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Everything posted by SusyQ

  1. I have replied on your thread. The 12 days for us in both cases was from the day I posted the acceptance until the day it was paid in (counting weekends too)
  2. I agree with everything remus says skeggs. Stick with the claim by paying the money for the AQ and don't agree to any terms and conditions - the claim is on yor terms not theirs.
  3. LTSB paid me te other amount today - also 12 days after I sent the letter to them. Thats both claims won, done and dusted! Bring it on! Ha ha ha (am soooo happy)
  4. Congratulations - when are you getting married? Ive been married 8 years next month eeek!
  5. I crossed out the terms I didn't agree with and posted the letter back, like GaryH said they have no right imposing terms on your settlement so cross out what you don't agree with. I honestly don't know what to do about the AQ and the allocation money - I never had that on my claim. I would be tempted to send it though to the court just in case so then you have covered your bases. Make sure [problem] have the extra court fees in with the settlement though Let me know what you do....Oh and Congrats by the way....YOU WON!
  6. It took them 12 days from the day I posted the letter back for the money to be paid into my account on the first claim - I haven't had the money on the other account yet and their 12 days is up today (the money also didn't appear in the account until the middle of the day) and so I'm hoping the other amount gets paid today Congrats on your lottery win Don't spend it all at once.
  7. Thanks Kazzie - Alcudia is in Majorca by the way x
  8. LTSB Paid me my first claim yesterday - all £1623.12 of it Their timescale of 4-5 weeks is just another thing the people at [problem] say to p*ss us off. It took 12 days from the day I posted it to the day it appeared in my account so all of you that are still waiting its on its way.... I posted my second settlement letter on the 6th July so hopefully by 18th July I will have that too PS: I did book my family holiday yesterday - Alcudia here we come!!!!!
  9. There is a thred set up with T&C on Skeggs - I think I have linked it to someone on one of the previous threds....... If you can't find it let me know.
  10. Congrats Woodytherat am pleased for you - let me know about that lotterty win
  11. I completly agree with you about the timescale - keep me posted and let me know when you get yours - I will post on here when mine is in the account
  12. When I phoned they told me the money could take 4-5 weeks to be paid into the account - I'm sure they were trying to fob me off yet again but you never know with the crap customer services that is [problem]! Im sure you haven't blown it - I asked Gary the mod who said they have no right to impose conditions on your settlement so Im sure you will be okay. When did you give then until? Oh and congrats by the way
  13. You too Bev, The e-mail has been sent xx
  14. The money isn't in my account yet. I only crossed off one of the conditions in the end (the one about not going overdrawn again) I phoned [problem] and they said it could take up to 5 weeks, I said they had until 19th July to pay (as per the judges orders as it will be 21 days after I served my bundle on them) or I will request Judgement from the court which won't look good on their client! (Doubt it will do much good - they are crap at [problem] they are only helpful on the phone if they can be bothered) Im happy because I know the money is on its way..... Are you in the same position?
  15. Oh, and I doubt you will get to court - as soon as they received my bundle they sent me a settlement letter and my amount was 3 times as much as yours - I don't think you will get to meet Judge Matthews.....
  16. I am downloading you a charges letetr from 1991, a service charge bookelet from 2002 and some T&C from 2004 If you want anything else give me a shout Oh and if you think I have been helpful click my scales
  17. I remember what it was like getting my bundle together - A right nightmare and cost a fortune in photocopying... I will send your T&C in an e-mail no problem. How much are you claiming?
  18. I would include them if you can - better to be safe than sorry. What stage are you at?
  19. If you are having problems downloading them - let me know beacuse its working for me. You could PM me your e-mail address and I can e-mail them to you if you let me know which ones you need?
  20. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/bank-templates-library/101412-document-library-work-progress.html#post953985 Have a look at this olliebollie - It might help?
  21. I was lucky......I doidn't have my T&C for the accounts but when I received th judges orders, he had ordered [problem] to provide a copy of the T&C's so I was lucky in that I didn't have to (because I didn't have them) I have seen a link knocking about though - let me see if I can find it for you
  22. Yes deffinately - send everything recorded delivery- just been to the post office and sent my 2nd acceptance letter by recorded delivery - I want my money now! ha ha
  23. Lets start with Alcudia but deffinately Disney if he's okay with flying....
  24. Absolutley - We can afford to pay all of the debts off so we have nothing but the mortgage, put money in the bank and go on holiday. We have struggled for so long and this is just going to make things soooo much easier, we will be able to afford to actually live rather than just exist! I can't wait to take my son (he's 3) on an aeroplane for the 1st time.....
  25. Woo-Hoo Received my other settlement letter from [problem] today for the other account - exactly the same thing as the other one so I am sending my acceptance back today. LTSB now owe me £1623.26 one one account and £3652.13 on the other account making a grand total of £5275.39 Bring it on......ha ha ha - I am sooo pleased, months of stress, reading and being on here every day has paid off (or at least it will when the money is paid into my account! Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way - and now before it sound like some wierd acceptance speech im going to off to do a victory dance!
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