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  1. Claiming £1134.50 (inc interest) 22/3/07 SENT 1st template letter 2/4/07 RECEIVED reply....looking into it 5/4/07 SENT 2nd template (court letter) Approx 10 days later, PHONED and was told they have 8 weeks to process and make offer (4/6/07) 5/6/07 PHONED as no offer received (told is in post) 7/6/07 RECEIVED standard letter, not their fault they would win in court..bla,bla.. here's some money (WITHOUT PREJUDICE) dated 6/6/07 (I thought it was already in the post on the 5th??) They offered £990 will pay up in 14 days of receipt of reply So I accepted.. money paid into account 1 week later
  2. They wont, got two other claims going through with HSBC, trying each in different ways 1 through court, the other I gave them the 8 weeks to see if they offer, just to see what results are.. Claiming for everything + interest in the end anyway, so not going to let them get away with anything
  3. As stated, sent letter yesterday, registered post to Andover.. Quite surprising, phone call at 11am today that they are dealing with this as a 'matter of urgency' and I will get a full explanation as to what has happened within the next 5 days! We'll see.........
  4. Cheers Irish Going to get this 'will see you in court' letter sorted out and add that 'I seem to have been sent statements that are not mine' para at the bottom 'what would you like me to do? where's my money' type of thing And yes Rory... lets hope the stress is getting to them lol Chops
  5. Good point ppm Putting a letter together now.. may combine it with my gonna take you to court if you dont comply..hint hint
  6. Dont think i'll be destroying them just yet.. Spoke to Lloyds this morning 9am, the shock was I got through straight away, I was told a manager would ring me back straight away.. still nothing.. (not a big shock) Now my mum has called me (that is where i'm getting statements sent as to make it easier and not change addresses) as there is another envelope, just like the others arrived... so i got her to open it... 3 guesses:rolleyes: So I now have 2 copies of my satements, and 2 more of persons I dont know:confused: Sorry mr postman.. i'll be calling LTSB back shortly and keep everyone updated Thanks again
  7. Hi folks.. first time on here, but i've come across what may be an interesting scenario.. here goes.. sent my first letter to Lloyds on 1/3/07 requesting charge lists, 12/3/07 rec letter stating i dont bank with them anymore (I dont but so what?) 14/3/07 sent letter saying 'so what' still want them.. 21/3/07 letter rec saying they are dealing with it ALL GOING WELL.... SO FAR.. 10/4/07.. letter rec saying they need a furthr 4 weeks 8/5/07.. letter rec saying they are sorry but need a further 4 weeks :o 20/5/07.. Finally 2 and a half months (40 days my a?@e) got lists of charges 21/5/07 sent letter claiming £1122.00 plus £300.40 interest and 14 days to answer Now it starts geting interesting.. 31/5/07.. recieved more letters addressed and hand written to me but with SOMEONE ELSES statements:eek: 1/6/07.. beleive it or not ANOTHER set of statements arrived on my doorstep, guess what... Not mine:-o Now i'm sure this is not in accordance with the data protection act, and I definately would not like my bank details to be given to anyone else? So has any one got any suggestions on where I should go from here, or just destroy (shred) these other statements? Any advice appreciated Thank you
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