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  1. I put in a claim against Lloyds TSB for £1020 on the 5th June, and the claim has been acknowledged. However, since I started the whole process of claiming back my money, Lloyds have put more charges on my account amounting to £715! Should I wait until my original claim has gone through or should I start a new claim immediately? Perhaps there is another solution? Any help would be MUCH appreciated!
  2. Hi everyone, I've just put in a claim against Lloyds TSB for £960 after they failed to settle. As a student living in London below the bread-line, and with an axe-wealding landlord, I couldn't waste any time to put in this claim, so I started the process a few weeks ago. However, I have £360 of charges due to go out on June 11th. Is there any way I can prevent these charges going out due to the current court process, or will I have to just go through the process again to reclaim the next set of charges? Many thanks in advance for any help!!
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