that since 1987 this money has been clawed from my account and then since 1995 have been unlawfully deducted from benefits given to me by the Government for me and my family, and that the banks all knew of the legislation in situ. I will take them for all they have took from me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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