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Everything posted by cazza69er

  1. ive had 2 recent charges, £35 instead of £39. this is on cardcash or easycash accounts.
  2. lol dk i got 4 between 10-16 3 boys as well.
  3. hi all. had given up on damien green but a posh house of commons letter came today. thank you for your letter, its important that whatever banks charge reflect their costs and do not impose penalties on their customers. you will be aware that last year the oft said that a default charge of more than £12 for late payment of credit cards bills will be considered unfair. i was dispppointed that it took the oft two years to reach this conclusion and that there are now further delays as a result of the test case in the high court. whilst i am pleased that the situation will eventually clarify the legal position, i understand the frustrations of customers who now cannot seek compensation. i have therefore passed your letter onto hector sants the chief executive of the fsa. i will forward you a copy of his reply. actually signed by him too!!!
  4. happy hols dk, we have to wait another week + a bit yet! have you room for me in your case, school hold driving me mad ha ha
  5. good luck with it all steven think your doing a fantastic job so far, i can relate to kelley, will be watching with interest
  6. spoke to ashford cc today all claims are being stayed, no hearings either until outcome of oft case. doesnt stop the bank taking more charges tho
  7. just foned my local cc they said they still have not heard from defendant but all cases are being stayed. ill add this to the correct thread for courts. wondering if i should try the hardship path as to kennys thread??
  8. congrats money, glad you got a result at last!!!! like everyone else has said you have been a great help to us all
  9. roll on nov, up close mmmnnnnnn enough of that me thinks
  10. thanks ssl will check it out. you should have a gerard forum too lol thanks overflow, im going to fone the court again today just see what they say. hes only getting married cos he aint meet us lot yet ha ha
  11. good luck david, everyone here is behind you 100%
  12. your welcome, its really not that bad, just seems daunting at first
  13. good idea to read the faqs on here, they are very helpful and would prob answer most qs you have, anything else shout + some1 will pop along to help
  14. if you have done your spreadsheets itll work out your interest etc. on the poc you can copy n paste the info supplied onto your n1. court number is supplied when you file, leave that blank, the cost is £1,000.01 - £5,000 £120 £5,000.01 - £15,000 £250 up to you whether you chose a solicitor, i havent. tick no to human rights. hope this helps you
  15. in the bank templates library, i cant do the link things :o
  16. yeah go for it, be worth every penny, just take lots of tissues (to wipe your mouth pml)
  17. thanks girls (ladies) watching yours too dk gerard is sooo fine shame hes getting married ssl you need to go see them at the o2
  18. hi every1, thanks for your encouragement guys its really appreciated!! just to let you know i had my defence letter through this morning have read 3 times to make sure, nothing said about applying for a stay?? very interesting paragraph though 10. further or in the alternative, even if the said fees are not proportionate to the Defendants administrative expenses occured (which is denied) the claimant remains liable to pay such fees as my be found to be proportionate and the claimant is not entitled to claim repayment of the full amount of each charge made to the account. what a bunch of poop. being the fact i have always had a working tax credit, income support + child tax credit paid into this account from the beginning, and ive been paper free for ages, £39 for an email is really taking the proverbial!!! they make me soooo mad ps ssl if you read this thanks!! hopefully you do even just to look at gerard lets see what happens now.........................
  19. judging by most of the responses on threads id advise to keep going!! im sure someone will correct me if im wrong! good luck
  20. hi all, just phoned my local cc lady there told me stays were being put on all cases for bank charges, but then advised when the time is up on the 23rd to phone back if nothing back by you know who then i can take in my judgement.
  21. keeping my fingers n toes crossed for you dk, your only a little bit in front of me!! watching with interest
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