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Everything posted by Midori

  1. Your local Council should have what used to be called a Weights and Measures Officer, whose job it is to examine your claims for short measures. Unfortunately I don't know what they would be called now.
  2. Update, On Friday 9th Jan, someone from Avantis rang me and I went through the whole sorry thing again, he denied having received the letter I sent with the receipt on, giving as a reason that they had moved! I told him that the company was still using it's old stationery and I had naturally addressed the letter to the address on the letterhead. I explained that, as a matter of goodwill, I would send my proofs for a 3rd time. Later the same day I received 3 identical letters (even to the signatures) thanking me for my letter and inviting me to take up a Payment Plan with them! I am currently still p-ing myself laughing at their incompetance!
  3. Hi Renzokuchen, Thank you for printing your company's policy on collecting data, and as far as I am concerned if I have to give my address and details next time I pop into Currys for a set of vacuum cleaner bags, I'll stop shopping there! (Actually, I rarely use Currys or any of their associates). The moral of the story is, if you don't like giving your details stop using the stores which demand them as a condition of purchase. Easy really.
  4. Hello All, I have an odd problem, I am being pursued by Aventis Credit for a Water bill paid in full in September 2008. The bill was for water supplied by Southern Water, and it was paid via Highdown Debt Recovery, by my debit card. The money left my bank on September 2nd 2008, and shows on my statement as having been paid direct to Southern Water. Aventis Credit has been chasing me since for the same amount for the same company, and I have already given them full details, first by telephone, and since by letter. I also told them to quit harrassing me by any means whatsoever and threatened to file charges against them. Since then I have received another letter dated December 12, which could have crossed with the non-harrasment and details of payment I sent to them. Today I have received a letter from their Enforcement Arm, threatening immediate court action and having added another £178.81 to the non-existent debt. Any clues as to how to deal with this Please? Cheers, Midori p.s. In some perverse way I am hoping they might take it to court, then I can make them look total fools, and maybe countersue for harrassment, and maybe other things too! (I am a pensioner, so every little helps!)
  5. I would also suggest she stops giving him lifts. Cheers, Midori
  6. Hi All, I have a problem with my pension. I was 60 in February, but deferred my pension until September as I was still getting Child allowance and Widow's benefits until my son quit college. I am having the devil of a time getting my pension paid, I have repeatedly called them and they say 'in 5 days', but nothing happens. I have finally got my MP involved, and written to a national daily newspaper. My problem however is this, Due to the persistent failure to pay my pension, I am now in arrears with Council Tax, Utlities, etc. I have the sum total of £2.47 in my purse, and direct debits are due out of my bank. Is there any way to sue the Pensions Service over this, does anyone know, or at least get them to pay for the excess charges I will be incurring? Cheers, Midori
  7. It does seem odd, a child of that age being twitchy, even if it had been a virus I feel it should have been investigated further. When a very young child gets a virus, and the body temperature soars, siezures can occur, But It Should Have Been Investigated, not dismissed.
  8. Hi All, I am currently involved in probate for a house I have inherited. I settled the BT bill, and arrnged to take over the line, pointing out it was Probate and I would not be living there regularly until it was settled. BT agreed to send the bills to my current home address, as I cannot often travel to the house. I managed to get down there this last week (Feb 18th), to find the telephone cut off and demands for payment and threats of further action all over the doormat. So,as I can't get hold of them on their own darned instrument, I used my mobile, paid the bill and tried to arrange for reconnection. They told me I would have to have a new application, performed a credit check and then tried to charge me £50 for the privilege! I told them where to get off as it was their error. They agreed, and said I would be reconnected on Thursday (Feb 21st). Thursday came and went, as did Friday, and Saturday, when I arrived home, and chased them again from my home number, and was told my reconnection is now next Tuesday! Now, I am a pensioner, quite frail, and awaiting hospital calls for several operations. Needless to say, BT is not currently my favourite company! Waiting on hold on my mobile has cost me at least £30, money that, if they had done their job, I would not have been forced to pay. I am going to ask the solicitor handling the Probate to attempt to get this refunded and some compensation. I don't know how this will turn out, but I am going to try. Cheers, Midori
  9. I have had the same Gerd, what a load of Chancers! I feel like framing all the letters now! Cheers, Midori
  10. As at today's date, red have got to the stage of offering me a 50% deal--I should cocoa! Interested to see their next move. They don't have a phone number, and I'm not going to be daft and give 'em one! I'm fascinated by this whole subject, and seeing how far they will go with it.... Cheers, midori
  11. Do not under any circumstances telephone them, from what I have read they are totally in the wrong for not having complied with your CCA and SAR requests. They are just harrassing you, keep cool.
  12. Right now, I am ignoring them, will see what happens. I'm in the mood for a fight, so I'm secretly hoping they might try something................ Cheers, Midori
  13. Midori

    Argos card

    As far as I am concerned, store cards are a waste of your time and money, I will never take one out. In additiom to hgh interest charges they leave you open to junk mailshots, as they sell their address lists. Cheers, Midori
  14. Yes , it is Lowells, aka Red Debt. I was wondering if it was safe to just ignore it. Cheers, midori
  15. Thank you, I'll give it a go. Cheers, midori
  16. Hello All, Despite being registered with the Telephone Preference Service, and being ex-directory, for many months now I have been getting calls at all hours of the day and night. When I answer the phone is put down, and if I dial 1471 I get a message that the caller has witheld the number. Sometimes there are three and four calls in a 24hr period, which can go on into the small hours of the next morning. I know I could buy a device to stop all calls with witheld numbers, but as I am waiting for Operations, this would prevent the hospital getting hold of me. Any Clues as to how to handle this? Cheers, midori
  17. Does this apply to all debts? I had a Barclaycard in the 90's, and have recently had letters referring to it having been sold to a recovery agency, despite not having banked or been contacted by Barclaycard since 1994. One letter is quite threatening, saying 'This will not go away'. I think it's just scare tactics. I have had letters from 2 companies about the same thing. I intend to ignore them, is this right? Cheers
  18. It all depends on whether you want to add Contempt of Court to your proceedings and face a hefty fine or imprisonment in addition, far better to keep qiet, IMHO.
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