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not so yummy mummy

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  1. Well, well well - was very rudely awoken at 7.30am this morning by the postman with a recorded delivery letter - and on a Saturday too!!! but given the circumstances I will let him off - Cobbetts sent a cheque (interestingly drawn on a RBS account not Natwest!) for the full amount, including interest and including my court fees. - So, Steven, yes I guess it is lawer speak for we are paying up! Thank you so much, everyone, for all your support - not sure what I am going to do with all the extra time I wil now have on my hands, as for the past 5 months every evening has been spent reading through posts on this site! To all out there - stick with it!! There were times when I wondered if it was worth it, but thanks to everyones support it was and I am now one very happy ever so slightly yummy mummy! Love and thanks to all! x
  2. I hope so!!!!! Don't know if my nerves will hold out as long as the post delays!
  3. well, lets hope so - it seems to drag on forever! thanks for keeping my spirit up!
  4. good for you ukrow, my problem is that they did manage to get it to me in time, and so I guess to the court, so I just don't know what to do next - should I write to Cobbetts, or the court, or phone someone - any ideas - anyone??
  5. I have been reading up on all the forums and have now hit a snag I can't seem to follow anywhere else - I submitted my original claim to Nat West on 22 February, as per the moneysaving expert site - I followed all their steps and advice, and once my judgement was rejected found your site and have been following your advice. I received the CPR part 18 request and replied as advised, and next thing I heard was from Guildford County Court on 4 July saying "Before his Honour Judge Reid QC sitting at Fuildford County Court, .... Upon the Courts own motion. The Court has made this order of its own initiative without a hearing. If you object to the order, you must make an application to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of receiving it." The accompanying directions say it shoud be allocated to the small claims track, etc and that the Defendand shall not later than 4pm on 16 July 2007 serve on the claimant and lodge at Court a document answering if a) is the case intended to be contested to and at trail? and b) does the Defendant intend to apply to adduce expert evidence? etc I have today (16.7.07) received a letter from Cobbetts, and their response is as follows: "Paragraph 3 (a) of the Order requires the Defendant to lodge at Court a document stating whether the case is intended to be contested to and at Trial. We assume that this Order was not intended to require the Defendant to disclose any privileged aspects of its litigation strategy. What the Defendant is able to say in answer to the Court's question is that a Defence has been entered in this case because the Defendant's position is that the allegations advanced by the Claimant is wrong as a matter of fact and law. The Defendant either is engaged or will engage in without prejudice communications with the Claimant with a view to attempting to find a consensual solution to the claim. In the meantime the claim is fully defended. As to paragraph 3(b) of the Order, the Defendant is not at this time making any application for permission to adduce expert evidence, and notes the terms of paragraph 6 of the order." I am really in the dark as to what is now going on here and wondered if you could help - do I contact Cobbetts or just leave it for them to contact me? Should I contact the Court? Help and advice greatly received!
  6. read the Toilet Bandit V Nat west for really good inspiration to keep going!
  7. have just managed to get through on the helpline and have been told that CCBC stands for County Court Bulk Centre which means it has now been passed onto my local County Court and as each court deals with the individually I have to wait to hear from them - they were very nice! The online moneyclaim site has crashed (too many people claiming!!), and they are having trouble managing all the contact etc - or so they told me! the reason for it accepting our notice and then rejecting it was because the documents crossed 'in the post'. She did say we should hear from the court by the end of next week and to sit tight until then. Guess we follow everyone else and send the letters to Corbetts etc unless anyone has other comments?
  8. so what do we do? Do we send the reply to Corbetts? do we wait for the AV? And why can I not find anything that tells me what the CCBC is???
  9. Hi I have just joined the site, having followed the moneysavingexpert sites advice until now. I have got to the stage of a defense being entered against me by Corbetts (claim against Nat West), and as I hadn't heard by the time the 28 days were up I went onto Moneyclaim online and applied for a judgement to be entered against them. 2 days later (yesterday) I received a bundle from Corbetts with the defense and request for further information from them (CPR Part 18), dated 29th May - the last of their 28 days. Today I have received a Notice of Judgment Rejected from Northampton, and it quotes: 'Your request for judgement in this claim has been rejected for the following reason: A bar on judgment/enforcement is in place - contact CCBC' Can anyone help and advise me please? I have no idea what CCBC is and cannot find out, and have no idea if this means that I have to give up, or can continue and fill in AV's etc as it seems, from reading this site, most people now go on an do. All advise and support gratefuly received! many thanks
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