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  1. Nothing at all, sometimes pays my credit card instead of giving me the cash as maintenance, would that flag up?
  2. Hi all. Received a letter yesterday from tax credits, re investigating as they believe I am living with a partner, said person is father to my children, the youngest was conceived after we split up (let my guard down one night). We remain friends for the children sake. She was born last April. Couple of weeks ago I was searching quotes to get new car insurance, as I was on my fathers traders policy quotes were coming back high and he needs to use my car for when he takes the children out so he said to put him on as a named driver as He has 10no claims it might bring it down.... For winding, spoke to tax credits yesterday and they said something flagged up on the credit search system and the need me to supply a lot if statements for last year as well as bills etc and bills/insurance/statements for him at his address. I've not had anything like this before, do you think it was the insurance search?
  3. Unfortuantely not, my printer/scanner is at the printer shop being fixed. Sure it is genuine, and to be honest I would rather get it sorted it out now. Do you think I should write to Blair Oliver Scott, who Bank of Scotland said to, reitterating my first letter?
  4. Ok, long story cut short, took a loan out with AA several years ago. All fine until I had my baby and was left on my own with her and can not afford loan repayments. After a long while I did not receive CCA so made an official complaint. CCA finally recieved with reply to complaint from Bank of Scotland. In their letter it says: " I must advise that as your above agreement was transferred to Blair Oliver & Scott in May 2007 for future administration, that all payment arrangements must now be made with them direct. I would also stress that no hold shall be placed on your agreement and that Blair Oliver & Soctt are permitted to contact you regarding the balance othat is owed and that you will need to make payment arrangements to avoid further action from now being takebn. I would therefore suggest that you contact them to discuss suitable payment arrangements as a matter of urgency" This was sent on 22nd January. I wrote to Blair Oliver & scott as per their direction, enquirying as to whether they would write off the debt due to my current circumstances. I didn't for a secodn think they would accept that, but I thought they would have replied and asked for a final settlement. I might have been able to borrow some money off my Father to do this, but I have received nothing from them until this morning. Today I have received a 'Notice of legal proceedings' underneath - not a court document from Robinson Way & Co. Do I now communicate with Robinson instead, or go as per the reply to my complaint from Bank of Scotland - go back to Blair Oliver Scott? Any ideas?
  5. Thank you so much for your replies, so basically change bank accounts - but her mortgage will definitely be safe?
  6. My Mum is just starting with CCCS, she has more or less everything sorted. She has an overdraft with her bank, Abbey and is regularly in this overdraft. CCCS want her to open a new bank account and treat Abbey overdraft as a debt and have it paid off. This is fine, except her mortgage is with the Abbey and she doesn't want to annoy them by paying minimal payments to pay the overdraft. If she goes with a new bank and pays minimal payments to Abbey, are they likely to get her to sell her house or anything like that? Hope this makes sense!
  7. Hi, well after 8months, a complaint to Royal Bank Scotland (advise of trading standards) CCA has finally been produced and from what I can see, all is correct. Ok, so owe £7k from a loan originally with AA. All went pete tong when I had my baby in April 06 as single parent. Haven't paid a penny since account went into dispute in June 2007 (no CCA). I am writing to them today to offer them 10% of account in full & final settlement. Do I include a copy of income expenditure? They will see (quite clearly) that I have more going out than coming in. This is just on essentials. Also, do I include a note to say that my only other option is to go bankrupt (which I add, it is) and therefore they will receive no pennies from me?
  8. Thank you. she has four creditors, Skycard, Marks & Spencer, Halifax and Capitol One. Totalling £8000. Hope that helps!
  9. Ok, sat here with my Mum who is currently with Sterling Green on DMP. They haven't paid her creditors for 2months, she's now receiving court action letters from creditors. So I've just gone through CCCS with her, submitted all her financial information and got a reference number. She has to call them tomorrow to get some information sent in the post. She wants to stop Sterling Green and go through CCCS on DMP - is that possible? Should she stop paying Sterling Green (next payment due 7th February)? Will she get into trouble with them for stopping? Will she be able to get financial advise re DMP through CCCS on phone tomorrow? Thank you in advance!
  10. Account in dispute with Blair Oliver Scott - Robinson Way & Co have written demanding money, replied saying account in dispute please refer to BOS and not contact me. Letter this morning received from Robinson requesting full details of dispute and to enclose documents to back this up. Do I send thm the information I have, letters, recorded delivery notes etc etc?
  11. Thank you! Have done letters to both parties and shall be sent Recorded in the morning.
  12. My brain is absolutely done in, been running around afte hypo energetic toddler since 6.45 this morning and I really can't think properly! I am trying to report Blair Oliver Scott for not responding to CCA request in June 07. they have since sent 1 demand for mney and sent me to IQOR and now to Robinson Way & Co. So, I am carrying out my promise and reporting them, conatcted Trading Standards who sent me to Consumer Direct who sent me to Debtline who sent me back to Trading Standards who sent me back to Consumer direct. Consumer Direct have now said to complain to DCA, if no reply or unsatisfactory then go to FOS. Still with me!? See why my head is done in! I know what to say but my baby brain is still on and I can't think of any good wording that makes me sound as though I mean business! Basically I want a CCA or don't if you see what I mean!
  13. Many thanks, my local TS website sent me to consumer direct. So have emailed them. Many thanks
  14. Hi, account went into disupte with Blair Oliver Scott in June 2007. Since that date, account was sent to IQOR who I have on two occasions said I would report them if they or any other company other than Blair Oliver Scott made contact as account in dispute with them (they never replied to my CCA just sent me to another dca) Today, I receive a letter from Robinsway Way & Co, who incidentally were the first DCA to contact me re this debt then they passed me to another company. Anyway, I am now going to report Robinson and Blair Oliver Scott. How do I go about this?!
  15. OMG thank you soooooooooo much, that is exactly what I needed and you have made my day! Thank you.
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