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Everything posted by GlasweJen

  1. Sorry, as i understood it you just had to have one of the disabilities on the list that came with the WTC form to be eligable, it didn't occur to me until now that reciept of a disability benefit would be the proof of having the disability that you would send away with the form.
  2. thanks, i don't do well at these things, i stutter when i'm nervous.
  3. 3kg lost! I Like thursdays lol, it's probably stress related mind you, i have a job interview tomorrow and I'm a bit nervous.
  4. I thought disabled people over 16 who worked 16 hours or more could claim a type of tax credit?
  5. Not all disabled people can claim disability, employment rules are there to protect those with long term health conditions as well which is why some people who don't consider themselves to be disabled can still win at a disability discrimination tribunal. I think your first thing to do (if not already done) is lodge a formal grievance. No tribunal will take any claim seriously if this hasn't been done.
  6. It depends, CAB in my area are useless. The work don't have a right it's just that if she fits the criteria then a tribunal can't rule that she isn't disabled so it seems they've read the act and decided themselves that she's disabled (assuming she is, i can't remember all 8 criteria so i can't say for sure that they're right). If you have a read and you think that she does fit the label then get in touch with the Human Rights Commision and also ACAS (links in the stickies at the top of page). They're the ones who can advise. CAB might be able to find you a lawyer who will take the case pro-bono but apparently this is as common as snowballs in hell. Just a thought but did the work actually do anything to help your wife? You can't just have a disabled employee and stick them in a corner, they have to accommodate for the disability and one of those accommodations is time off for hospital visits. Also if they were that concerned then why didn't they send your wife to an occupational therapist?
  7. Hi Tez, the work can call her disabled if that's what she is. A disability can be any illness that has lasted, or is expected to last or a year or more and causes any of the 8 problems in the DDA. You can have a read of the whole act on opsi.gov.uk (sorry my computers having a day off and wont link). If the work are calling her disabled and harrassing her for it then she can pursue a disability harassment claim at tribunal without leaving work first. Constructive dismissal should be a last resort as it's hard to prove and really up to the tribunal judge whos side he believes.
  8. yep, same rules apply all over the UK. I'd advise raising this as a grievance i.e. you're not being allowed to take holiday.
  9. I know someone whos parents called him Gandalf Pippin, he is known as Garry for some reason, I only found out his real name when I saw his passport and I've been sworn to secrecy.
  10. Lol, yeah, it works in my mums freezer and hers is frost free. I live in rented accommodation and the fridge is actually older than I am - no exaggeration.
  11. I agree with Bookworm, targeting old disabled people like this is horrible and no judge would ever allow them to keep that money. Don't be put off if they say they'll claim legal expenses through the court - £700 is small claims which doesn't usually award legal costs.
  12. hee hee no, I recommend the top shelf because it you stick it in a drawer in the freezer it sometimes sticks to the bottom of the compartment. You should also have it label side down just in case this does happen.
  13. I was just wondering because I know what the legal position would be if it was a landlord doing this but not if it's another tenant. The shelter site doesn't cover it but I do wonder if the OP can now expect to be subject to criminal charges for effectively unlawfully evicting someone? Does anyone have any views on this?
  14. I have a question MrShed, just out of curiosity like but how does this other girl stand? *Should she get a key for the new lock? *Does she have to pay rent while she's being excluded from the property? *Could she sue DrJazz for denying her access to her property? Just asking because if it was a landlord who changed the locks all hell would break loose.
  15. carrot and orange juice, a really big carrot cake
  16. You freeze the CD/DVD for no more than 2 or 3 hours and that usually works. You should put it on the top shelf.
  17. My brother uses storegate and says it's good, he doesn't know of anything cheaper. The freezer trick works for CDs with scratches as well, we've fixed many a CD in our freezer:D
  18. sorry i posted info on community care grants but realised you have to be on incapacity for those.
  19. Write a ;etter of complaint pointing out that their treatment of you was disgraceful, ask that you are reimbursed your costs on the grounds of the horrific treatment and say that as a result of said treatment you are cancelling your membership. It's worth a shot but i don't think there is a cooling off period that would legally entitle you to a refund as you signed the contract on their premesis. Someone here will be able to correct me if i'm wrong.
  20. I'm laughing at Bookworms train wreck observation but I can't get through exam month without copious amounts of chocolate, crisps and tea (not all at once) the fact that i never gained anything is a miracle on its own i think
  21. No weight loss this week :o i fell off the wagon a little with exam stress.
  22. I think there's only so much you can do in this case, really if you don't name names or make hints then there's nothing the company/person can do. If postings here were permissible in court then no one would post because the courts would then their life story would be dragged up. The post you refer to was someone using his real name, now my nickname is unusual and almost (not quite because someone else has jenschnifer@hotmail.com ) unique to me but i've always taken great care to not name names or companies (except in the case of the big companies where i've named in order to get advice tailored to that company) and this is fine I think. there's certainly no laws about posting for advice on internet forums that I can find though I'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong.
  23. A call to the inland revenue should sort this out.
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