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  1. So ignore the fact that there are no sheduels and other infomation missing? This is all the infomation i need, N1 with the PoC and statements?
  2. Hey hey!!! Good luck we are all behind you here! Some of us are in the same sort of situation, im trying to claim back over 5 grand from the last 4 years you can imagine how hard it was to get out of that bad place. But im here, im clear and im fighting for my money back! dont be disheartened by the banks gobbaldy goop if you get stuck ask a question and one of these amazing people will help you like they have helped me oh so much! Good luck! Fullick~
  3. Again the same problem, i click on the link and it takes me to the right page then the link in the page takes me to an invalid thread. Does it work for you?
  4. Bump, anyone know if its ok, my old one was 3 pages long that adds up to 1 half of a page
  5. yeah im adding that just not the intrest on the charges that were like 1.20 a month. On my old POC it had schedule 1 & 2 but thats not on the new one, is that ok? there seems to be alot less, but i suppose thats down to the high court case?
  6. Also I'm not claiming interest they have taken off me because i don't have a list of it, shall i erase that bit and make the other parts b) & c)?
  7. Do i add the particulars of claim on the N1 or print it out separately?
  8. Awesome, More aid in our fight against Wrongness!!!!!
  9. Sweet thanks Tilly!! Much Love!!!!
  10. Maybe Both? email it and send copies, better safe then sorry =D
  11. Tilly Seems absent (probably fighting gremlins)! I Better bump for her!!! Come back soon Tilly!!!!
  12. Hey Guys, sorry to be a nag but any idea about the new N1 because i'm ready to file in court and wanna get it done asap Thanks Peeps!
  13. Wow your in a real pickle !!!!! I wish i could help but i wish you the best of luck and we're all behind you!!! Im sure somone would be able to help =D!!
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