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  1. Call me dim..... but I take it we won??? and if so what happens next.
  2. I'm on bended knee praying.............................................
  3. The news has been very quiet on all of this, I can see the banks dragging this out. Please just give us an answer have we won or have we not????????
  4. Hi PT Dont get my hopes up as I have my eye on a rather nifty MX5 lol, if this is true I will name it barclays in there honour.
  5. I may be losing the plot here but...... is it true that we can now go into any bank which owes us money and get ALL our money back????
  6. Has anyone who had a stay imposed by Judge Dudley had the stay lifted...........or did you just upset his honour??
  7. Jules, I received a letter from the court stating by order of the Judge (district Judge Dudley) My case is stayed until 13th September 2007
  8. Can we not all claim together? show barclays a united front?? Really fed up now I have heard this:sad:
  9. Does anyone know that Barclays have now hired a barrister for southend and are defending all cases............................................... Just read it on a thread.....
  10. Hi Glenn, My stay was issued in June until the 13th sept, so does this mean barclays have to settle by 13th sept or it goes to trial sorry for seeming a bit dim but dont want to start dancing yet.
  11. Hi Peeps, So I take it I am doing the right thing not objecting to the stay that Judge dudley put in place? after all I really dont want to upset him.
  12. The Judge ordered the stay, but if you look at the link transfered to Southend it looks like Judge dudley may be on our side, so I dont want to upset him by asking for removal of a stay he put in place
  13. C'mon people i'm on tenbder hooks here what's going on??????????????????
  14. Good Luck People, I am sure the judge will see sense. I will be on tender hooks all day until I read how succesfull you have all been.:grin:
  15. bobby check out the other threads for southend there are loads opf you tomorrow
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